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40K Drawings; Terminator added

Posted: 2006-03-28 07:55pm
by Elheru Aran
Ah. Um. Well, here we go...


My conception of the power claw that the Immortal God Emperor of Humanity wears. Most other depictions-- like this
have them as being more talon-like, but I was doodling in Design class the other day and had a brainwave, resulting in these...


Self-explanatory. Colors are shite, I need a more extensive range in my color pencils...


The eyes are all wrong... *grumble*

But anyway! Thanks for input, this thread might get periodic updates if I get enough encouragement...

Posted: 2006-03-28 08:39pm
by Balrog
Claws looked cool, very deadly

Sanguinin, meh. His torso looks like it's facing out while his, um, leg is pointing off to the side. Lose the skirt.

Tau looks cross-eyed :D

Posted: 2006-03-28 08:43pm
by Elheru Aran
Balrog wrote: Sanguinin, meh. His torso looks like it's facing out while his, um, leg is pointing off to the side. Lose the skirt.
Was basing it somewhat on this...


But yeah. It's a bit much I guess... though as it was just a quick sketch I did in Draw II, I was being lazy and trying to get out of doing his lower half :P
Tau looks cross-eyed :D
Hence my griping about the eyes... but yeah. I need to work on that. :?

Thanks for your comments though! :D Anybody else?

Posted: 2006-03-28 10:06pm
by Lindar
he's crosseyed but that's cute lol. and i like the c=glove..

t it be uncomfortable though?

Posted: 2006-03-28 10:22pm
by Elheru Aran
Lindar wrote:he's crosseyed but that's cute lol. and i like the c=glove..

t it be uncomfortable though?
Nah, look at the side view. The fingers actually go under the claw's digits; they only go about as far as the middle of the second knuckles.

Posted: 2006-03-28 10:35pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
"Uncomfortable" covers so much ground in WH40K... ;)

Posted: 2006-03-28 11:33pm
by Utsanomiko
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:"Uncomfortable" covers so much ground in WH40K... ;)
Being the Master of the Administratum or the Fabricator-General of Mars must be very uncomfortable. I think one is better avoiding Adeptus Mechanicus technology whenever possible.


Posted: 2006-03-29 01:12am
by Ford Prefect
I love the lightning claw; it looks like it would hurt to have stuck into you.

Posted: 2006-03-29 01:20am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ford Prefect wrote:I love the lightning claw; it looks like it would hurt to have stuck into you.
The ecstasy of pain bonds you closer to the Emperor!!

Posted: 2006-03-29 02:09am
by Utsanomiko
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:I love the lightning claw; it looks like it would hurt to have stuck into you.
The ecstasy of pain bonds you closer to the Emperor!!
Pain is the sickness of the mind; pleasure is a lure of Chaos.

It is a nicely-drawn claw, though. Now how to replicate in epoxy putty and plasticard...

Posted: 2006-03-29 09:50am
by Elheru Aran
Utsanomiko wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:I love the lightning claw; it looks like it would hurt to have stuck into you.
The ecstasy of pain bonds you closer to the Emperor!!
Pain is the sickness of the mind; pleasure is a lure of Chaos.

It is a nicely-drawn claw, though. Now how to replicate in epoxy putty and plasticard...
You're welcome to try, as long as we get to see the end result... :wink:

And I think it'd be easier to do on a 54mm Inquisitor-scale figure. Size issues and all...

Posted: 2006-03-29 06:42pm
by Elheru Aran
Did a palm-up version, with the claw folded into a fist. Rax asked in the chat the other day how that worked-- would the claws puncture the hand and all that-- and the answer is they actually fit into a rack, of sorts, which loops across the base of the fingers. The thumb doesn't fit, obviously; and normally it'd be sticking out when punched with, but if I'd drawn it right it wouldn't have fit the page... :wink:

Anyway! Enjoy...


Oh, and yes, there is a power conduit running into the base of the thumb. It joins into the other 'fingers' though, to provide power.

Posted: 2006-03-29 09:04pm
by Lindar
uhm... but punching with thumb extended= broken thumb!!

Posted: 2006-03-29 09:10pm
by Elheru Aran
Lindar wrote:uhm... but punching with thumb extended= broken thumb!!
A.) It's reinforced; being a gauntlet's powered descendant tends to help there, ya know? :P

B.) It's primarily used to cut through armour and flesh; when it's used to hit shit, it's a backhand most of the time rather than a punch, especially as in the Emperor's terminator armour it's harder to draw the arms back effectively for such a blow.

C.) The thumb claw has a more direct feed to the power supply; power can be turned up for a more powerful cut. In such a case, it's more expedient to bundle up the other fingers to make slashing easier.

Posted: 2006-03-29 11:32pm
by Ford Prefect
It's still damn classy; I could see it used by the God Emperor Penguin as well. :D

Posted: 2006-03-30 03:01pm
by Elheru Aran
Chaos Marine. Any questions? :P


I know the shoulder plates aren't done... oh well.

