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Controversial Work Comics/Pictures

Posted: 2006-07-13 12:42pm
by Lord Poe
Lately where I work, we've had a rash of drivers who have gone to their doctors with pains in ther wrist, their back, their ass, etc. and have come back with that golden ticket known as the "light duty only" note from their doctor. This means I can't give them any wheelchair passengers, if we're lucky. Sometimes it means they get to stay in dispatch and ignore the office phones ringing while I drive their route, or a road supervisor takes over.

We've had SO MANY of these drivers pull this crap in the past couple months, it drove me to create this comic:


I hung it up, and we all had a great laugh. The next day it was taken down as being "inappropriate or offensive." Management was perfectly within their rights to do so, of course. However this image has been on the wall for the past two months:


I pointed this out, to no avail. It's still up, BTW.

What kind of stuff is allowed at your offices? Is Dilbert ok, but Doonesbury is not? Funny internet pics are fine, but "opinionated" art is not?

Posted: 2006-07-13 04:43pm
by Sonnenburg
God damn, just... God damn...

Never really seen anything that even pushed the envelope where I worked, so I couldn't say what would be allowed. But this... not a snowball's chance in hell.

Posted: 2006-07-13 04:49pm
by Darth Raptor
At my last job something like that would have been posted by the management.

That's a pretty okay drawing, BTW.

Posted: 2006-07-13 07:48pm
by RedImperator
In the classroom, you have to be really careful about what you put up. You never know when an administrator might drop in looking for something to bitch about.

The department office is an entirely different story. While something like that Mexifornia driver's license would never fly, we had stuff up on the wall that ripped the students, the administration, the city, the state, the union, everything. Three cheers for tenure.

Posted: 2006-07-13 08:05pm
by Surlethe
Hurrah for tenure! I personally enjoy walking through hallways at my university and reading the comics and posters professors put on their office doors; they give intriguing hints about the professors' personalities, as well as being nice for a few laughs.

Posted: 2006-07-13 09:49pm
by Stofsk
Surlethe wrote:Hurrah for tenure! I personally enjoy walking through hallways at my university and reading the comics and posters professors put on their office doors; they give intriguing hints about the professors' personalities,
As well as their political persuasion. Which can be important.

Posted: 2006-07-13 10:04pm
by Dalton
That Mexifornia thing is no surprise. Making racist jabs at Mexicans is a-ok to them, but posting a critique about shoddy business practices is "inappropriate" and "offensive". That's a disgusting amount of hypocrisy.

Anyway, as you can imagine, things are a bit looser where I work, which is a department full of creative people. There's nothing more provocative than my creative edit of a Cracker Jack box (the surprise inside is now a New Jersey driver's license).

Posted: 2006-07-14 01:08am
by Lord Poe
Dalton wrote:That Mexifornia thing is no surprise. Making racist jabs at Mexicans is a-ok to them, but posting a critique about shoddy business practices is "inappropriate" and "offensive". That's a disgusting amount of hypocrisy.
The funny thing is, the company I work is very diverse, and has been owned and operated by a black couple since 1975. The Mexifornia thing is over the desk of a hispanic co-worker. I was pissed that my comic wasn't appropriate!
Anyway, as you can imagine, things are a bit looser where I work, which is a department full of creative people. There's nothing more provocative than my creative edit of a Cracker Jack box (the surprise inside is now a New Jersey driver's license).
LOL!! :lol:

Posted: 2006-07-14 01:47am
by Trekdestroyer
For the whole Mexifornia thing to work it should read like this:
Pablo Sanchez
Puto Calle
Los Angeles, Mexifornia
Sex:Tu madre
WT:Gruso Gordo
Tengo derechos de:
No aprende inglés
Asistir el Universario
Comprar armas

Posted: 2006-07-14 04:18am
by Lord Poe
Trekdestroyer wrote:For the whole Mexifornia thing to work it should read like this:
"I cannot teach him. The boy has no sense."

Posted: 2006-07-14 08:54pm
by Redleader34
Yopu racist bastard... Never speak again!

Posted: 2006-07-14 10:02pm
by Dalton
Redleader34 wrote:Yopu racist bastard... Never speak again!
Who are you referring to there, sparky?

Posted: 2006-07-14 10:09pm
by Duckie
Dalton wrote:
Redleader34 wrote:Yopu racist bastard... Never speak again!
Who are you referring to there, sparky?
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Trekdestroyer's mexifornia idea.

Which also incidentally sucks. I can laugh at racist humor but that just isn't a very good joke. The once posted in the picture is at least a bit better.

Posted: 2006-07-15 12:25am
by Redleader34
I was refering to trek destroyer, sory Racism gets me in a tisy. I hate Racists. All Raicsts should be [dalek]EXTER-MAN-ATED[/dalek] that is all.

