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Holy shit - anyone listening to WNED catch that piece name?

Posted: 2006-03-26 11:20am
by Sharpshooter
My alarm just woke me up (Set to 10:55 GMT -5 - western New York State territory, Kuja's around here at the least, I think), I had it set to 94.5 WNED and there was but the most wonderful piece of music I had ever heard streaming from my stereo. It was this awesome, powerful being of string and chorus and power churning throughout, and the best way I can even begin to think of describing it is to think of that one orchastral track from Big O (You know - DAH!!! DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH!!! DAH!!! DAH!!! DAH!!! DAH!!!) amped up with about the addition of a chorus ten times as strong as the strings.

Unfortunetily, I absolutly suck when it comes to interpriting and recording names, and it doesn't help that the program manager sped through the name rather quickly. So does anybody who was listening just now know this piece I'm talking about, or anybody with a good chunk of knowledge on composer/conductor names know of a piece or conductor name vaguely along the lines of "Slovot Motono" by "Rocanear"?

Posted: 2006-03-26 02:18pm
by The Silence and I
So this was 10:55 AM Western New York time, on 94.5 WNED FM this Sunday?

That would put the song at the very end of "Classical Music (with Steve Levinthal)" which runs from 7:00 am to 11:00 am. The next program would have been "St. Paul Sunday (with Bill McGlaughlin)" if I'm not confused.

If that is right, then this song is probably the last song before St. Paul Sunday started?

Anyway, if that's all right then there is still a problem. I've been looking through the web and I can't find a program listing for the Steve guy. I'll keep looking, but I suggest a phone call might work faster.

EDIT: I got nothing, sorry. I don't suppose you remember any of the chorus lyrics? Also, alternate phonetic spellings might help, but I would just try emailing or phoning them. They are working on making a playlist of their classical music, so maybe when that is up you can find it that way, but currently they only have about 50 songs and not one is similar to your description.

Posted: 2006-03-26 03:24pm
by Sharpshooter
The Silence and I wrote:So this was 10:55 AM Western New York time, on 94.5 WNED FM this Sunday?
Yeah, that's it.
That would put the song at the very end of "Classical Music (with Steve Levinthal)" which runs from 7:00 am to 11:00 am. The next program would have been "St. Paul Sunday (with Bill McGlaughlin)" if I'm not confused.
If that is right, then this song is probably the last song before St. Paul Sunday started?
That's the case, yes.
Anyway, if that's all right then there is still a problem. I've been looking through the web and I can't find a program listing for the Steve guy. I'll keep looking, but I suggest a phone call might work faster.
Thanks - I'll see if I can shoot a e-mail off to someone, but I don't know if they have anything for this sort of thing, and I don't think they'd be none too pleased to get a call from some idiot who screwed up the name of a composition and wants it again.
EDIT: I got nothing, sorry. I don't suppose you remember any of the chorus lyrics?
Unfortunetily, it's "blank" chorus, no lyrics or anything of that nature. Thanks for looking, though.