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A Question of Aesthetics: Redux

Posted: 2006-06-08 12:56pm
by Uraniun235
By request of Ace Pace, I repost this thread. (the old thread's image had broken)

Which one do you like best?


I still prefer #3 myself. Image

(original image source: some random dude's signature at FYAD. no, I do not have any other pictures featuring these ladies.)

Posted: 2006-06-08 12:59pm
by Ace Pace
While 4 is hot, and they're all too hot, number 3 just does it for me.

Posted: 2006-06-08 01:05pm
by Bounty
4 has the benefit of being a redhead, but it's three nonetheless.

Posted: 2006-06-08 01:43pm
by Duckie
Maybe my man-instincts have left me for a moment but I'm finding this difficult because I can't see their faces, what with them buried in eachother and all. Although come to think despite making it more difficult, it certainly does improve the aesthetics of all 4 overall.


3, because the glasses are hot. Also, she is too. That tends to help in these sorts of things.

Posted: 2006-06-08 01:46pm
by Chardok
They all look underage.


Posted: 2006-06-08 01:56pm
by Duckie
Chardok wrote:They all look underage.

That seriously makes me feel like a little kid, then, because I would bet money, on the record, right here that they're all older than I am.

Incidentally, Judging from this map there are many places in which they would be undoubtedly be underage, such as Tunisia, Madagascar, Turkey, Lebennon, Iraq, Egypt, etc. However, in almost all of the non-West Coast United States (if not it all) and Europe, I would wager a guess that they are hittable. (Incidentally, I'm pretty sure they fucked up Florida in some way on there else a law changed while I wasn't looking).

But of course depending upon your age, "Just Reached The Age Of Consent" still would be a bit creepy for someone, say, over 30 or so. So it could be understandable to abstain anyhow or even to mistake them for being a year or so younger and thus under it.

Right, that's a bit off topic anyhow so I guess I'll be shutting up anyhow.

Posted: 2006-06-08 02:05pm
by Zac Naloen
They all look about 16/17. i've no idea how old they are but the one with the reddest hair on the far right wins. She actually looks like she has hips without being big (like 2) and she has the reddest hair.. which is always a plus.

Posted: 2006-06-08 02:20pm
by Chardok
I'm 28...I just looked at those girls and thought "They're like 15." I saw an episode of "Daddy's spoiled little girl" there were these chicks having a B-day party with a morrocan theme. doing all belly dances and stuff. I walked in and saw that and said "HOLY COW! HAWT!" And my sister said "Danny, that's that chicks 14th birthday party" I could not believe it. I was STUNNED at how...advanced they were. I felt I assume nothing when it comes to woman anymore unless I can see their elbows with their arms relaxed. No woman can hide the age of their elbows.

Posted: 2006-06-08 05:58pm
by Mrs Kendall
I say 2 cause she's the one who looks the most comfy with what she's doing and she's voluptous which just gets me hot. The other girls look like they are just doing it so they can get attention from guys. But, I agree you can't see their faces so it's hard to tell otherwise.

Posted: 2006-06-08 06:35pm
by Stofsk
I'll take the redhead.

Posted: 2006-06-08 06:52pm
by Comando293
D. All of the above....

Posted: 2006-06-08 07:36pm
by Durandal
Number 3, followed very closely by Number 2. The glasses are hot.

Posted: 2006-06-09 10:05am
by RogueIce
There are some glasses that are hot. But from this angle, what I see of the glasses tells me that those aren't. So no 3 on that count.

I picked 4, but I pretty much had to flip a coin between her and 1. And 4 won. Which in retrospect is good because I can see more of her face than I can of 1.

Posted: 2006-06-09 10:07am
by Darth Raptor
3,4,1,2. In that order.

Posted: 2006-06-09 10:09am
by Coyote
Raptor's got the pick down right. 3,4,1,2. It was a very close race between 3 and 4, though. But 3 has slightly bigger hooters, and I like hooters.[/Al Bundy]

Posted: 2006-06-09 10:14am
by Gandalf
Coyote wrote:Raptor's got the pick down right. 3,4,1,2. It was a very close race between 3 and 4, though. But 3 has slightly bigger hooters, and I like hooters.[/Ted Bundy]
Don't you mean Al Bundy? :P

Yeah, number three for the win. :D

Posted: 2006-06-09 10:20am
by Coyote
Gandalf wrote:
Coyote wrote:Raptor's got the pick down right. 3,4,1,2. It was a very close race between 3 and 4, though. But 3 has slightly bigger hooters, and I like hooters.[/Ted Bundy]
Don't you mean Al Bundy? :P
Fuck! More coffee! :oops: Edited.

Posted: 2006-06-09 10:48am
by RogueIce
I don't know about you, but I can't see enough of all of their hooters to judge about who has the biggest set. Number 3's are the most visible, and 4 is also sort of visible, but 1 and 2 are too busy being pushed against each other to see...which I find hot, by the way.

Posted: 2006-06-09 11:13am
by Rye
I'm going to buck the trend here and say I think #1 is the hottest, blonde, red top, black pants, "rock" belt, very attractive. She also has bigger boobs, going by postures. Then 3, 4, 2.

Posted: 2006-06-09 11:30am
by RogueIce
Rye wrote:She also has bigger boobs, going by postures.
You can tell that by posture? I'm very interested in your ideas and would like to know more.

Do you have a brochure?

Posted: 2006-06-09 12:09pm
by Rye
Look at #1, she is side on and her boobs stick out quite far in comparison to her back, there's clearly a bit of mass (or an inferior bra) involved in her boobs as they're lower. Girl #3 however, is turned more towards us, revealing more average sized boobs when all foreshortening and leaning is taken into account.

If you turned girl #1's shoulder left a bit, so it was level with girl #3's, I predict they would appear bigger.

Posted: 2006-06-09 02:57pm
by Surlethe
3 makes me very horny; 1 and 4 tie to make me slightly less horny.

Posted: 2006-06-09 03:21pm
by Stofsk
I don't see the appeal of the glasses. As someone who actually wears a pair, I can tell you that all they do is get in the way.

Posted: 2006-06-09 05:51pm
by Dooey Jo
I agree with Stofsk on the glasses issue. I'd say #1 or #4. That picture, however, is insufficient. Girl #4 is the one you see the most of, and she seems to be a bit uncomfortable so that's not really fair to her...

Posted: 2006-06-09 06:29pm
by Alan Bolte
You take the glasses off, fools.

3 and 4 do just look like they're posing for the camera, but I could be mistaken. Age-wise I doubt 14-15, but I can't give you better than the 16-20 range. I'm 20, so whatever. Thanks for pointing out the boobs on 1 Rye, prior to that I was wondering what people saw in 2, who I thought had an awful beer gut. Didn't look close enough, as usual. Still, I'm a sucker for pale skin, so I'm sure 3 is real cute, 1 might have a better body but I'm not sure about the face 'cause it's buried, and I don't really know about 4. Some redheads are really hot, but others tend to not be especially attractive aside from the hair color.