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World of Warcraft screenshots

Posted: 2006-07-03 06:37pm
by Kuja
A few intsa-pics from my favorite online RPG.


My character, Bendux the paladin, Knight of the Silver Hand. The symbol on his chest is the iron key, the insignia of his guild, the Gatekeepers.

(note: the gear-like apparatus on his shield actually rotates, generating a small stream of energy Bendux uses as a source for magic)


Bendux in his day-to-day clothes.

(minor note: the book sitting on the table in front of him is the story about how the five most powerful dragons in the world became the demigods they are as of the game's time)


Bendux on his charger and some night elf on a gryphon, taking during a major glitch in the game where the gryphon refused to fly any higher.


From left: Bendux, the dragoness Lady Onyxia, the boy king of Stormwind, Anduin Wrynn, and Bolvar Fordragon, the High Lord of Stormwind.


Lady Onyxia, King Anduin, and Bendux from another angle. I wouldn't mess with that chick!


Bendux facing Stormwind's trio of leadership, with Onyxia in her human facade.

More to come, possibly, as I find more interesting things to take snapshots of.

Posted: 2006-07-03 06:38pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Nice pics.

Lemme guess, your last game before WoW was Quake 3. :lol:

Posted: 2006-07-03 06:41pm
by Kuja
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Nice pics.

Lemme guess, your last game before WoW was Quake 3. :lol:
Um, Descent Freespace, actually. :lol: Where'd you get the Quake idea from?

Posted: 2006-07-03 09:42pm
by Ar-Adunakhor
What level? I'm guessing around 46-52, but that's just eyeballing it from the Demonslayer enchant and the shield in the last photo.

Posted: 2006-07-03 10:15pm
by Stofsk
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:What level? I'm guessing around 46-52, but that's just eyeballing it from the Demonslayer enchant and the shield in the last photo.
You can eyeball the level based on what doodads the guy's got?

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:08pm
by Ar-Adunakhor
Stofsk wrote:
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:What level? I'm guessing around 46-52, but that's just eyeballing it from the Demonslayer enchant and the shield in the last photo.
You can eyeball the level based on what doodads the guy's got?
Well, yeah. The Demonslayer enchant is a level 40 minimum req, the hammer he has is most likely from a uh... level 42 quest I think? Maybe 47. And the triangular shield there is commonly seen on mid-high level grabadins/protection wars, though I forget the name.

Though, to be honest, some of that might have changed since I stopped playing 8-10 months ago.

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:15pm
by Kuja
Heh, good guess, he's 52, almost 53 now. Though that's not a demonslayer enchant on the hammer, it's a basic fire.

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:22pm
by Ar-Adunakhor
Ah, I see. Demonslayer and fire are close in color. What server do you play?

On a highly related tangent, it is a bit scary that I can still eyeball chars that well. I mean, it has been nearly 10 months since I quit the game. Meh, I blame all the PvP and needing to quickly see who had enough epics to fight me. :?

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:28pm
by Kuja
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:Ah, I see. Demonslayer and fire are close in color. What server do you play?

On a highly related tangent, it is a bit scary that I can still eyeball chars that well. I mean, it has been nearly 10 months since I quit the game. Meh, I blame all the PvP and needing to quickly see who had enough epics to fight me. :?
My alliance chars are on Twisting Nether (famed for its power source of hamster wheels) and my Horde chars are on Mug'thol. I have some others scattered around, but those are the only important ones.

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:32pm
by Ar-Adunakhor
Kuja wrote:My alliance chars are on Twisting Nether (famed for its power source of hamster wheels) and my Horde chars are on Mug'thol. I have some others scattered around, but those are the only important ones.
Ah, unfortunate for you. Had you been luckier in picking servers, you would have just inhereted ~5k gold and dozen high-end epics. Assuming my account was still active, that is. :P

How many chars do you have, and what are their levels? Do you suffer from the dread Altoholisim?

