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Night... Or day?

Posted: 2006-06-14 05:15pm
by His Divine Shadow
Care to guess which time of day this picture was taken?


It was taken at 10 minutes past midnight. I love this time of year, it never gets dark.

Posted: 2006-06-14 06:07pm
by Dooey Jo
Well it's not quite that bright here at midnight, but it is bright enough so that only the very brightest stars are visible.

It is kind of nice though. And the temperature is just right too, so you're not incinerated everytime you go outside.

Posted: 2006-06-14 06:10pm
by RedImperator
I'd go apeshit if it never got dark.

Posted: 2006-06-14 06:34pm
by Gil Hamilton
Ahh, you Scandanavians with your crazy super seasons. :lol:

Posted: 2006-06-14 06:48pm
by J
RedImperator wrote:I'd go apeshit if it never got dark.
My sleep cycle would be so screwed up it wouldn't be funny. One day I'll be sleeping at 4am, the next 2pm and after that who knows. I might just end up taking 3 hour naps every 5-6 hours. It would be like having a permanent case of jetlag.

Posted: 2006-06-14 06:51pm
by Mrs Kendall
I would also go insane if it never got dark, I need darkness to sleep. Although if I was in a place where it never got dark I guess I would get used to it.

Shit, it gets dark here around 9pm now and throughout the summer

Posted: 2006-06-14 08:01pm
by RogueIce
RedImperator wrote:I'd go apeshit if it never got dark.
Yes, finding fresh prey is so much harder in the daylight...

Anyway, I probably would too. I like the night. I like driving at night when it's dark out, and whenever I get the chance just being out at night is something I like to do. I can't really explain it, but it's just something soothing or calming about the night sky.

Posted: 2006-06-14 08:12pm
by Batman
How did 'Batman Begins' me put it?
'Bats are nocturnal'.
How am I supposed to function if it never gets dark? :P
Besides, this would wreak havoc with my sleep cycle.

Posted: 2006-06-14 08:12pm
by Spin Echo
RedImperator wrote:I'd go apeshit if it never got dark.
Not quite apeshit, but the midnight sun and winter darkness make me feel mildly bipolar sometimes. My first summer in scandinavia, I was living in student housing which had nice, thick curtains which blocked out all the sunlight. The following summer, I was living with my signifiant other, who comes from waaay up north and only had thin curtains, being used to the sun at all hours of the day. I couldn't sleep. I'd just toss and turn for hours and not surprisingly be very cranky the next morning. Fortunately, the purchase of a black curtain solved that problem.

I find it really easy to lose track of time as well. I'll start reading or working on something at say, 6pm. After a while, I feel like I've been been at it for an hour or two, but when I check the time, its 11pm.

Posted: 2006-06-15 01:21am
by fgalkin
Yay! White Nights! I miss them so. :(

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2006-06-15 02:29am
by His Divine Shadow
RedImperator wrote:I'd go apeshit if it never got dark.
Try and visit during the winter months. At 4PM it's dusk, at 6PM it's pitch black and doesn't get bright again until 10-11AM next day. It's alot easier to go apeshit when it's hardly ever bright. :P

Posted: 2006-06-15 04:45pm
by DesertFly
Pah, half the time when I go to sleep it's light out already (as in, it's gone past dark, back into light). I would actually dearly love to live somewhere where it's light all night. That would be ridiculously awesome. I can guarantee there would be some cool midnight shenanigans.

Posted: 2006-06-15 04:59pm
by Isolder74
Of course where it is light all night it will also be dark all day....

That might be just as bad.

Posted: 2006-06-15 05:12pm
by Vanas
All day day doesn't seem too good.

All day night, I'd love. I'm an inveterate stargazer and would be happy.

Posted: 2006-06-15 05:38pm
by Spin Echo
Vanas wrote:All day day doesn't seem too good.

All day night, I'd love. I'm an inveterate stargazer and would be happy.
The long hours of dark above the arctic circle comes with the mixed blessing of the northern lights. When they are good, they are absolutely spectacular. When they are not, they're just annoying light pollution. You don't get them all the time though; they just seemed to be conspiring against us this past winter when we would ski out away from civilization to stargaze. :x

Posted: 2006-06-16 01:43pm
by Edi
RedImperator wrote:I'd go apeshit if it never got dark.
Note to self: If ever need to torture RedImp, kidnap him in summer and put him in a glass house without curtains somewhere in northern Lapland for a few weeks... :P

I like summer, the long winter nights are a lot more depressing, especially in the city where you can't rewally see the stars from all the light pollution. But above the Arctic circle with the midnight sun, that'll really fuck up your sleep cycle, what with the sun just doing a circle around the sky.


Posted: 2006-06-16 01:49pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I too would like an "All Night Day" rather then an all "Day day."

I love the night and I function very well in the dark. I love the cold as well and, living in the lan of 115* summers, a feew days or weeks without the sun would be quite welcomed. Plus the stars, god, I can only imagine the views of the sky.

Re: Night... Or day?

Posted: 2006-06-16 11:57pm
by Medic
His Divine Shadow wrote:Care to guess which time of day this picture was taken?


It was taken at 10 minutes past midnight. I love this time of year, it never gets dark.
You sir, are out of your mind. When it's 2130 and the sky isn't black yet I'm pissed the fuck off. I need the dark to sleep.