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Really nice looking "Superman Returns" figures

Posted: 2006-03-17 03:19am
by Superman


Not bad!

Posted: 2006-03-17 06:57pm
by Batman
Well at least the blue looks right but the S is STILL way too small.
And no yellow S on the cape. Boo.

Posted: 2006-03-17 09:40pm
by Superman
Batman wrote:Well at least the blue looks right but the S is STILL way too small.
And no yellow S on the cape. Boo.
Can't argue there...

You know, the "S" was made smaller because there actually is some padding in Routh's suit, and he wouldn't be able to move well with a larger, solid "S." They leaked that little bit of info...

Posted: 2006-03-17 09:43pm
by Batman
Superman wrote: Can't argue there...
You know, the "S" was made smaller because there actually is some padding in Routh's suit, and he wouldn't be able to move well with a larger, solid "S." They leaked that little bit of info...
I know. We went over this in FAN a while ago. So why pray tell does the S HAVE to be solid?

Posted: 2006-03-17 09:47pm
by Stark
It's neat to see a Superman who isn't 2m tall and 1.2m wide. :)

Posted: 2006-03-17 09:51pm
by Batman
Somebody hasn't seen Superman 1-3.

Posted: 2006-03-17 09:53pm
by Stark
:roll: Someone hasn't seen every comic and cartoon Superman ever. You might notice my point was that a return to the older Superman-movie Superman is what I'm happy to see, after so long in the world of roid-pumped ogre Supermen. No mullet, either - big step.

Posted: 2006-03-17 10:00pm
by Batman
Stark wrote::roll: Someone hasn't seen every comic and cartoon Superman ever.
Oh really.
You might notice my point was that a return to the older Superman-movie Superman is what I'm happy to see,
That would have been a lot easier to see if you had actually mentioned it, you know.
No mullet, either - big step.
The mullet hasn't been around for a decade or so.

Posted: 2006-03-21 09:16pm
by Vympel
What's Superman doing in that pic?

Posted: 2006-03-21 09:41pm
by Elheru Aran
Vympel wrote:What's Superman doing in that pic?
Which one?

First one seems to be him catching a missile just before it hits the ground, with sparky bits falling off it. Second one would be Luthor using Kryptonite or whatever on him, I'm guessing, as the decor implies they're in the Fortress of Solitude.

Posted: 2006-03-22 12:57am
by Sriad
Batman wrote:
Stark wrote::roll: Someone hasn't seen every comic and cartoon Superman ever.
Oh really.
You're saying you HAVE seen every Superman comic and cartoon ever? :wink:

Posted: 2006-03-22 12:58am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Elheru Aran wrote:First one seems to be him catching a missile just before it hits the ground, with sparky bits falling off it.
Right above home plate of a baseball diamond, no less...

Posted: 2006-03-22 01:03am
by Elheru Aran
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:First one seems to be him catching a missile just before it hits the ground, with sparky bits falling off it.
Right above home plate of a baseball diamond, no less...
Well, to be technical I can't tell whether it's a missile or an airplane, could be either; Supes has done both...

And interestingly enough, judging from the wrinkles, the nose metal is deforming from the weight above it or from Superman's catching it. Doesn't normally happen... most of the time the object caught remains entirely intact due to his tactile-telekinesis field or whatever technobabble explanation it was.

Posted: 2006-03-22 06:53am
by kheegster
Elheru Aran wrote:
Well, to be technical I can't tell whether it's a missile or an airplane, could be either; Supes has done both...
It's a plane. You can see '777' written on the nose.

Posted: 2006-03-22 04:36pm
by Batman
Actually to me that looks like the nose of a blimp.

Posted: 2006-03-22 06:46pm
by kheegster
Batman wrote:Actually to me that looks like the nose of a blimp.
A very small blimp. :D

Posted: 2006-03-22 06:49pm
by Batman
kheegan wrote:
Batman wrote:Actually to me that looks like the nose of a blimp.
A very small blimp. :D
You're right, but if that's the nose of an airplane it's not going to be all that large, either. :P

Posted: 2006-03-22 07:45pm
by FSTargetDrone
I don't know, sectioned parts of vehicles always look strange in vignettes like the first picture, unless it's in a shadow box or something.

I had no idea it was the nose of an airliner until it was pointed out in the thread. Actually, I had no idea what it was supposed to be at all. I figured some kind of satellite or something.

Edit: Here's another example of what I mean. The T-34 in the vignette looks like it was cut apart with a blowtorch. Silly. Put it in a shadowbox and it's much better.