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The all new Dreadnaught Galactica

Posted: 2006-04-30 09:00pm
by Crossroads Inc.
What happens when you try and come up with a more 'Modern' version of
the Old Republic Dreadnaught after watching some BSG? Well... I'd say this!


EDIT: for those that don't know, I basically did a variation of this EU Starship:


Posted: 2006-05-01 03:53am
by DesertFly
Yes, but why? Why does it have nacelles now? I'd think that adding unneccessary sticking out bits would be a bad idea, it would increase the surface area and make for more areas the shields have to protect. That design can work on the Galactica with its lack of any sort of active defenses, but shields make it a different story.

Posted: 2006-05-01 04:37am
by Crossroads Inc.
Well, my idea was original that the added parts would have completly
seperate power generators and shield generators abored. Bascially as if
it was a self contained starship added to the primaray Hull. I figured this
way there would be no power drain on the original systems by adding so
many extra weapons to it. Of course the real reason I added them?

Meh, I thought they looked cool ;)

Posted: 2006-05-01 05:17am
by evangelion1
if you ask me the bits on the sides should be just a tiny bit longer and maybe just maybe a bit wider but then again thats just my opinion on the matter

Posted: 2006-05-01 10:08am
by Acidburns

When I look at it, it seems more like it's two seperate ships docking with a larger one. Maybe i'm just crazy.

Posted: 2006-05-03 12:57pm
by Crossroads Inc.
All new layout, Now in COLOR!!! :D
Updated Dreadnaughts stats
10 Double Class 7 Turbolaser Batteries
15 Double Class 2 Turbolaser Cannons
10 Double Class 4 Laser Cannons

And just for the traditionals out there, I give you also the original version!
Original Weapon Stats
5 Double Class 7 Turbolaser Batteries
5 Double Class 2 Turbolaser Cannons
10 Double Class 4 Laser Cannons

Posted: 2006-05-03 05:03pm
by Acidburns

How long does it take to do these? What program do you use?

Posted: 2006-05-03 07:29pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Doesn't take very long at all. I use adobe Illustrator to basically draw a line copy of a pic of a Dreadnaught from a Computer game that has a good model of them.

Whats nice is once done, I can change shape, color, anything I want pretty quickly.