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The Grand AcePace, Lonestar, and Shep meet-up.

Posted: 2006-07-16 06:09pm
by MKSheppard
We walked around and visited the following places in DC

National Air And Space
American History Museum
Natural History Museum
WWII Memorial

in 91F, 46% humidity weather (feels like 94F).

For you Europeans, that's 32.7C (feels like 34.4C).

Ugh, I'm absolutely pooped.

The Grand Meetup outside the bookstore at the NASM; after Ace got lost finding his way and was late.

Lonestar tells us a Sea Story (TM) while we have a drink at noonish.

While Ace Listens...

Ace and Lonestar watch TV from the 1960s.

Ace, as POTUS.

Walking around in this weather makes Lonestar go 'something'.

Yes, that's it, go CRAZY!

The preceeding pictures mostly did not include me, because I was taking these with my camera; and are sort of poor quality because my camera is a 2 MP Kodak which is old old. Ace's camera, a 6MP Sony job should be a vast improvement, and you should notice it when he gets around to uploading his pictures; or Lonestar with his for that matter.

Posted: 2006-07-16 06:18pm
by MKSheppard
Because I'm bored, some more pictures:



Posted: 2006-07-16 06:36pm
by Lonestar
Man, Ace would not stop whining about the heat. I thought it was nothing, and I was the biggest guy there!

Posted: 2006-07-16 06:44pm
by MKSheppard
Lonestar wrote:Man, Ace would not stop whining about the heat. I thought it was nothing, and I was the biggest guy there!
The heat by the time we were at the Natural History Museum in the end was kicking me in the nuts. The walk to the WWII monument and back took a lot out of me. We really needed a sit-down inside the Nat. History museum to rest and cool off.

Posted: 2006-07-16 06:47pm
by Lonestar
Some southerner you are! I knew you were not a true son of the South!

Posted: 2006-07-16 06:51pm
by MKSheppard
Lonestar wrote:Some southerner you are! I knew you were not a true son of the South!
We call it.....air conditioning, Lonestar. :wink:

And in other words, Ace just learned today why we have evil, energy inefficient air conditioners in every house and car in the united states....because it's freaking hot here, and we don't like to sweat.

Posted: 2006-07-16 07:09pm
by MKSheppard
Lonestar wrote:Some southerner you are! I knew you were not a true son of the South!
Mr "I'm wearing a white tee shirt" Lonestar. I shouldn't have picked a dark color.

Posted: 2006-07-16 07:17pm
by TheMuffinKing
Cool pics! I'll have to stop by D.C. to pee on the white house lawn again...

Posted: 2006-07-16 07:24pm
by Mrs Kendall
I, uh, can't stop myself... Hahahahahahaha!! Ace Pace crosses his legs like a lady :lol: :P

Posted: 2006-07-16 08:15pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Mrs Kendall wrote:I, uh, can't stop myself... Hahahahahahaha!! Ace Pace crosses his legs like a lady :lol: :P
I noticed that myself :D

Awesome, guys. I was in the same places on Memorial Day.

Posted: 2006-07-16 08:59pm
by Lord Zentei
It's pretty hilarious seeing AcePace as POTUS with a Soviet t-shirt on.

Posted: 2006-07-16 10:52pm
by Ace Pace
Lord Zentei wrote:It's pretty hilarious seeing AcePace as POTUS with a Soviet t-shirt on.
That was the main reason I went up and took the picture.

Kendall, JD, stuff it, it's comfortable and actully my preferred sitting is with legs crossed like those martial art practicers, but thats not fit for public seats.


In sumup, today was fun, did alot that was seriously interesting, I won't be uploading pics right now, hopefully I can do a seriously huge batch upload once I get home, and just post the interesting out of those,

Posted: 2006-07-16 11:00pm
by Lonestar
I forgot to mention his amazment at the North American institution of "Free refills" for fountain drinks.

"This coke is dodgy."

"So pour it out and get another."


You can do that?"


Posted: 2006-07-16 11:46pm
by Knife
You look drunk, Matt.

Posted: 2006-07-16 11:49pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Were you drinking a bottle of Coke through a straw, Ace?

Posted: 2006-07-16 11:50pm
by Ace Pace

Stars > anything except when drinking water.

Posted: 2006-07-17 12:14am
by Shinova
91F hot? Bah, I tell you! Bah! T'was 111F around the Badlands in South Dakota. :D

And I'm not an Easterner so I don't really understand those humidity ratings, but most of the time I was going up and down the east coast the humidity rating was 80%. :?

Either way, all of that adds up to, Bah! :)

Now, that meet looks like it was some good fun. :) Is Ace Pace from Israel? I guess that explains the coke refill thing. although some places during my trip they didn't let you refill, apparently.

Posted: 2006-07-17 12:17am
by Ace Pace
Yes, I am from Israel. :D I've been doing a little version of your trip, pointed as SDNers I've had serious contact with.

Posted: 2006-07-17 08:45am
by Mrs Kendall
I'm not gonna shut it, you look hilarious buddy :P :lol:

Posted: 2006-07-17 09:22am
by Faqa
An ISRAELI was whining about the heat in America?!

I disavow any knowledge of this guy, people. He's no Jewlander.

Oh yeah - Shep, you do exist! I hadn't been quite sure without photographic evidence..... :P

*tin-foil ponders meaning of Shep only being in one picture*


Posted: 2006-07-17 09:56am
by Uraniun235
Faqa wrote:An ISRAELI was whining about the heat in America?!

I disavow any knowledge of this guy, people. He's no Jewlander.
Yeah, but what kind of humidity do you guys have in Israel? My friends who've been to the East Coast tell me that it's a viciously humid place.

Posted: 2006-07-17 10:00am
by Faqa
Depends. I suppose Jerusalem, naturally elevated, would typically be lower than average on humidity. But Central Israel IS humid, dammit!

Posted: 2006-07-17 10:09am
by Ace Pace
Yes, central israel is humid, there's a reason I go there only to jump into an ACed spot, Jerusalem by itself is pretty dry.

Posted: 2006-07-17 10:11am
by Faqa
*gleefully ponders Ace in non-breathing IDF uniform in base within Central Israel*

Posted: 2006-07-17 10:15am
by Ace Pace
Great, make my thoughts of the army even worse.

Anyway, apprently there is another meetup today.