Posted: 2006-07-15 01:44pm
by Daltonator
Redleader34 wrote:I was refering to trek destroyer, sory Racism gets me in a tisy. I hate Racists. All Raicsts should be [dalek]EXTER-MAN-ATED[/dalek] that is all.
Ah, alrighty then. *deactivates death laser*

Posted: 2006-07-15 02:10pm
by Howedar
At Honeywell several people have TPS Report cover sheets on the outside of their cube walls. Doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Posted: 2006-07-15 11:42pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Trekdestroyer wrote:For the whole Mexifornia thing to work it should read like this:
Pablo Sanchez
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Posted: 2006-07-15 11:57pm
by Sonnenburg
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Trekdestroyer wrote:For the whole Mexifornia thing to work it should read like this:
Pablo Sanchez
What the fuck is wrong with you?
He's either a very big idiot or a very big masochist.

Posted: 2006-07-16 12:02am
by Ghost Rider
Sonnenburg wrote:
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Trekdestroyer wrote:For the whole Mexifornia thing to work it should read like this:
Pablo Sanchez
What the fuck is wrong with you?
He's either a very big idiot or a very big masochist.
Masochist is too big of a term for Trekdestroyer's small mind to comprehend.

Posted: 2006-07-16 12:05am
by aerius
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Trekdestroyer wrote:For the whole Mexifornia thing to work it should read like this:
Pablo Sanchez
What the fuck is wrong with you?
He's Trekdestroyer, he's not exactly known for useful or intelligent posts. I think he needs another ban, but that's just me.

Anyways, when I used to work in a bicycle shop it was pretty much anything goes in the mechanics' area. We had a Trix cereal box where we cut out the rabbit and replaced it with an extra gay picture of Richard Simmons. The caption was "Silly homo, dicks are for chicks". We had something similar to the Mexifornia license except it was directed at Sihks and Somalis. We had a cartoon that made fun of child labour in Asia, a few "Engrish" ones, another about brown people & taxicabs, and quite a few more that I've forgotten.

Posted: 2006-07-16 02:20am
by RThurmont
I love Dilbert, and read it frequently, but if an employee plastered a Dilbert (or any other) strip on my nice silver-painted walls, I would be pissed.

At that however, staff-created comics (such as what Lord Poe posted) are encouraged, as they naturally stimulate the creative process. But if you tape it, and in the process of removing it, damage the paint job, prepare to die!!!

(that said, the only one around here who actually has damaged the paint job would be myself-I stupidly used an old Pentel marker a few months ago to draw two lines to help me align an objet d'art, and unfortunately, there still is a trace of Magenta on the wall). :oops:

Oh, and BTW, TrekDestroyer can go screw himself, with my compliments.

Posted: 2006-07-18 05:04am
by Dalton
Trekdestroyer, after recalling the last incident with you, I can, by all rights, ban the living fuck out of you. Instead, like a cat, I have chosen to toy with you before the killing stroke. You will be my bitch until I flick you off this board like a booger on my finger. You will not see it coming. You will not know when your time at this place will come to a screeching halt. But like a prisoner on Death Row, you will know that your end here will come soon.

And I will savor every moment of it, because I know that right now you want to do or say anything to appease me. You want to beg, plead and cajole your way out of the banning you so richly deserve.

Know that I could have had you now...but like that special treat for after dinner, I will wait until the time is right to savor it.

Posted: 2006-07-18 05:23am
by CaptainChewbacca
I have a feeling it didn't occur to TD that there was someone here named "Pablo Sanchez". That being said, its a really unfunny joke.

Posted: 2006-07-18 08:38am
by Fleet Admiral JD
Dalton wrote:Trekdestroyer, after recalling the last incident with you, I can, by all rights, ban the living fuck out of you. Instead, like a cat, I have chosen to toy with you before the killing stroke. You will be my bitch until I flick you off this board like a booger on my finger. You will not see it coming. You will not know when your time at this place will come to a screeching halt. But like a prisoner on Death Row, you will know that your end here will come soon.

And I will savor every moment of it, because I know that right now you want to do or say anything to appease me. You want to beg, plead and cajole your way out of the banning you so richly deserve.

Know that I could have had you now...but like that special treat for after dinner, I will wait until the time is right to savor it.
Dalton: you kick ass.

Posted: 2006-07-18 09:17am
by Lord Poe
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I have a feeling it didn't occur to TD that there was someone here named "Pablo Sanchez". That being said, its a really unfunny joke.
Well yeah, its like bringing up an Archie Bunker rant, then someone comes along and "accurizes" it.