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The HEAVY music thread

Posted: 2006-05-22 10:52am
by Rye
Post links to your favourite Heavy music videos or streamable audio, give reviews, whatever. Now, I think I'm being pretty lenient here, but the songs MUST be as heavy as the heavier slipknot songs or heavier in order to enter. That means Spit it Out and Surfacing.

First up is brutal tech death metal band Hate Eternal with I, Monarch, notice the imperial logo on the bassist's tshirt! :D

Early Hate Eternal song (not as good)- Powers that be.

Black Dahlia Murder - Miasma. I'm not really a fan of BDM, but I posted this since I think that they use earlier Hate Eternal riffs only slowed down and slightly rearranged.

My favourite band, Fear Factory, with one of their best songs, Demanufacture.

Now, Nile are a band everyone mentions when you bring up technical death metal, and with good reason; they're technical, very heavy and original. Here's one of their slower songs, Sarcophagus.

There are also videos for Sacrifice unto sebek and Execration text.

Industrial blackened death metal, Zyklon have a video for Core Solution which is nice and heavy and methodical.

The band insision I'd not heard before youtube, and I probably wouldn't buy any of their stuff, but their sound is fucking heavy and not pure noise, the video is a bit dull, and the vocals are nothing special, but the guitars and drums are quality. We did not come to heal.

Immolation are one of those bands you get told were pioneers of Death Metal, and you fear listening to them, because that probably means "wall of fucking noise" which can get on your tits, but I was very pleasantly surprised when I gave them a listen. Perhaps the lowest vocals I've heard without cheating (i.e. multi-layering, pitchshifters), the title track of the amazing album, Harnessing Ruin.

One of my favourite bands because not only were they world leaders in pioneering a slower, more rocky Death Metal, but they were local to this region, and they even appeared in Red Dwarf as lister's band "Smeg and the Heads", the band Carcass with Incarnated Solvent Abuse which is my favourite Carcass song.

Getting noisier now, but with less noise and more melody and technicality than I would've thought, Cephalic Carnage's song Dying Will Be the Death of Me, with an amusing video where they kidnap and presumably kill an emo kid.

Probably the best song by one-trick ponies, Deicide, Scars of the Crucifix, full of the average antichristianity stuff, but the rhythm is cool.

Brujeria, mextremist terrorist drug dealers, ;) with tales of running the US border and dealing drugswith one of their finest songs, La Ley De Plomo, "the blessed lead".

Fucking heavy blackened technical death from europe, with Behemoth - Slaves Shall (FUCKING) Serve.

Here's the extremely melodic and slow (for them) Pestilence that walketh in darkness by canadian technical death band cryptopsy.

Another nice slow/tech death song, Kataklysm's As I Slither, Crippled and Broken and In Shadows and Dust, also from Canada.

Posted: 2006-05-22 11:04am
by Gandalf
Does power metal fall into this category?

Posted: 2006-05-22 11:18am
by Rye
Not reeeeeally, unless you've got power metal with sufficiently intense instrumentation to compete with it. Power metal that would make sense in this thread:

The finest heavy power metal song ever, in my opinion: Downfall by Children of Bodom. Sixpounder and Deadnight Warrior.

Posted: 2006-05-22 11:25am
by Gandalf
Fair enough.

I was planning to post a quick review of a Dragonforce concert I saw on Wednesday. Though I don't think it was intense instrumentation as much as it was just really fucking big loud speakers in a small club.

Posted: 2006-05-22 11:34am
by Rye
Gandalf wrote:Fair enough.

I was planning to post a quick review of a Dragonforce concert I saw on Wednesday. Though I don't think it was intense instrumentation as much as it was just really fucking big loud speakers in a small club.
Dragonforce used to have dimmu's drummer, and their technicality is top notch, so I think they can count... I'll be lenient, so long as nobody starts posting lacuna coil, evanescence or fucking nightwish. :P

Posted: 2006-05-22 11:59am
by Gandalf
My first metal concert since Sunk Loto in 2004; Dragonforce at the Gaelic Theatre in Sydney.

Short version: It fucking rocked.

Long version:

After arriving about 2 and a half hours early (6th in line, bitches!), we were let into the (soldout) venue. Dragonforce just walked in through the front door about two hours before it started, saying hi to the fans that were already there.

The opening act were an Australian group called Black Majesty. They had some decent songs, and an amusing highlight when the lead singer dropped the microphone in frontman horseplay. We spent the time of this opening act on the top floor, "overlooking" the mosh pit and stage. They produced some good sounds, though any lyrics got really drowned out.

Then came the main event. The crowd went nuts, and the mosh sprang out of nowhere. Bigger and better than before, being on the periphery of it allowed me to be hit with the occasional stray mosher.

Most of the songs were from the Inhuman Rampage album, so it was the main way I recognised any of them. The highlight of the Dragonforce gig was a moment in between songs when the keyboardist was playing solo while the rest of the band was offstage. He had two or three set up, and just blew the crowd away. But the real climax of it was when he worked a few seconds of the theme from The Simpsons into his playing.

