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Feedback on new banning picture

Posted: 2006-03-18 11:42pm
by Darth Wong
I like my standard Galvatron banning picture, but I don't like the fact that it's my only banning picture. It's nice to have some variety, especially when trolls seem to come in clusters. So here's my first attempt at a second banning picture:


What do you think?

Posted: 2006-03-18 11:45pm
by Isolder74
very good. I think its a keeper

Posted: 2006-03-18 11:56pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n

The only improvement I can think of would be to get a pic of a Clony or Stormy sighting in his weapon directly through the 'fourth wall' at the viewer. That would be a Spicy Meatball!

Posted: 2006-03-18 11:59pm
by wilfulton
That's classic! Of course I also liked the Terminator and Jesse Ventura with "Old Painless."

I might suggest the Sarlacc, with the caption "Put him in," or something, or even something about "being digested over a thousand years." Considering however that I just demonstrated greater ability with acronyms than captions, I'm sure you could come up with something more appropriate.

Posted: 2006-03-18 11:59pm
by Adrian Laguna
The picture is a good choice (though I'd have preffered Palps + Lightning or Vader + Force Choke), but I think the "Motherfucker" is too over the top. A bigger problem is that "Star Wars" and "real profanity" are two things that just don't seem to go together very well.

Posted: 2006-03-19 12:06am
by Qwerty 42
Adrian Laguna wrote:The picture is a good choice (though I'd have preffered Palps + Lightning or Vader + Force Choke), but I think the "Motherfucker" is too over the top. A bigger problem is that "Star Wars" and "real profanity" are two things that just don't seem to go together very well.
I'm in rather the same boat, I love the Clonetrooper picture, but I think just "It's Time for You to Leave" would be much more effective. Of course, it's your ban picture and thusly your perogative.

Posted: 2006-03-19 12:27am
by Maraxus
Its a quality photoshop, but i think that "Its time for you to leave" doesn't quite have the same "Get your ass out of my house" qualities necessary in a banning picture.

Incidently, why don't you use the old "OK, asshole. You asked for it!" picture? I rather liked that one.

Posted: 2006-03-19 12:34am
by Stark
I love the 'motherfucker'. The system I'm using now clipped it off the bottom of the screen, so I read 'it's time for you to leave' and thought 'heh', then scrolled down... and giggled like a schoolgirl. :)

Posted: 2006-03-19 12:39am
by Noble Ire
Stark wrote:I love the 'motherfucker'. The system I'm using now clipped it off the bottom of the screen, so I read 'it's time for you to leave' and thought 'heh', then scrolled down... and giggled like a schoolgirl. :)
That's exactly what I did as well, actually. Very nice in terms of 'woah' value. :)

Posted: 2006-03-19 12:41am
by DPDarkPrimus
Just something about the "Motherfucker" just seems... off, somehow.

Keeping it simply as: "I think it's time for you to leave." would be just fine, IMO.

Posted: 2006-03-19 12:56am
by Necromancer of Rath
I think the "Motherfucker" doesn't really fit a clonetrooper. I read that and think of Windu before a clone. Ditching the profanity or changing it has both have the potential to work, depending on what work/phrase you would change to. 'Asshole' or 'Jerk-off' seem like a better fit with a clone to me.

Posted: 2006-03-19 01:40am
by Oni Koneko Damien
I have to jump in the drop-the-motherfucker boat. It just doesn't seem to 'fit' the clone-trooper. Perhaps a shot of a stormtrooper, keep the 'It's time for you to leave' and add '...rebel scum.' on the bottom.

...just my thoughts.

Posted: 2006-03-19 01:48am
by Adrian Laguna
Oni Koneko Damien wrote:I have to jump in the drop-the-motherfucker boat. It just doesn't seem to 'fit' the clone-trooper. Perhaps a shot of a stormtrooper, keep the 'It's time for you to leave' and add '...rebel scum.' on the bottom.

...just my thoughts.
Your idea would have an interesting side-effect. The stupid pre-teens that whine about people being banned for having different opinions will swiftly jump on the phrase "rebel scum" being used in a ban picture as "proof" of their delusional claims.

Might be funny, actually. :twisted:

Posted: 2006-03-19 02:00am
by Neko_Oni
Yeah, swearing+Star Wars doesn't seem to sit right. "It's time for you to leave" is short and sweet though. Also gives the impression that you're totally calm about banning the 'tard in question.

Posted: 2006-03-19 03:24am
by darthdavid
Adrian Laguna wrote:
Oni Koneko Damien wrote:I have to jump in the drop-the-motherfucker boat. It just doesn't seem to 'fit' the clone-trooper. Perhaps a shot of a stormtrooper, keep the 'It's time for you to leave' and add '...rebel scum.' on the bottom.

...just my thoughts.
Your idea would have an interesting side-effect. The stupid pre-teens that whine about people being banned for having different opinions will swiftly jump on the phrase "rebel scum" being used in a ban picture as "proof" of their delusional claims.

Might be funny, actually. :twisted:
I hereby endorse this idea.

Posted: 2006-03-19 03:34am
by Fire Fly
Might I humbly suggest that if you are going to use a clonetrooper picture, the text should read "Wipe them out [all of them]" or "Do what must be done. Do not hesitate, show no mercy" for better synchronization of text and image.

Posted: 2006-03-19 04:31am
by Lord Poe
Keep the motherfucker.

Posted: 2006-03-19 05:10am
by Darth Wong
I'll wait and see what more people say about the "Motherfucker" text.

However, here's a question for the people who are suggesting that I change the "It's time for you to leave" text to something else: have you actually watched that scene in ROTS?

Posted: 2006-03-19 05:18am
by Imperial Overlord
Darth Wong wrote:I'll wait and see what more people say about the "Motherfucker" text.

However, here's a question for the people who are suggesting that I change the "It's time for you to leave" text to something else: have you actually watched that scene in ROTS?
I'm divided on the "motherfucker", but the "It's time for you to leave" is definitely a keeper.

Posted: 2006-03-19 05:24am
by Mange
I like it (but perhaps the "motherfucker" bit is a little too much).

Posted: 2006-03-19 05:28am
by Stark
I think 'motherfucker' makes it an SDN Clone Trooper. Certainly, if you're asked to leave, there will be motherfuckering all over the show. :D

Posted: 2006-03-19 06:33am
by Netko
One more vote for the "without motherfucker" option. Plus, I think it should be shrunk slightly. As it is, it dominates the post too much, I think.

Posted: 2006-03-19 07:17am
by Rye
I'll weigh in in the pro-motherfucker side; it's more in keeping with the spirit of this place. Not sure about the background texture on the text, though. Perhaps some sort of lava texture would be better.

Posted: 2006-03-19 08:55am
by Macunaima
I like it, nice art. "Motherfucker" is somewhat strong, true enough, but as the text is separated in two areas, this works as a "dramatic pause" between the neutral tone of "it's time for you to leave" and the impact of the "motherfucker", gives a nice contrast. If it's to be replaced for some other word no so strong, this contrast would be lost, and then perhaps would be better to put it all in the same area of text. But as it is right now, it works great.

Posted: 2006-03-19 09:01am
by Singular Quartet
Keep it, motherfucker. As it is, it's awesome. And don't resize it, it's a "You're banned, dipshit" picture. It's supposed to dominate a page.