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Pics of my dog

Posted: 2006-04-19 08:20am
by Dooey Jo
I found some pictures of my dog on the computer and now I'm using them to test my new shiny website. Enjoy!

This is when she was only a little kid. Maybe a year or so old. Ain't she the cutest :lol:

Here she is some time later, perhaps a few years (I really don't know when some of these pictures are taken).

This is when she was young and dangerous (no really, she could be pretty wild sometimes).

And here she is, even older. Probably taken before 2002. As you see, her beard is coming along quite well :wink:

And here she during her moment of death... No, I'm just kidding, she is actually yawning, but I thought it was a hilarious photo :)

This is the last picture we have of her, I think. Behold the full extent of her glorious white beard :lol: It was taken during the summer and she always lost a lot of hair during the summers. You can see that on her back leg there. Too bad we didn't take any pictures of her during the winter. She looked much better then...

Oh well. There you have it. My dog 8)
Now let's see if I can find any pictures of her when she was really small (I was there when she was born, you know).

Posted: 2006-04-19 08:36am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Yup, that's a dog alright. ;)

Nah, really, looks like a good dog.

Posted: 2006-04-19 05:51pm
by Utsanomiko
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Yup, that's a dog alright.
Yaay! You're so smart! *Gold sticker*

It's definitely an adorable dog. We had the cutest and friendliest German Shepherd when I was a kid.

Posted: 2006-04-19 05:52pm
by Wicked Pilot
Now that's a man's dog.

Posted: 2006-04-19 06:36pm
by Glocksman
Beautiful dog. :)
People that don't like dogs are some kind of Communist. :P

Posted: 2006-04-19 06:41pm
by Lord Zentei
Glocksman wrote:People that don't like dogs are some kind of Communist. :P
Hey, Communists may be bad, but let's not get carried away, here. :P

Posted: 2006-04-19 07:14pm
by Gil Hamilton
She looks like a real sweetheart. :)

Posted: 2006-04-21 02:25am
by The Yosemite Bear
got that black lab mojo going.