Posted: 2006-03-30 05:08pm
by Lindar
*bap* we need to get you crayons

Posted: 2006-03-30 05:19pm
by Batman
What have crayons got to do with anything? Or BAP, for that matter?
Out of curiosity, Elheru, what WAS that done in? From the texture it actually COULD be crayon depending on the surface drawn on.
And aren't the shoulder plates mostly outside the picture anyway?

Posted: 2006-03-30 05:20pm
by haas mark
Critique, yay.

The first one, of the hand. Looks pretty damned good, actually. The wrist, though, seems to be a little ... off? It's kind of twisted off to the side, it seems. Also, the fingers are disproportionate to the hand's size, way too small.

The second - Looks good, actually, even with the lack of definition. Though, I'd suggest not deepening the outer line to the wings so much; they're feathered, they shouldn't be so heavily outlined. The body also looks kinda scrunched up.

That blue thing - The topknot looks okay, but not, at the same time. Don't really know how to describe it. Also, the mouth is too heavily defined. The consistence in outline is not there, but otherwise looks good.

The fourth - Again with the wrist. Also, if you're making a fist with it, there should be some point of reference as to where the rest of the fingers went. Generally, there will be a side view of at least *part* of the fingers. To see what I mean, make a fist and look at it.

The last - Just kinda makes me go O.o really...

Posted: 2006-03-30 05:29pm
by Elheru Aran
Batman wrote:What have crayons got to do with anything? Or BAP, for that matter?
It's a Lindar thing, that's all. :P
Out of curiosity, Elheru, what WAS that done in? From the texture it actually COULD be crayon depending on the surface drawn on.
And aren't the shoulder plates mostly outside the picture anyway?
Colour pencil. I need more different colours, though... the texture is fucked up from all the resizing I had to do too.
haas mark wrote:Critique, yay.

The first one, of the hand. Looks pretty damned good, actually. The wrist, though, seems to be a little ... off? It's kind of twisted off to the side, it seems. Also, the fingers are disproportionate to the hand's size, way too small.
It's a power-fist or lightning claw (I'm still not quite sure what that is on the Emperor's left gauntlet, but I'm calling it a power claw as a compromise as it's definitely not a lightning claw IIRC). The actual hand is more in the region of the back of the 'hand' there; the whole thing is much larger than a hand. And as to why it hangs odd-- that's just how it came out. The 'arm' above the edge of the paper ain't hanging straight down though... try it yourself, just let your arm hang at your side with hand facing inwards. It'll hang with your forearm bent slightly forwards and fingers pointing downwards to floor. That's how it's drawn...
The second - Looks good, actually, even with the lack of definition. Though, I'd suggest not deepening the outer line to the wings so much; they're feathered, they shouldn't be so heavily outlined. The body also looks kinda scrunched up.
Er, yeah. Blame that on it being a quick sketch in class. Was exploring options for a larger work.
That blue thing - The topknot looks okay, but not, at the same time. Don't really know how to describe it. Also, the mouth is too heavily defined. The consistence in outline is not there, but otherwise looks good.
That would be a Tau. And the topknot's kinda fucked up, I know. Again, it's just a sketch, if a bit more developed.
The fourth - Again with the wrist. Also, if you're making a fist with it, there should be some point of reference as to where the rest of the fingers went. Generally, there will be a side view of at least *part* of the fingers. To see what I mean, make a fist and look at it.
The claw portion is too long and sharp to fold in like normal fingertips do. It's mostly mechanical as well, plus flatter than a normal hand, sooo...
The last - Just kinda makes me go O.o really...
Hm, care to elaborate?

Posted: 2006-04-01 11:46pm
by Elheru Aran
Drew an Ultramarines Terminator today.



Posted: 2006-04-02 12:00am
by Duckie
The Legs look a little small.

The top, where the weird half-helmet thing is doesn't look... three-dimensional... enough.

The left arm (my left, his right) looks strange... what is it supposed to be? Where is the hand?

EDIT- Oh, okay. It's a stormbolter and the "ribbing" at the elbow is actually his hand closer to the camera. That makes sense.

It looks a little strange still, the hand seems too small.

Otherwise it looks amazing. Well, amazing as a Smurf can be. The little "ULTRA" is a good touch- do real Termies have those typically? I can't say truthfully that I stare at Space Marine crotches that often.

Posted: 2006-04-02 12:01am
by Balrog
Too top-heavy, I agree on making the legs thicker and giving some dimension to the head

Posted: 2006-04-02 12:02am
by Elheru Aran
MRDOD wrote:The Legs look a little small.
Already got that on another board. Blame it on my inexperience, I suppose.
The top, where the weird half-helmet thing is doesn't look... three-dimensional... enough.
Terminator armour is funky like that.
The left arm (my left, his right) looks strange... what is it supposed to be? Where is the hand?
Look at top of the melta nozzles. It's directly facing you. Look for knuckles.

Posted: 2006-04-02 12:03am
by Elheru Aran
Hmm, I suppose I'll bring the head forward a little more next time...