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Galactica Vs Star Wars

Posted: 2006-06-26 02:22pm
by DocHorror
I found this pretty cool video on Youtube; I hope it hasn't been posted before as it'd be nice to be origial for a change. :D

Posted: 2006-06-26 02:42pm
by General Zod
Fun little video, but not very believable. A stardestroyer would be capable of wiping out an entire battlestar fleet with ridiculous ease.

Posted: 2006-06-26 02:47pm
by DocHorror
General Zod wrote:Fun little video, but not very believable. A stardestroyer would be capable of wiping out an entire battlestar fleet with ridiculous ease.
Yeah, but sometimes that isn't the point :D

Posted: 2006-06-26 02:56pm
by Coyote
Regardless of the technical disparity between the Colonial Fleet and the Empire, it is still a way cool video. Bear in mind that the BG pictured in this scenario was the old school Galactica series, from the '70's, and they were originally intended to be technically compatible...

(John Dykstra did the SFX for both and he supposedly patterned the Galactica weapons and capabilities to match. It's a crazy premise, since the Colonial Fleet would number far larger than a handful of Battlestars if they did indeed have that kind of tech...)

I think that actually the Colonial government would gladly and eagerly join the Empire if they did meet; all the better to mop up the Cylons with fleets of ISDs... President Adar: "Humans? Incredibly powerful? 250,000 battleships? All we have to do is swear allegiance to this... Palpy-teen guy? Count us in."

Posted: 2006-06-26 03:05pm
by FSTargetDrone
Very slick.

ARGH! See, this is something like what ROTS needed, more space battles!

Posted: 2006-06-26 03:58pm
by Mr Bean
I waited all through the Prequiels for another Return of the Jedi sized space battle... and... waited... and waited... and ooh pretty ground battle... waited... ooh massive captial ship fight over Courscant woohoo!... but wait... it's only fourty seconds of space combat and two and a half minutes of fun with the buzz droids...

Oh well, at least we can have nice fan-made CGI battles. Which the above link was nice. However it was mostly agian Fighters VS Fighters VS Ships. No fan-made movie ever truely gets in the exact throw weight of your avarage Star Destroyer. If it's not got two dozen turrets letting lose, it's not right.

Posted: 2006-06-26 04:23pm
by Crossroads Inc.
That... That riight there was better then the entire Battle sequance of the prequils...

That is EXACTLY what I wished, envisioned and fantasied a true Capital engagment would be like.. Totaly shelve tech issues for abit. Imagining weapons and stats to be equal (which BSG was originally supposed to be in terms of Star Wars) That is JUST what a slugfest should be like.

Ok sure if you wanted to get technical, the ships should be thousands of miles apart... But still that, looked AWESOME

Posted: 2006-06-26 04:31pm
by FSTargetDrone
It's amazing what people can do these days. Some polishing, more cap ship action, as mentioned, and this would really be something to see.

Posted: 2006-06-26 05:05pm
by Admiral Johnason
I don't think vipers would go head to head like that, but the video was good.

Posted: 2006-06-26 05:11pm
by Coyote
Y'know the nice touches I like on this? The Star Destroyers firing missiles; and despite the fact that while the ISDs outclass the Battlestars, the Colonial Fleet gives a lot of punishment as far as fighters go, it isn't a roll over 'n be dead thing. Having the Battlestar retreat into hyperspace at the last second is also a good touch.

Posted: 2006-06-26 05:25pm
by Gil Hamilton
That was freaking amazing. No matter what the technical disparity, that's exactly what a real space battle should be like. I loved the ISD missile, not to mention the TIE bombers. It would be awesome if those were canon.

Posted: 2006-06-26 05:26pm
by Noble Ire
Coyote wrote:Y'know the nice touches I like on this? The Star Destroyers firing missiles; and despite the fact that while the ISDs outclass the Battlestars, the Colonial Fleet gives a lot of punishment as far as fighters go, it isn't a roll over 'n be dead thing. Having the Battlestar retreat into hyperspace at the last second is also a good touch.
That is true. Most Spacebattles films I've seen tend to end with the obligatory Imperial task force being inexplicably owned by the Mimbari or the Enterprise-E.

I thought that the film itself was rather well made, although the sheer lack of manuevering on the part of the TIE fighters was rather annoying. The TIE bombers were a nice touch, although they could have done more with the ISDs themselves.

Posted: 2006-06-26 08:16pm
by FSTargetDrone
Noble Ire wrote:I thought that the film itself was rather well made, although the sheer lack of manuevering on the part of the TIE fighters was rather annoying. The TIE bombers were a nice touch, although they could have done more with the ISDs themselves.
One of those Vipers executes a 180 degree rotation and then fires behind its line of travel while running along the edge "trench" of one of the Destroyers, I believe. Very sweet.

I'd like to see another video of this with the current BSG hardware.

Posted: 2006-06-26 08:23pm
by Chris OFarrell
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Purists who can't sit back and simply enjoy a fan film but start instantly screaming about how it isn't correct this way or that way seriously need to go and get laid.

Posted: 2006-06-26 08:30pm
by Alyeska
That film was made by someone at Spacebattles. There is a much higher quality version around that I have a copy of. I need to see if I can find a link.

Posted: 2006-06-26 08:43pm
by fractalsponge1
Someone actually animated my ISD. I'm impressed. If you could find the link for the hi-res one Alyeska, could you post it here?

Posted: 2006-06-26 08:49pm
by Alyeska
Working on it

Posted: 2006-06-26 08:51pm
by Xess
That was awesome! :D I loved the TIE bombers.

Posted: 2006-06-26 09:19pm
by FSTargetDrone
Xess wrote:That was awesome! :D I loved the TIE bombers.
No TIE Bombers were seen in action anywhere at all in ROTJ, right? I only recall the one seen in the DS2's Hangar bay. Too bad they weren't used in the big battle.

Posted: 2006-06-26 09:23pm
by Xess
FSTargetDrone wrote:
Xess wrote:That was awesome! :D I loved the TIE bombers.
No TIE Bombers were seen in action anywhere at all in ROTJ, right?
Yes, that's right.

Posted: 2006-06-26 09:37pm
by Kuja
FSTargetDrone wrote:
Xess wrote:That was awesome! :D I loved the TIE bombers.
No TIE Bombers were seen in action anywhere at all in ROTJ, right? I only recall the one seen in the DS2's Hangar bay. Too bad they weren't used in the big battle.
Nope, the only TIE bombers were ever saw doing anything was the pair dropping bombs on the asteroid in ESB.

Posted: 2006-06-26 10:58pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Hopefully the new Star Wars TV shows will show lots of scenes like these.

Posted: 2006-06-27 12:56am
by Lord Poe
Crossroads Inc. wrote:That... That riight there was better then the entire Battle sequance of the prequils...
Oh fuckin' please...

As for the video itself, awesome. The only thing I didn't like was the SLOOOOW turbolasers.

Posted: 2006-06-27 01:15am
by Crossroads Inc.
Lord Poe wrote:
Crossroads Inc. wrote:That... That riight there was better then the entire Battle sequance of the prequils...
Oh fuckin' please...
What? You don't think, in terms of JUST Ship to ship action, that beats the 28 seconds we got from ROTS?

Posted: 2006-06-27 01:37am
by Lord Poe
Crossroads Inc. wrote:What? You don't think, in terms of JUST Ship to ship action, that beats the 28 seconds we got from ROTS?
FUCK no. I can't believe you're actually serious.