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:38pm
by Kuja
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:
Ah, unfortunate for you. Had you been luckier in picking servers, you would have just inhereted ~5k gold and dozen high-end epics. Assuming my account was still active, that is. :P

My paladin maintains about 500 gold between playing the auction house (for an entire day I dominated the mageweave market, bwahaha) and buying stuff out. It's about all I really need.
How many chars do you have, and what are their levels? Do you suffer from the dread Altoholisim?
I have five characters on each, my main, and alt to play while my main gets some rest, and three more to play around with when I'm bored or want to tnker with something new. :)

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:51pm
by Ar-Adunakhor
Kuja wrote:My paladin maintains about 500 gold between playing the auction house (for an entire day I dominated the mageweave market, bwahaha) and buying stuff out. It's about all I really need.
Mageweave and runecloth are second only to epics for fleecing the hordes of their hard-farmed gold.
Kuja wrote:I have five characters on each, my main, and alt to play while my main gets some rest, and three more to play around with when I'm bored or want to tnker with something new. :)
Sounds fun. My reccomendation would be to get a priest as alt. Later on you will be heralded as a god for saving the day due the priest calling in sick. Mages are fun too, and level like woah due to IAE. The best strategy is to get a friend to alt both priest and mage (with you doing the same) and one of you being mage while the other is the priest. Using that strategy you can IAE grind your way from 1-60 in a week or two, while still playing some on your main. When you are done, just switch up. Ta-Da, 60 main and 2 60 alts.

Misc Tip: Give some random high-level greens/medium blues that you find in Plaguelands/Winterspring to your guild enchanter. Trust me on this, especially if it is a low-pop server. I used to be an enchanter, and anyone who tossed me an occasional high-green or blue got an enormous automatic discount on enchants. Hell, I cut 400 gold off of Crusadering someone's UForce because he gave me some blues to D/E when we were low level.

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:55pm
by Kuja
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:Sounds fun. My reccomendation would be to get a priest as alt. Later on you will be heralded as a god for saving the day due the priest calling in sick. Mages are fun too, and level like woah due to IAE. Especially if you find a priest to powerlevel with.
I have a mage ATM and when I delete my warrior due to worthlessness, I plan on making a priest. I know how bad healers are needed. Paladins are not main healers, people!
Misc Tip: Give some random high-level greens/medium blues that you find in Plaguelands/Winterspring to your guild enchanter. Trust me on this, especially if it is a low-pop server. I used to be an enchanter, and anyone who tossed me an occasional high-green or blue got an enormous automatic discount on enchants. Hell, I cut 400 gold off of Crusadering someone's UForce because he gave me some blues to D/E when we were low level.
400 gold for Crusader? Damn, dude. On TN it's rare to see it hit 300.

Posted: 2006-07-03 11:59pm
by Pick
Ooh, I love the designwork in that game :luv:. Screenshots are excellent!

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:01am
by Kuja
Thanks, Pick. :D

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:03am
by Ar-Adunakhor
Kuja wrote:I have a mage ATM and when I delete my warrior due to worthlessness, I plan on making a priest. I know how bad healers are needed. Paladins are not main healers, people!
It's crazy how many people scream for pally heals when you have dick mana to heal them with and are off-tanking two massive bosses.
Kuja wrote:400 gold for Crusader? Damn, dude. On TN it's rare to see it hit 300.
Well, it has been supplanted by higher enchants these days, and is way more common. Back in the day when there were only a few dozen 60s, crusader went for 700g. I was, in fact, the only one on my server to have it for three months or so. Plus, enchants of all flavours go for more on low-pop servers. I used to be able to get 5-7g for +3 dam enchants. :lol:

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:08am
by Kuja
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:It's crazy how many people scream for pally heals when you have dick mana to heal them with and are off-tanking two massive bosses.
Indeed. I can handle things if they don't get too hairy, but then I start hearing "OH SHIT MORE TROLLS" and I can pretty much kiss things goodbye.

