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Japan Prime Minister and Bush at Graceland

Posted: 2006-07-07 06:41am
by Superman
Some people might not know, but Koizumi and Bush recently took a trip to Graceland. Koizumi, who has the same birthday as the King (as do I, by the way... coincidence? I think not...), is and always has been a self proclaimed Elvis fanatic.

Sank you, sank you very much.






I dunno, looking at Japan's supreme leader wearing Elvis' shades and doing one of his moves is kind of... bizarre...

Posted: 2006-07-07 07:16am
by Lord Woodlouse
He's a cool dude is that Koizumi. I think he's ace. :)

Posted: 2006-07-07 07:31am
by Superman
Hey anyone who realizes the greatness that is The King is okay in my book.

Posted: 2006-07-07 07:39am
by Bounty
You left out the best pic of the visit:


Tony Snow, even shadier then usual 8)

Posted: 2006-07-07 07:41am
by WyrdNyrd
OK, so I share a birthday with The King, Superman, and the Prez of Japan?

Cool! :D

Posted: 2006-07-07 12:21pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I think thats kinda cool that the PM of Japan like Elvis. I find it interesting to learn why people admire or enjoy aspects of different cultures. I've read that patting a person's back tends to be an American custom, so is Bush making a faux paux here or are photo ops like this carefully crafted?

The other thing that comes to mind is the PM is little guy. Not the pot bellied image I have of most politicians.

Posted: 2006-07-07 01:31pm
by Dalton
He won't be PM much longer, unfortunately.

Posted: 2006-07-07 05:50pm
by Superman
TrailerParkJawa wrote:I think thats kinda cool that the PM of Japan like Elvis. I find it interesting to learn why people admire or enjoy aspects of different cultures. I've read that patting a person's back tends to be an American custom, so is Bush making a faux paux here or are photo ops like this carefully crafted?

The other thing that comes to mind is the PM is little guy. Not the pot bellied image I have of most politicians.
Most Japanese love Elvis. My mother in law loves him, my other Japanese family members do too, and I've even seen a huge Elvis statue in Tokyo. The King transcends culture...

Not sure about Bushie. I can just imagine their conversation:

Bush: "hey Koyzoomee... you know what we call Elvis down in Texas? That's right, 'The Prince of Rock.'

Koizumi: "Don't you mean 'The King?'"

Bush: "Oh... yah that's right. heh heh. 'The King of Texas..."

Koizumi: "No, I meant the King of... Forget it..."

Posted: 2006-07-07 10:40pm
by Stofsk
Dalton wrote:He won't be PM much longer, unfortunately.
Oh? Why's that?

Posted: 2006-07-07 11:27pm
by Wicked Pilot
I was sooooo close to meeting Koizumi. I did however waive to him as he passed me by at the airport. See thread here.

Posted: 2006-07-07 11:50pm
by Ma Deuce
Stofsk wrote:
Dalton wrote:He won't be PM much longer, unfortunately.
Oh? Why's that?
Because his party's rules only allows it's leaders to serve two 3-year terms, after which Koizumi must step down as president of the Liberal Democratic party and by extension as Prime Minister, regardless of how far he is into his current term as PM.

Posted: 2006-07-08 12:02am
by Spanky The Dolphin
That is a very ugly room. I just hope the rest of Graceland doesn't look like that.

Who's the striking redhead in the white pantsuit?

Posted: 2006-07-08 12:11am
by Ar-Adunakhor
A translator, perhaps?

Posted: 2006-07-08 12:40am
by Kwizard
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:A translator, perhaps?
I doubt it. Koizumi has a good command of English if I'm not mistaken.

Posted: 2006-07-08 01:44am
by Stark
Ugh. Wide hips and too much makeup: Spanky has interesting taste.

How come Japans leader isn't a fat, balding white guy with no style? EH? EH? My bloody leader is a fat balding white guy with no style. I call shenanigans.

Posted: 2006-07-08 01:50am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Stark wrote:Ugh. Wide hips and too much makeup: Spanky has interesting taste.
Screw that, I'll take Koizumi himself! :twisted:

Posted: 2006-07-08 01:58am
by Superman
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That is a very ugly room. I just hope the rest of Graceland doesn't look like that.

Who's the striking redhead in the white pantsuit?
It was the seventies, man. And it was a mansion fit for the King.

The redhead is Elvis' ex wife, and Lisa Marie's mom.

Posted: 2006-07-08 02:13am
by Durandal
Bush's daughters are looking nice and bangable, I see.

Posted: 2006-07-08 02:25am
by Spanky The Dolphin
That's Priscilla Presley? Man, I keep sort of forgetting what she looks like, because she looks (at least to me,) like about thirty years younger than her age...

And yes, I do have interesting tastes. :P

Frankly she looks better than her daughter in my opinion...

Posted: 2006-07-08 03:12am
by Superman
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That's Priscilla Presley? Man, I keep sort of forgetting what she looks like, because she looks (at least to me,) like about thirty years younger than her age...

And yes, I do have interesting tastes. :P

Frankly she looks better than her daughter in my opinion...
She knows more than a few good plastic surgeons too...

Posted: 2006-07-08 06:58am
by Lord Woodlouse
Stark wrote:Ugh. Wide hips and too much makeup: Spanky has interesting taste.
Nowt wrong with big hips, mate. :)

...and yes, if I were that way inclined I'm sure Koizumi would be one of the first world leaders I'd want to do. Oh yes.

Posted: 2006-07-08 12:42pm
by Mr. T
Apparently Koizumi is such a fan that he released an album of his favourite Elvis songs with his own commentary at the end I heard.

All in all I don't know much about him but he seems like a pretty cool PM.

Posted: 2006-07-08 06:20pm
by Superman
Mr. T wrote:Apparently Koizumi is such a fan that he released an album of his favourite Elvis songs with his own commentary at the end I heard.

All in all I don't know much about him but he seems like a pretty cool PM.
Right, he was also partially responsible for the huge statue of the King in Harajuku (I think it's in Harajuku...).

What can you say, the man has good taste. Meeting his ex and daughter, and getting the royal treatment at Graceland was one of his dreams, I'm sure...

Elvis also had a passion for something from Japan as well.


Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the martial artist on the left.

Hail to the King, baby...

Posted: 2006-07-08 07:12pm
by andrewgpaul
No idea, but it looks like Radovan Karadžić. Or possibly Father Ted.