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Tink's Mass. Adventure! (56k Hostile)

Posted: 2006-03-29 11:52pm
by Tinkerbell
My dad, my sister, and I went up to Massachusettes (sp?) this past weekend, and I took a bunch of pictures. We stayed in Salem for one night, and went over to Concord for the next two. Walden Pond is normally gorgeous, but it was cloudy as all hell so I couldn't get a proper picture of it.

All clickable thumbnails.

The first one is me with my sister behind me. There is not one picture of me from this trip where my camera is not in my face. I felt dorky when I saw that.


EDIT: Photobucket didn't like a lot of them and shrunk them even though they were small enough to begin with. This pisses me off, but I don't feel like fixing it now.

Posted: 2006-03-30 12:22pm
by Rogue 9
Massachusetts. :wink:

Posted: 2006-03-30 12:23pm
by NeoGoomba
Ahh the clear blue skies and pleasant weather of Massachusettes. I've been to Cape Cod about 10 times, and I think out of all of that, I saw the sun TWICE.

Did you go to the Salem Witch Museum? They give out nifty keychains :P

Posted: 2006-03-30 04:16pm
by Zed Snardbody
Its all green.....and wet...... :shock:

::hugs his cactus::

Posted: 2006-03-31 07:55am
by Master of Cards
Zed Snardbody wrote:Its all green.....and wet...... :shock:

::hugs his cactus::
:hands Zed some pliers: good luck with the needles

Posted: 2006-03-31 08:52am
by theski
NeoGoomba wrote:Ahh the clear blue skies and pleasant weather of Massachusettes. I've been to Cape Cod about 10 times, and I think out of all of that, I saw the sun TWICE.

Did you go to the Salem Witch Museum? They give out nifty keychains :P
I used go to salem every Holloween.. What a trip.. the whole town is dressed up.. :D

Posted: 2006-03-31 09:49am
by Col. Crackpot
Walden Pond is best in October. Pretty orange and red leaves and whatnot...

Posted: 2006-03-31 11:06am
by Gil Hamilton
Master of Cards wrote:
Zed Snardbody wrote:Its all green.....and wet...... :shock:

::hugs his cactus::
:hands Zed some pliers: good luck with the needles
I think "hug[ging] his cactus" is a metaphor for something else. :)

Re: Tink's Mass. Adventure! (56k Hostile)

Posted: 2006-03-31 12:55pm
by Oberleutnant
Tinkerbell wrote:EDIT: Photobucket didn't like a lot of them and shrunk them even though they were small enough to begin with. This pisses me off, but I don't feel like fixing it now.

Far better alternative to Photobucket. None of those ridiculous size limits, even though you there's no "gallery feature" and you need to register in order to manage your photos

Posted: 2006-03-31 01:21pm
by Chardok
You know, I have to say that when I saw this thread title with the combination of the words"Massachusetts" and "Adventure" I immediately thought of Wayne's World.

Or imagine being Magically whisked away to....Delaware!

Hi.....I'm in....Delaware...