Though really, two paladins working in tandem can be a scary thing to watch. I had a Maraudon group three members at the Princess before even bringing her to half health, but me and the other paladin managed to whittle her all the rest of the way down (and we were both a level below her).
Well, it has been supplanted by higher enchants these days, and is way more common. Back in the day when there were only a few dozen 60s, crusader went for 700g. I was, in fact, the only one on my server to have it for three months or so. Plus, enchants of all flavours go for more on low-pop servers. I used to be able to get 5-7g for +3 dam enchants. :lol:
Hah. Point taken.

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:19am
by Ar-Adunakhor
Kuja wrote:Indeed. I can handle things if they don't get too hairy, but then I start hearing "OH SHIT MORE TROLLS" and I can pretty much kiss things goodbye.
Oh, the memories you just brought back. :P

Never had a pally, but priest feel much the same way in those situations. They, at least, have a chance to turn the fight around if they are good at their job.
Kuja wrote:Though really, two paladins working in tandem can be a scary thing to watch. I had a Maraudon group three members at the Princess before even bringing her to half health, but me and the other paladin managed to whittle her all the rest of the way down (and we were both a level below her).
Wow, pallys have been seriously beefed up. The only thing they used to be able to do was bubblehearth, but what you are talking about is some real power. Melee vs Princess used to be a massive death sentence without a war to tank. I hear they have some things to build threat now, too, but just no taunt?

By the way, I assume they fixed it... but just in case, I'll tell you anyway. Watch out for falling through the floor in Mara. The two places it can happen are the big giant up near the top (I forget his name. Gravel, maybe?) and Princess. Princess's hits when she does the circular stomp-waves, and Gravel's when he flings the big boulder.

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:29am
by Kuja
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:Oh, the memories you just brought back. :P

Never had a pally, but priest feel much the same way in those situations. They, at least, have a chance to turn the fight around if they are good at their job.
Yeah, but really, there's little you can do when a mage turns left instead of right and aggros an extra four elites. :)

Incidentally, that was the one time on Warcraft I borrowed a phrase from Pick and called someone a 'castervakking idiot'. :lol:
Kuja wrote:Wow, pallys have been seriously beefed up. The only thing they used to be able to do was bubblehearth, but what you are talking about is some real power. Melee vs Princess used to be a massive death sentence without a war to tank. I hear they have some things to build threat now, too, but just no taunt?
No, no taunt, but paladin stats are excellent across the board and they can really beef up any area they damn well please. Paladins just generate a lot of threat through their Seals and Judgements (not to mention excorcisms when you're dealing with demons) so they can become scary casters or tankers. During the fight with Princess I went through...I think it was four mana potions keeping the other pally swinging while she tanked.
By the way, I assume they fixed it... but just in case, I'll tell you anyway. Watch out for falling through the floor in Mara. The two places it can happen are the big giant up near the top (I forget his name. Gravel, maybe?) and Princess. Princess's hits when she does the circular stomp-waves, and Gravel's when he flings the big boulder.
Avalanche, I think you mean, and yeah that's been fixed a long time now. Though apparently its now possible to tall through the world somewhere in the Wetlands. :)

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:41am
by Ar-Adunakhor
Kuja wrote:Yeah, but really, there's little you can do when a mage turns left instead of right and aggros an extra four elites. :)

Incidentally, that was the one time on Warcraft I borrowed a phrase from Pick and called someone a 'castervakking idiot'. :lol:
Yeah, about the only thing you can do there is hope you are a pally/rogue and bubble/vanish.

Was this a PUG or clan? Because, honestly, stupidity like that in a clan group would have earned far more from me than that. :x
Kuja wrote:No, no taunt, but paladin stats are excellent across the board and they can really beef up any area they damn well please. Paladins just generate a lot of threat through their Seals and Judgements (not to mention excorcisms when you're dealing with demons) so they can become scary casters or tankers. During the fight with Princess I went through...I think it was four mana potions keeping the other pally swinging while she tanked.
:shock: Wow, they made them into a real class. I never thought I would see the day. Have Shamans been beaten with the nerf stick, shot with nerf-darts, and fallen out of the suck tree and hit every branch on the way down, yet? If they have, (and thereby been made into a balanced PvP class) I hereby declare that Hell has frozen over.
Kuja wrote:Avalanche, I think you mean, and yeah that's been fixed a long time now. Though apparently its now possible to tall through the world somewhere in the Wetlands. :)
Lucky. There used to be three places. One by either the ship or the hut, one by the waterfall, and one near the causeway/darkirons.

