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Genetic Freak!

Posted: 2006-03-23 12:58pm
by theski


Unreal :shock:

Posted: 2006-03-23 01:04pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
This guy was on TLC last night, wasn't he? Concerning the fact that his bicepts eventually burst or tore his skin or somehting...

Posted: 2006-03-23 01:12pm
by Shroom Man 777
Oh fuck! That's whacked out. Would've been cool though if his muscles really expanded and, like, went Akira...

Posted: 2006-03-23 01:30pm
by theski
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:This guy was on TLC last night, wasn't he? Concerning the fact that his bicepts eventually burst or tore his skin or somehting...
Yea.. thats were I saw him as well.. He got a infection in his right bicep and tried to self drain it.. :roll:

Posted: 2006-03-23 01:34pm
by kheegster
Somehow I don't find it as disturbing as the body-building 6 year old kid.

Posted: 2006-03-23 01:45pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
kheegan wrote:Somehow I don't find it as disturbing as the body-building 6 year old kid.
Oh I saw the spots for that. Positively disgusting...

Posted: 2006-03-23 02:03pm
by Deathstalker
What's the reason he is in cuffs?

Posted: 2006-03-23 02:05pm
by theski
Deathstalker wrote:What's the reason he is in cuffs?

$75,000 worth of Roids in his home... :shock:

and dealing them out of his gym in NY

Posted: 2006-03-23 02:14pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Oh, theski, last time I checked, training and steroid use wasn't related to genetics. :P

Posted: 2006-03-23 02:15pm
by theski
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Oh, theski, last time I checked, training and steroid use wasn't related to genetics. :P
ahhhh but Spank, you do need to have a genetic freakishness to get that far out on the scale compared to most or almost all Bodybuilders..

Posted: 2006-03-23 02:17pm
by Azazal
theski wrote:
Deathstalker wrote:What's the reason he is in cuffs?

$75,000 worth of Roids in his home... :shock:

and dealing them out of his gym in NY
Roids?? I'm shocked :wink:

Posted: 2006-03-23 02:17pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
If I recall from the programme before changing the channel, it was because he's only 5'5" and had a Napoleon complex.

Posted: 2006-03-23 03:22pm
by NeoGoomba
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:This guy was on TLC last night, wasn't he? Concerning the fact that his bicepts eventually burst or tore his skin or somehting...
That is truly something disgusting to behold. I saw a man rip his quads THROUGH ATHLETIC TAPE when squatting some ungodly amount of weight a few years back. It's like watching a plastic bag filled with jelly rip open.

Edit: he ripped the skin over one of his quads, not both

Posted: 2006-03-23 06:13pm
by Sonnenburg
Deathstalker wrote:What's the reason he is in cuffs?
The law requires that if you make a muscle that large, a cartoon of a dynamo or a battleship firing guns or something like that has to appear superimposed on the bicep.

Actually, when I think about what steroids do to your testicles, I think maybe it explains why Popeye talks the way he does. "Eeyil, somethin's happened to me balls, a-ga-ga-ga-gah!"

Posted: 2006-03-23 06:19pm
by Korvan
I remember reading about him (or at least someone like him) a while back. Apparently, he injects his biceps with a custom mixture of oil and steroids. The oil is just to create a sort've permanent "pump" to the muscle.

Posted: 2006-03-23 06:28pm
by The Silence and I
I want to know how he shaves. Really, his arms are so huge I doubt he can touch his chin, but he clearly shaves. Maybe he's married :?

And if he does inject his arms with oil, which seems plausible, can he really lift all that much? The tension in his muscles while trying to lift something really heavy will try to compress the oil pockets inside his arms, and well, it will want to go somewhere...

Still I imagine he can exert a decently huge force, just perhaps not to his theoretical limits without, uh, popping his arms :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-03-24 02:34am
by Shroom Man 777
Which is...what happened. Gah, this is messed up... :x

Posted: 2006-03-25 07:05am
by The Yosemite Bear
mind you I have a co-worker who has the gentic disorder where the body doesn't store fat at all.
(litterially they just shit/piss it out)
In short he has see through muscle and joint definition.

Posted: 2006-03-25 06:41pm
by Tsyroc
Korvan wrote:I remember reading about him (or at least someone like him) a while back. Apparently, he injects his biceps with a custom mixture of oil and steroids. The oil is just to create a sort've permanent "pump" to the muscle.
I was thinking this was the same guy too when I saw the picture.

