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[NSFW!]Funny Pic Thread! Now with LOL Chat Log Action!

Posted: 2006-08-07 10:21pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
[21:00:18] Einhander Sn0m4n: ... 3Aofficial

LOL! (btw I'm the one who made it in MSPaint like in 2K1)
[21:00:59] iarmoredcorps: i can't find a square red cross flag :[ BUT I can find teh NEW red cross flag, in square! [puke]
[21:01:36] iarmoredcorps: and on that website: apocalypse soon? RRRROOOOFFFLLL OMGWTFLMAO FUCKING MORON! Oh, but this and that and the other 900 doomsday stories were NOT true
[21:01:37] iarmoredcorps: but
[21:01:41] iarmoredcorps: APOCALYPSE SOON!
[21:01:44] iarmoredcorps: I PROMISE THAT MUCH!
[21:02:29] iarmoredcorps: i hope that website is a parody, b/c the title they chose has absolutely NO foundation whatsoever
[21:03:19] Einhander Sn0m4n: OMFG THIS IS SO FUNNY!
[21:03:31] *** Nerd359 has joined the chat.
[21:03:36] *** Nerd359 has left the chat.
[21:03:45] Einhander Sn0m4n: I posted it in 2k1 on heathenworld
[21:07:18] iarmoredcorps: um, that page ein or the link
[21:07:28] Einhander Sn0m4n: that page
[21:07:59] iarmoredcorps: hehe, well, the idea behind the website is funny too
[21:08:16] Einhander Sn0m4n: look at my google link
[21:09:22] iarmoredcorps: is this a really bad photoshop of a woman tied and gagged on a swastika?
[21:09:24] iarmoredcorps: or is it just me
[21:09:35] iarmoredcorps:
[21:09:42] blackberet006: Ze hell?
[21:11:26] Einhander Sn0m4n: that rainbow one's my doings
[21:11:58] Einhander Sn0m4n: I think I'll redo it to get rid of the jpeg compression shit
[21:12:10] iarmoredcorps: your doing?
[21:12:11] iarmoredcorps: really?
[21:12:15] Einhander Sn0m4n: ayup
[21:12:17] iarmoredcorps: like, i mean, you're THE source of it?
[21:12:18] Einhander Sn0m4n: 2k1
[21:12:21] iarmoredcorps: that's awesome!
[21:12:22] iarmoredcorps: lol
[21:12:27] Einhander Sn0m4n: Yup!
[21:12:29] iarmoredcorps: although, if i may ask, why?
[21:12:32] Einhander Sn0m4n: I did it for a joke
[21:12:39] iarmoredcorps: why not i guess
[21:12:55] iarmoredcorps: i was just curious if it was some Republitard's idea of a political message
[21:13:01] Einhander Sn0m4n: classic shits-n-giggles
[21:13:04] iarmoredcorps: but since i didn't knw the source, neh
[21:13:25] Einhander Sn0m4n: no, just a crazy redhead fag's idea of a troll in image form
[21:13:35] *** guderian39 has joined the chat.
[21:14:24] soontircboath: New people here every other day I suppose.
[21:14:49] Einhander Sn0m4n: apparently it worked.

note the compression artifacts
[21:15:29] Einhander Sn0m4n: ... astika.htm from here
[21:16:08] Einhander Sn0m4n: ... &per_page=

And here
[21:17:00] Einhander Sn0m4n: ... d=10646230 OMG WHAT A DORK!
[21:17:27] iarmoredcorps: so you spread it through MySpace?
[21:17:34] Einhander Sn0m4n: no
[21:17:41] Einhander Sn0m4n: I posted it at Heathenworld
[21:17:46] iarmoredcorps: O RLY?
[21:17:53] iarmoredcorps: and he spread it through myspace?
[21:17:55] Einhander Sn0m4n: All those other dipshits spread it around on their own
[21:17:57] iarmoredcorps: he has one too
[21:18:10] darksithyoshi: Who's Guderian?
[21:18:18] iarmoredcorps: are you bemoaning the lack of intellectual property rights here ein? ;)
[21:18:20] darksithyoshi: Identify yourself, interloper.
[21:18:31] iarmoredcorps: he's not an interloper, though i do forget his name
[21:18:41] iarmoredcorps: was here last week IIRC
[21:18:44] darksithyoshi: Silence!
[21:18:55] darksithyoshi: I don't know him: he's an interloper.
[21:18:58] guderian39: hmm?
[21:19:05] Einhander Sn0m4n: [21:18:18] iarmoredcorps: are you bemoaning the lack of intellectual property rights here ein? ;)

No, I'm LOLing!
Yes, I made it; no, it's not serious. LOL!

