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A few 'Deckplans' and sketches of SW small ships.

Posted: 2006-06-05 01:16am
by Crossroads Inc.
Inspired by some small SW ships I've always loved, and then helped by bits and pieces taken from the interesting Deckplan site of:

I offer a few rough drafts of some nice ships.

Corelian Patrol Craft
Police ship for patroling systems and chasing pirates. Contains beds for four prisoners and is armed with Two Heavy Ion cannons, One Turbolaser Turret, and twin proton torpedo launchers.

Skipray Blastboat CR-Series
Heavy Gunboat fighter for highspeed assualts. Armed with Twin Ion cannons, twin heavy blasters, twin misisle launchers and a light anti fighter turret.

I-Beam Interceptor
Lightly shielded and lightly produced fighter for system patrol both in space and planet side. Armed with three light blasters.

Posted: 2006-06-05 05:04am
by DesertFly
Interesting site. Seems to follow the Saxton model of analyzing the Star Wars universe. I didn't see the Corellian patrol craft or the I-Beam Interceptor on there, did you make them up? (The Blastboat also wasn't on that site, but I've heard of it before.)

Posted: 2006-06-05 09:21am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Nice site, nice forums, but the people there tend to have _very_ hair-trigger attitudes to the point it sometimes severely fucks with their projects.

Posted: 2006-06-07 05:30am
by Mange
I remember the discussion earlier about their analysis of the A-Wing which was flawed (as noted here. Perhaps someone who is a member of their forums could point the errors out to them.), otherwise it's a very good and enjoyable site.

Posted: 2006-06-07 08:36am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Mange wrote:I remember the discussion earlier about their analysis of the A-Wing which was flawed (as noted here. Perhaps someone who is a member of their forums could point the errors out to them.), otherwise it's a very good and enjoyable site.
I think JediMaster415 is a member. Unfortunately, I have no idea what standing he's in with the Powers That Be there, nor do I have any idea how they'd react to the attention they'd receive from a board literally twenty times its size filled with self-styled 'numbers geeks', sexual deviants (and damn proud of it!), and Talifans (as KT Jelly would call us); each with a hard nose, a flamethrower or other equivalent weapon, and a willingness to use it. :P

Here's evidence they've had a lot of internal turmoil recently; this I believe harkens back to the 'hair-trigger attitude' thing I've mentioned.

Posted: 2006-06-07 08:38am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
And Crossroads, I highly recommend you use instead of whatever it is you're using now. It's fading the color out from their original values, plus antialiasing, while nice, doesn't help with a deckplan.

Posted: 2006-06-07 11:11am
by Alan Bolte
Rereading that thread, I disagree that 3 meters is obviously too small to be the width of the A-Wing. I explain in this image:
Heh, looks like I missed the decimal point on .2 meters. Please split to PSW if I get more than a few replies.

Posted: 2006-06-07 11:36am
by Crossroads Inc.
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:And Crossroads, I highly recommend you use instead of whatever it is you're using now. It's fading the color out from their original values, plus antialiasing, while nice, doesn't help with a deckplan.

What I am using is adobe illustrator which actually makes really fantastic images. However for these old ones I converted them in Adobe Photoshop from Jpeg to gif dormat. Basically it reduces the size by a ton, but also the quality as you notice.

In either case, these three where done a looong time ago. IM actually in the middle of redoing them just to make them look more pretty :)

As for the site itself an internal Going ons... The whole reasons I did the above original was cause one person (after seen yet another pic I did) contacted me and wanted to know if I wanted to help them. So I started trying things. He thought they where good till I got contacted by another guy saying the first guy couldn't make decisions like that My appraoch 'needed work'

so, yeah... Im sticking to my own stuff.

Posted: 2006-06-07 04:23pm
by Mange
Alan Bolte wrote:Rereading that thread, I disagree that 3 meters is obviously too small to be the width of the A-Wing. I explain in this image:
Heh, looks like I missed the decimal point on .2 meters. Please split to PSW if I get more than a few replies.
It's more than that, there's also the screenshots from ROTJ (which unfortunately doesn't show up). I'll also take a closer look at this again some time.

Posted: 2006-06-08 06:01pm
by JediMaster415
I would look into informing them about the flawed A-Wing. Unfortunately, the A-Wing is under the command of Frank Bontura, who has separated the site from the forums last month or so.

I don't know what kind of terms I'm on with Frank. We've barely talked before. And I don't know how he'll take the corrections.

Also, for a selfish reason, I'm not going to distract him from the Barloz right now. I want that ship.

I'm willing to try, I'm just going to let him finish that ship.

Posted: 2006-06-08 06:11pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
JM, the Barloz is dead. No work on it for weeks.

As for Frank's reason for separating the site and the forum, maybe shit would get done if people there didn't have such fucking short tempers about stupid (mostly imagined) shit. :roll: