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It's a girl! Again!

Posted: 2006-05-06 02:52pm
by SCRawl
I'm happy to announce the birth of my second daughter, Elizabeth Solanges (my wife's mother's name). She weighed in at 10 pounds, 10 ounces, and we didn't have time to get Mommy an epidural. Anyways, here she is, and here we are.

Everyone's doing okay, though I have to say that we're rather tired. I hope to have them both home tomorrow.

Posted: 2006-05-06 02:53pm
by Acidburns
Amazing, I hope your wife and baby are well.

Best wishes

Posted: 2006-05-06 03:03pm
by Aaron
Congrats! Did you get to cut the cord?

Posted: 2006-05-06 03:03pm
by Ace Pace
Congrats! :D

Posted: 2006-05-06 03:37pm
by SCRawl
Cpl Kendall wrote:Congrats! Did you get to cut the cord?
I did, and thanks!

Posted: 2006-05-06 04:18pm
by Vanas
Congratulations :D

Posted: 2006-05-06 04:51pm
by Surlethe

Posted: 2006-05-06 04:54pm
by Rye
SCRawl wrote:
Cpl Kendall wrote:Congrats! Did you get to cut the cord?
I did, and thanks!
Did you cut it with your teeth and eat the placenta? :D Congratulations, my sister in law just had another girl, too, also called Elizabeth, though not called Solanges.

Congratulations also go to the people that didn't spell it "congradulations,"well done, all of you.

Posted: 2006-05-06 05:04pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Congratulations! :)

Posted: 2006-05-06 05:07pm
by Mrs Kendall
Aww, she's so cute :) Congratulatons man!! Your poor wife having to go through that without an epidural, she looks awfully happy in that pic though ;)

Posted: 2006-05-06 05:37pm
by Zero
Congratulations! Cute kid... hope your wife's okay.

Posted: 2006-05-06 08:07pm
by FSTargetDrone
Well done, and kudos to your wife and women throughout the world in general for enduring unreasonable amounts of pain for the sake of the children. :)

Posted: 2006-05-06 08:40pm
by Zadius
Best wishes to you and your family. :)

Posted: 2006-05-06 09:32pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Congratulations! Let's break out the champagne!

Posted: 2006-05-06 09:52pm
by Tinkerbell
If they didn't have time to give her one at least that means she wasn't laying there in pain for 20 hours :D

Congrats, she's gorgeous! Well, both of them are :D

Posted: 2006-05-06 10:15pm
by Gil Hamilton

Posted: 2006-05-06 11:59pm
by Pick

Posted: 2006-05-07 05:05am
by Erik von Nein
Awwww! Too cute! Congratulations!

My girlfriend just gave birth on Monday. She's still in the hospital, though, since Kaylee (her daughter) was a month premature. But they're both doing wonderfully now. Heh. May Day baby. She's going to be one of the leaders of the proletariat, I just know it.

Posted: 2006-05-07 06:32am
by weemadando
Nice work...

Posted: 2006-05-07 09:00am
by Col. Crackpot
congrats man! thats awesome!

Posted: 2006-05-07 09:27am
by Mrs Kendall
Tinkerbell wrote:If they didn't have time to give her one at least that means she wasn't laying there in pain for 20 hours :D
OMG! While that sounds good, you'll know that comment is silly once you push out a ten pound baby with no pain medication :P Think of a really hard shit that won't come out and then times that pain by at least 20 ;)

And I'm going by what I felt when I had an epidural. There's a reason why they say childbirth is the most painful thing someone can go through. There's also a reason why in the old days women died as a result of childbirth.

But I won't start a fight in this joyful thread. I just felt I should point that out.

Posted: 2006-05-07 09:43am
by Darth Wong
I would assume that "no time to get an epidural" means that her cervix was continually dilating and the labour was progressing smoothly enough that they felt it would be a bad idea to halt the show for an epidural, not that the whole thing was over before they could have possibly performed the procedure.

Rebecca had both Matthew and David without an epidural, and both births went quite quickly (with Matthew we hit the hospital at noon, and he was out two hours later). But she spent months strengthening her abdominal muscles with daily exercises before she got pregnant.

In any case, congratulations on the new baby girl!!!!!

Posted: 2006-05-07 10:00am
by Mrs Kendall
Darth Wong wrote:I would assume that "no time to get an epidural" means that her cervix was continually dilating and the labour was progressing smoothly enough that they felt it would be a bad idea to halt the show for an epidural, not that the whole thing was over before they could have possibly performed the procedure.

Rebecca had both Matthew and David without an epidural, and both births went quite quickly (with Matthew we hit the hospital at noon, and he was out two hours later). But she spent months strengthening her abdominal muscles with daily exercises before she got pregnant.

In any case, congratulations on the new baby girl!!!!!
I understand it would have gone fast but that's not the most painful part of childbirth, the most painful part for me was when the baby was right there and I was trying to push it out. The labour was managable. I guess I felt I had to say that stuff was because to me it sounded like she was saying the worst part was over and that the pain would have been quick, doesn't matter how quick it takes to get that baby out it's the pain you feel when you're trying to push it out.

Posted: 2006-05-07 10:16am
by SCRawl
Darth Wong wrote:I would assume that "no time to get an epidural" means that her cervix was continually dilating and the labour was progressing smoothly enough that they felt it would be a bad idea to halt the show for an epidural, not that the whole thing was over before they could have possibly performed the procedure.
This is indeed the case; she was 7-8 cm dilated when the doctor first checked (and at that point he asked for an "urgent epidural"). The problem: we showed up on an impossibly busy night, and the anaesthesiologist on call was occupied elsewhere. With this being the second baby, things progressed very quickly (about two hours from the time we hit the hospital until the delivery, and about four hours from membrane rupture to crying baby). The notion of stopping labour wasn't even discussed.

Posted: 2006-05-07 10:41am
by Darth Wong
You should try a midwife the next time (if there's a next time). Rebecca and I were much more impressed with the midwife than we were with the hospital.