Also, if you jump off the rightside elevator in TN and hit the liftpole in the right spot, (about 2/3-3/4 of the way up) you can slide inside it and shoot people on top of the TN base without being able to be damaged yourself. :P

Posted: 2006-07-04 12:52am
by Kuja
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:Yeah, about the only thing you can do there is hope you are a pally/rogue and bubble/vanish.

Was this a PUG or clan? Because, honestly, stupidity like that in a clan group would have earned far more from me than that. :x
Pick-up. It happened in Zul'Farrak and to be fair to the mage, that was his only major screw-up of the entire run.
:shock: Wow, they made them into a real class. I never thought I would see the day. Have Shamans been beaten with the nerf stick, shot with nerf-darts, and fallen out of the suck tree and hit every branch on the way down, yet? If they have, (and thereby been made into a balanced PvP class) I hereby declare that Hell has frozen over.
Well, Hell is still hot in that regard. If anything, shamans have become even more difficult to deal with than they were six months ago when I started playing. Frost shock has a ridiculously short timer on it now and the totems aren't affected by AOE (by far my biggest complaint) and they (the totems) have been beefed up for healing and damage. Not to mention they can interrupt spellcasting the way a rogue can. I can hold my own against three horde in my bracket, but I can't fight a shaman of my own level, they absolutely run roughshod over me.
Kuja wrote:Lucky. There used to be three places. One by either the ship or the hut, one by the waterfall, and one near the causeway/darkirons.

Also, if you jump off the rightside elevator in TN and hit the liftpole in the right spot, (about 2/3-3/4 of the way up) you can slide inside it and shoot people on top of the TN base without being able to be damaged yourself. :P

Posted: 2006-07-04 01:08am
by Ar-Adunakhor
Kuja wrote:Pick-up. It happened in Zul'Farrak and to be fair to the mage, that was his only major screw-up of the entire run.
Ah well, you can expect mistakes in PUGs. Does not make them any more fun when they happen, though.
Kuja wrote:Well, Hell is still hot in that regard. If anything, shamans have become even more difficult to deal with than they were six months ago when I started playing. Frost shock has a ridiculously short timer on it now and the totems aren't affected by AOE (by far my biggest complaint) and they (the totems) have been beefed up for healing and damage. Not to mention they can interrupt spellcasting the way a rogue can. I can hold my own against three horde in my bracket, but I can't fight a shaman of my own level, they absolutely run roughshod over me.
Be glad you aren't a mage or priest. Everything that you are experiencing as a paladin is magnified many times as those classes. Grounding totems suck up offensive spells cast at the shaman, earthshock gives you a 6-second cooldown on all sphere abilities, frostshock keeps you from running and rapes your health, and they can beat you to a pulp in melee due to your lack of armor and their windfury totems.

Anyway, I liked your screenshots. Toss up some more whenever you feel like it, paladins who can actually fight something are an exotic rarity to me. Maybe one of your guild bringing down Ony next time, eh? :)

Posted: 2006-07-04 01:42am
by Alan Bolte
Well, haven't got anything recent for myself (finally got my fast mount!), but I do have a selection of pics I like.
Horde PVP gear rocks!

I really have no idea:

I lose.

Blackrock Mountain.

This one speaks for itself:

Posted: 2006-07-04 06:38am
by Lord Woodlouse

Posted: 2006-07-04 06:43am
by Lord Revan
here's some pics of my pally (it's a female because that's untraditional for the Silver Hand)

fighting a male Naga

Looking at the Necropolis near Stormwind

I don't got any decent pics of the rest of my chars.