8.5 out of 10.

Posted: 2006-05-22 12:10pm
by JLTucker
I consider this heavy, but you may not.

Kittie - Brackish

Posted: 2006-05-22 12:28pm
by General Zod

Posted: 2006-05-22 02:01pm
by aerius
I think Slayer is the only band I listen to that qualifies. Some Metallica songs such as "Harvester of Sorrow" are pretty heavy but overall they fall a bit short. Other than that I don't really listen to heavy music.

Posted: 2006-05-22 02:12pm
by DocHorror
Interesting story, my Spanish teacher in Secondary School was Bill Steers (from Carcass & Napalm Death) mum.

Posted: 2006-05-22 02:17pm
by NoXion

Posted: 2006-05-22 10:39pm
by Joe

Posted: 2006-05-22 11:25pm
by Akhlut
Love? by Strapping Young Lad

One of my favorite bands and hopefully more than heavy enough for this thread. \m/

Posted: 2006-05-23 12:55am
by Exonerate
Einherjer - Ironbound
Not that heavy maybe, and the video is sooooo cheesy. But it's decent music, pity this is the only video I could find.

Exodus - War is My Shepherd
Same as above, crappy video.

Sepultura - Territory

Megadeth - Hangar 18
IMHO, their best song. This video is a lot better.

Posted: 2006-05-23 01:12am
by Darth Quorthon
Norther with Death Unlimited, Released, and Mirror of Madness.

Kalmah with Withering Away, They Will Return, and Mindrust. I think the second two are fan videos, but the songs rock.

Wintersun with Beyond the Dark Sun.

Mastodon with Crusher/Destroyer. A live version, but this song...well, crushes and destroys. I love the drums on this song. Also, there's March of the Fire Ants.

Heaven Shall Burn with The Weapon They Fear.

Bolt Thrower with Inside the Wire and The IVth Crusade

The Crown brings Face of Destruction/Deep Hit of Death. A great band that went long before their time.

Melodic Death Metal kings Dark Tranquillity come at you with The New Build, and The Wonders at Your Feet. The second one is a manga fan video.

Marduk: Hearse and World Funeral. A couple of cheesy videos from these Swedish black metal legends.

And, last but not least, there's Satyricon's NSFW opus Fuel for Hatred NOT SAFE FOR WORK!

That's enough for now.

Posted: 2006-05-24 06:30pm
by Oni Koneko Damien
Hanzel Und Gretyl, SS Deathstar Super Galaktik, Advent Children

Pretty much the only super-heavy band I regularly listen to.

Posted: 2006-05-25 01:16am
by Faram
My favorite hemy metal band Hammerfall

Blood Bound

Hearts on Fire


Ehh not as heavy as slipknot, sorry as usual I went ahead and posted first. Delete is deemed nessesary.

Posted: 2006-05-25 02:24am
by TheMuffinKing

Posted: 2006-05-29 05:49pm
by Rye
I didn't think this needed a new thread, but I did think it needed showing.

Children of Bodom cover Britney Spears - Oops I Did It Again


Posted: 2006-05-29 06:14pm
by Spin Echo
Rye wrote: I didn't think this needed a new thread, but I did think it needed showing.

Children of Bodom cover Britney Spears - Oops I Did It Again

I'm disappointed. I had hoped to see Alexi in a tight schoolgirl outfit. :D

As for music:


Old Man's Child

Samael from their early material


Posted: 2006-05-29 07:07pm
by LadyTevar
God I feel old. Heavy metal to me meant the 1980's 'hair bands'

Posted: 2006-06-01 08:49pm
by Rye
I saw these videos and HAD to breathe new life back into this thread:

There are two over-dubbed videos and a lot of effort's gone into them, they work fantastically well:

Spongebob Squarepants sings Job for a Cowboy - Knee Deep and The Shrek cast sing "As I Slither" by Kataklysm.

GENIUS. Absolute GENIUS. :lol: Especially the dual vocal bit with the gingerbread man.

Posted: 2006-06-02 02:38pm
by Rye
I just got sent this by a friend:

Anchor Head Darth Metal, star wars themed progressive metal with death vocals.

Posted: 2006-06-02 07:46pm
by Julhelm
Crimson Glory - Lonely (From Transcendence album)
Yeah, I know this isn't exactly "Slipknot-heavy" but it's an awesome and oft overlooked 80's progmetal band in the class of Queensryche or Fates Warning.

Posted: 2006-06-02 11:19pm
by Spin Echo
Since the thread is still lagging a bit, I'm jet lagged and like the Finnish, I post:

Moonsorrow - Kylän Päässä
They have Trollhorn from Finntroll as a guitarist. In theory I should be in the video, but I haven't managed to find myself. I was near the guy with the heavy Moomin.

Insomnium - Elder
The video isn't that impressive, but I like the song.

Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus -Lumessakahlaajat
While perhaps not as harsh as Slipnot, I still think their material can be classified as heavy.