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The Atheist Video

Posted: 2006-08-13 03:11pm
by Wicked Pilot
Found this on youtube and thought it was worth sharing. My apologies if this has been posted before.

Posted: 2006-08-13 03:37pm
by Lord Zentei
Excellent video; I haven't seen it before now.


Posted: 2006-08-13 04:36pm
by Majin Gojira
<saves to favorites>

Posted: 2006-08-13 07:12pm
by Zadius
One of my favorites.

Posted: 2006-08-13 07:46pm
by Wicked Pilot
Kinda off topic but if anyone is interested FX is rerunning the atheist/Christian 30 Days episode tonight. For those of you not familiar with the show it's Morgan Suprlock's (the guy who brought us Supersize Me) show where he gets people to live in someone else's world for a month and sees if their views change because of it.

Check you local listings.

Posted: 2006-08-13 08:24pm
by Macunaima
Very good find. I was surprised to see that a Portuguese version is avaliable, very handy, so I could send the link to several friends.

Posted: 2006-08-14 08:36am
by mr friendly guy
They listed Bill Gates as an atheist? I thought he was Catholic.

Otherwise a good video.

Posted: 2006-08-14 10:15am
by Lord Pounder
mr friendly guy wrote:They listed Bill Gates as an atheist? I thought he was Catholic.

Otherwise a good video.
Catholics can be athiests too ya know.

Joking aside, maybe he was brought up a catholic and chose athiesm.

Slightly off-topic has there ever been a survey done that showed the number of people brought up athiest and who later chose a religion?

Posted: 2006-08-14 04:56pm
by Big Phil
How does the creator of the video know that all of these people are atheists? Is there a secret society or group you have to join?

Posted: 2006-08-14 05:10pm
by Wicked Pilot
SancheztheWhaler wrote:How does the creator of the video know that all of these people are atheists? Is there a secret society or group you have to join?
The Secret Society of Google Searchers. As an added perk you can receive free porn for joining and being active in the group.

Posted: 2006-08-14 05:37pm
by weemadando
That was crap. I was hoping for, I don't know, something that made a better point. I found it boring and tedious. More on pointing out stupid mistakes and ideas, rather than listing lots and lots of people (far too slowly, can people not read or something?) of dubious significance to the point (Gene Rodenberry for fucks sake).

Posted: 2006-08-14 06:56pm
by Wicked Pilot
It's suppost to be a quick ad campaign directed at John Q Christian, not a two hour video version of the Skeptic's Annotated Bible for John Q Atheist.

Posted: 2006-08-14 07:20pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Good video, and it directed me to find out that DJ Madson makes some mad music, yo [yes there's MP3s on that link!].

Posted: 2006-08-14 10:31pm
by Rye
Seen it before, thought it was kinda lame.

This is better, and there's unfortunately an absence on youtube of a really fucking amazing sketch from wondershowzen where they totally own christianity. It's got this little girl and she explains why she's got christian faith and the puppet says "oh, I get it, you mean you pretend really hard!" Fucking awesome.

Armando Ianucci is very funny.

Posted: 2006-08-15 09:00pm
by Metatwaddle
It was all right, but it reminds me too much of the Christian tactic of saying, "Newton believed in God. Are you smarter than Newton?" The fact that all of those people (many of whom a Christian won't have heard of) are atheists doesn't necessarily make atheism true. (Also, I'm not sure why Steven Weinberg was absent from their list. If they had to make the list, he should have been on it.)

In my opinion, the best video/TV series promoting atheism is Dawkins's The Root of All Evil, but that's got two episodes of one hour each, so the two can't easily be compared.

Posted: 2006-08-15 11:07pm
by Darth Raptor
This would be a lot more effective sans the procession of Hollywood celebraties. With that essentially all credibility went out the window in regards to everyone I could show this to.

That, and there's the fact that people like my parents would say "Yes, Marie Curie was a fool because she's burning in Hell right now!".

I'm not sure how they would respond to Warren Buffet dropping the single largest charitable donation in history, though.

Posted: 2006-08-16 06:32am
by mr friendly guy
Discombobulated wrote:The fact that all of those people (many of whom a Christian won't have heard of) are atheists doesn't necessarily make atheism true.
He wasn't arguing like that. He was showing that the Bible's claims that those who disbelief in God are "fools" is utter bullshit.

And I am also curious about the religious beliefs or lack thereoff regarding the people shown. When I have time I might google it, because some of them sound a bit funny to me.

