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Lt. Dan's sketch book. (Pic thumbs)

Posted: 2006-07-13 05:35pm
by Lt. Dan
Hey, it's been a while and a many a things have been drawn. He are a few from my most recent sketch book.

I got tired of what I was doing on this one and then it kinda took off.

This one I was just fucking around but I like how it came out so far.

This one, well, I was in my car and had just gotten home when the acid kicked in. The two fish came out of my mind while tripping and the rest I just filled in.

This one was done with drops of ink and air. Pretty cool though.

There are still two more that I wanted to upload but Imageshack says that they are too big and I don't want to resize them. I'll try to get them up later. They are the start of a space-scape and some odd creature in color.

What do you think?

Posted: 2006-07-15 09:29pm
by TheMuffinKing
Cool stuff. I'd like to see more!