From what I remember about the previous article the oil guy wasn't nearly as strong as a lot of people with much smaller biceps.

Considering the lack of proportional definition on the guys forarms I'm not sure he really lifts all that much anyway. Probably went with the easy fix of just injecting more oil and steroids.

Posted: 2006-03-26 12:03am
by 18-Till-I-Die
Ok... :roll:

1--What is this idiot's deal? Does he think that looks manly? Does he think his steroid shrunken nuts look manly? I feel sorry for his girlfriend, assuming he HAS one, cause she wouldnt know what to do with a, you know, guy with a functional pair of stones.

2--What is teh name of this hideously mis-shapen fellow?

Posted: 2006-03-30 06:18am
by Broomstick
theski wrote:you do need to have a genetic freakishness to get that far out on the scale compared to most or almost all Bodybuilders..
He's not a geneitc freak - he's an example of what overdosing on steroids combined with weight training can do.

In part, he looks so freakish because he concentrated on his biceps so much more than anything else. But he also injected HUGE amounts, and injected them directly into his biceps, producing a localized effect most other people don't aim for.
Spanky the Dolphin wrote:Concerning the fact that his bicepts eventually burst or tore his skin or somehting...
He got an intra-muscular abcess - a really bad infection - from injecting steroids with a dirty, used needle. When his attempts to drain the blood and pus were ineffective, he required surgical intervention. In other words, a doctor went in with a knife, opened up his arm down to the infection, and scraped/hosed/cleaned out the nasty crap. This is just as unpleasent as it sounds.
Korvan wrote:I remember reading about him (or at least someone like him) a while back. Apparently, he injects his biceps with a custom mixture of oil and steroids. The oil is just to create a sort've permanent "pump" to the muscle.
I think it's more a matter of some of the steroids being oily in nature, rather than using oil as a bulking agent.
The Silence and I wrote:I want to know how he shaves. Really, his arms are so huge I doubt he can touch his chin, but he clearly shaves. Maybe he's married."
His wife divorced him. Seems after he started working out and dealing drugs he started acquiring girlfriends who also cruised the fast-lane of life. His post-wife girlfriend died of a drug overdose, despite his attempts to save her.

Actually, his life the past several years has largely sucked. He's pretty much lost everything due to legal problems.

He does get a lot of attention from a sort of woman who is attracted to that sort of freakishness. The attention he gets from his freak aspect is something he desires.
The Yosemite Bear wrote:mind you I have a co-worker who has the gentic disorder where the body doesn't store fat at all. (litterially they just shit/piss it out)
There are actually several such disorders, lumped under the term "lipodystrophy" if you need a word for a Google search.
18-Till-I-Die wrote:1--What is this idiot's deal? Does he think that looks manly?
He has "bigorexia" - he's convinced he's scrawny and his body inadequate. Yes, it's a mental problem. On the TLC program he was going at length about how much his arms had shrunk, how asymmetrical they were since the surgery for that infection, and so on. Has much the same tone as an anorexic bitching about her flat ass looks fat.
Does he think his steroid shrunken nuts look manly?
I don't think these guys judge "manly" by the physical size of their testicles. There are people who do so, and their pictures are available on BMEzine, but the big-ball guys don't seem to spend much time in the gym.
I feel sorry for his girlfriend, assuming he HAS one
She's dead, as I mentioned. His ex-wife is still alive, but I have no idea what she's up to. Quite likely, she prefers not be in the public eye and has moved on with her life.
What is teh name of this hideously mis-shapen fellow?
Gregg Valentino

Here's his website:

You can see the assymmetry he bitches about between his left and right bicep pretty clearly in the central image of him on the opening page.

Posted: 2006-03-30 08:32am
by theski
Broomstick wrote:
He's not a geneitc freak - he's an example of what overdosing on steroids combined with weight training can do.

In part, he looks so freakish because he concentrated on his biceps so much more than anything else. But he also injected HUGE amounts, and injected them directly into his biceps, producing a localized effect most other people don't aim for

I will disagree on the freak part.. We each have body parts that respond better and grow faster to Training.. His are Biceps.. and couple that with the roids.. you get freak