As I mentioned I was under the impression Gates was a Catholic, although I could very well be wrong. Dawkins and Sagan I knew were atheists. I didn't realise Gould (one of the Dawkin's rivals in evolutionary arguments) was also an atheist. He struck me as a religious apologist (which made me think that he was a liberal religious person).

Posted: 2006-08-16 03:30pm
by Zadius
mr friendly guy wrote:And I am also curious about the religious beliefs or lack thereoff regarding the people shown. When I have time I might google it, because some of them sound a bit funny to me.
I'll save you some time: Celebrity Atheist List

Posted: 2006-08-17 08:24am
by mr friendly guy
Thanks Zadius

Posted: 2006-08-17 05:07pm
by Superman
Wait a minute, Christians have the highest rates of failed marriages (and highest rates of abuse, but that wasn't covered)... So in other words, they seem to have the hardest time maintaining healthy relationships... hmmm... That does it. I have just elevated my theory (well not MINE, but you know), that all Christians are screwed up to begin with, to a natural law.

99% of them are all trauma survivors from screwed up families. Just like how a young girl who was beaten by her father seems to magically find a guy to marry who will beat her, fundie tards compulsively repeat their own trauma and force it upon their dysfunctional families and anyone screwed up enough to listen to what they have to say.

I swear to crap, if this culture didn't have such a high number of them, it would be considered a mental disorder.

Posted: 2006-08-18 11:46pm
by Singular Quartet
I personally prefered the Prision Statistics. A perfect representation of Christians (75% of America, 75% of prisoners) while Atheists are under represented (10% of America, 0.2%[sic] for Prisons)

I love it.

Posted: 2006-08-19 06:29am
by The Nomad
Here's the response : Re:Atheism

Let's see, No True Scotsman fallacy, semantic nitpicking, etc... Hehe here we have an example of who the real 'fools' are.

Posted: 2006-08-19 08:24pm
by Spyder
The Nomad wrote:Here's the response : Re:Atheism

Let's see, No True Scotsman fallacy, semantic nitpicking, etc... Hehe here we have an example of who the real 'fools' are.
Good Zeus that was annoying. He should consider leaving his counter arguments for the literate. It's easier when athiesm wins by default.

Posted: 2006-08-19 10:06pm
by mr friendly guy
The Nomad wrote:Here's the response : Re:Atheism

Let's see, No True Scotsman fallacy, semantic nitpicking, etc... Hehe here we have an example of who the real 'fools' are.
That video is so retarded.

What the fuck is the practic and not the teory, which makes you a Christian. Not only do they engage in no true scotsman fallacies, they can't fucking spell.

He next proceeds to semantic whoring on a grand scale. You know the ones where words don't mean what they are defined as, but what ever the Bible wants it to mean. You see fool apparently just means someone who doesn't believe in God, not someone with low IQ, with the first part just being a tautology. Of course the fact that this statement is contradicted in his previous screen shot which states "Fool people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn" eludes him. Come on, is he suggesting that the "high IQ" people on the atheist video "refused to learn".

He also tries to say these atheists aren't fools according to the Bible by showing a contradictory part of the Bible to the earlier part he had display. WTF?

I love how he explains away the descrepancy between atheist/agnostics divorce rates compared to Christian ones, with an unsupported claim, that is Christians don't have open relationships, that explains it.

Now he has got more poor grammar
Now is the right context.
But not with the right view.
Do you think make a movie, or win an oscar is the same as save a life?

Bible is about life and death, wicked and righteous, saved and lost.
This last argument was the worse and the more fallacy of all. Pitiful.
I am tempted to point out this last argument had the most poor grammar of them all. But seriously, he is just restating the Bible's position and not trying to counter the argument. He deliberately skips people like Warren Buffet because he knows Buffet isn't vile by the definition, while Brando might be.

And more grammatical errors.
WTF does "show me your proves" mean any way. And to top it all off he expects the otherside to prove a negative. If you believe in the Bible with no proof it is a delusion as Sagan has said. Just prove God exists and Sagan is wrong. Oops, they can't do that.

In fact his attempt at a proof is to quote the Bible. Talk about circular reasoning. You may as well quote Lord of the Rings to show Sauron exists.

Posted: 2006-08-20 02:18am
by Alerik the Fortunate
The spelling was so poor as to be nearly fatal. He could have almost had some good points. It was foolish of the originator of the atheist video to include so many Hollywood celebrities; I think it rather obvious that most people use use any part of their forebrain have a low opinion of the ethical value of movie stars. What is really needed is a Mother Theresa or Gandhi of atheism, or an agnostic of impeccable moral credentials. Are there any clear examples of nobility, heroism, or all-consuming passion for principled behavior that come to mind other than Buffet's massive philanthropy?