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Your Chevy commercial

Posted: 2006-04-03 02:32pm
by Durandal
Okay, Chevy has this brilliant idea to let anyone make a commercial for the new Tahoe. Since there are no screenings on the submissions, I decided to whip one up really fast. You can get to the main page at ChevyApprentice.

Let's see what you can come up with, fellow SD.Netters.

Posted: 2006-04-03 02:51pm
by Mrs Kendall
I was real interested in viewing this commercial you have made but unfortunatly your links don't work.

Posted: 2006-04-03 03:27pm
by Bounty
They work fine here. Maybe you're having a problme with your Flash player ?

Posted: 2006-04-03 03:45pm
by Mrs Kendall
Yeah maybe it is me, cause a few other sites won't work for me over here :(

Sorry, I'll try again later.

Posted: 2006-04-03 03:53pm
by Bounty
If you can get to the site but there's nothing there, chances are it's a Flash problem.

If you're getting a "site not found" error, or something like it, there's something else going on.

And to stay a bit on-topic : Angry attack ads roll in (video auto-plays, bewarned)

Posted: 2006-04-03 03:55pm
by Mrs Kendall
I'm getting a site not found error, in Forefox and Explorer

Posted: 2006-04-03 04:23pm
by Bounty
You can always try posting the problem in G&C...

Posted: 2006-04-03 06:33pm
by Mrs Kendall
Naw it's loading for me now ;) Thanks though.

Posted: 2006-04-03 06:46pm
by Durandal
Dammit, it's not loading for me right now either.