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Masters of the MP3, aid me!!!

Posted: 2006-06-25 11:47pm
by Sriad
I have lots of classical music on CD, and in this format there are frequently chapter breaks in the midst of long movements (esp Britten's War Requiem) or between two continuous movements (3 and 4 of Beethoven's 5th, for example). When most MP3 players are used, there is a BREAK while it swiches from one MP3 to the next (about a quarter second on iTunes) and while this is no big deal on most albums, when the music is meant to be continuous it means I will be pissed off several times if I want to lissen to War Requiem on my computer or iPod.

My request then, is this: do you know of an MP3 ripper or editor (free) which can be used to take an ENTIRE CD and make it into a single continuous MP3? Failing that, do you know of any MP3 players that will read ahead and play tracks perfectly continuously?

Posted: 2006-06-26 01:29am
by Beowulf
EAC, Action, Copy Range, Compressed. Use your favorite LAME settings.