Posted: 2006-08-08 02:33am
by CaptainChewbacca
Well now, let's get this thread started right with:

Firefly: The Next Generation

Posted: 2006-08-08 08:07am
by Majin Gojira
Why isn't this stickied? Also: That post is BLASPHEMY!

Also: Three completely unreleated comic scans
Fisrt, a memory of characters now lost:

Second, a wondered question:

And Third, Awesome Runways Cover Art:

The happy cover garuntees something HORRIBLE happens inside!

Posted: 2006-08-08 09:30am
by Zaia
Majin Gojira wrote:Why isn't this stickied?
Because I hate this thread and wish it would die? :D

Ditto -- Beo

Posted: 2006-08-08 02:57pm
by Instant Sunrise


Posted: 2006-08-09 11:13pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Some things NEVER get old.

Posted: 2006-08-10 01:14am
by Sharpshooter

Posted: 2006-08-10 01:43am
by Crossroads Inc.
BWAH HA HA! What IS that? a Dildo on his arm or something? GEH!

Posted: 2006-08-10 04:51am
by Gil Hamilton
Funnily enough, I remember that box. :lol:

Posted: 2006-08-10 05:26am
by Dooey Jo
Gil Hamilton wrote:
Funnily enough, I remember that box. :lol:
Funnily enough, I have that box. Well, the game, but it has the same picture on it. I always wondered why the guys on the boxes looked a lot older than Mega Man in the game...

Posted: 2006-08-10 05:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Some things NEVER get old.
Yes, they do.

Like when they've been posted FIFTY-THOUSAND TIMES, Fluke.


Posted: 2006-08-10 07:24am
by Alan Bolte
Weird, I don't remember that box. I guess the one I remember was a later (earlier?) version. It's more similar to the Mega Man 1 box art in that the helmet has a transparent bit covering the eyes and he's carrying a separate gun rather than having an arm cannon.

Posted: 2006-08-10 09:59am
by theski

best screen cap ever.. 8)

Posted: 2006-08-10 11:14am
by Civil War Man
theski wrote:<snip pic>
best screen cap ever.. 8)
My dad was actually watching this when I got home from work that day. I gathered that Colmes was interviewing some right wing nut lady from the little I heard of it. Right as I finished changing, I heard Colmes say "You know, repeated studies have shown that most Americans are actually opposed to the war, so how can you try to claim the opposite?"

I instantly thought of Scanners.

Posted: 2006-08-11 05:17pm
by Max

Posted: 2006-08-12 08:30am
by Lord Pounder
Max wrote:Image
Yeah you're so right.


Prick :roll:

Posted: 2006-08-12 02:33pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Lord Pounder wrote:
Max wrote:Image
Yeah you're so right.


Prick :roll:
Pounder, I've learned Max is quite adept at posting the absolutely most tasteless 'funny pics' I've ever seen.

I detect an...


Posted: 2006-08-12 05:00pm
by Sharpshooter

Posted: 2006-08-12 06:22pm
by TheMuffinKing

From Max Cannon is the author and artist, funny as heck too!

Posted: 2006-08-12 09:03pm
by Uraniun235

Posted: 2006-08-12 09:42pm
by SyntaxVorlon
The look on the face of that guy as he lords over his IBM 286....

In other news Red Meat is the funniest shit ever.

Posted: 2006-08-12 10:23pm
by Manus Celer Dei
Galactus and his herald: The Silver Stratocaster!
Optimus Rhyme. Fo shizzle

Posted: 2006-08-12 11:40pm
by Singular Quartet
From the mind of Intarwub JESUS


Posted: 2006-08-13 06:21pm
by Uraniun235
A selection of AOL web searches performed by user #1410537

A selection of AOL web searches performed by user #16455348

The latest SA Weekend Web is hilarious.

Posted: 2006-08-13 08:55pm
by Uraniun235