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havokeff is drawing (NSFW)

Posted: 2006-09-14 11:14pm
by Havok
Ok, so the purpose of this thread is going to be to post drawings that I am going to start doing on a regular basis. I would appreciate any feedback that you feel like offering. If you like it, tell me why. Ditto if you think it sucks. I hope that I get some good ideas as well so I can steal them. ;)

I need to get back into the habit of drawing as often as I can, if not every day. Also I am hoping to get my speed back up and I think this will help.

I also have a request if anyone is willing to help me out a bit. I need story boards so that I can practice sequential stuff, as much as I dislike it. Old Plympto made the sound point that I will probably have to submit some if I am to get my foot in the door. I myself have always been bad at story boarding so any help would be appreciated. If I make it big I will give you money :D

Anyhoo... 1st drawing.


Edit: Added NSFW tag. Thanks Ford.

EDIT 2: Man. This drawing is crap....I'm going to replace it. :(

Posted: 2006-09-15 01:04am
by Old Plympto
What you could do is doodle rough panels according to pages to practice sequential art.

For example, come up with a simple story... like Spider-man during webswinging needs to pee, swings into an open window without looking, rushes into a bathroom, finds out it's a women's restroom, gets bashed in the head multiple times by a little old lady, and cut to the final panel where he swings out of a department store with a bag of adult diapers and the obligatory "*#@$&@#%@!!" thought balloon.

Now think, how do you break down the story in a page? Two pages? Three? Doodle the panels, see how they flow together as a storyline.

If you do several pages, how do you plan it so the last panel of each page are sort-of cliffhangers so you make the reader want to turn the page?

Do you think a splash page somewhere in the story would help?

How do you do transitions? If you cut to a different location, would reader notice or would a "Meanwhile..." caption be too old school?

Just sketch your ideas out roughly, don't have to do the details. Then when you think you get it right, then you draw the pencil finishes.

Hella sweet Batman, btw.

Posted: 2006-09-15 01:38am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I'd like to see you do something looser and more relaxed in style and execution.

Posted: 2006-09-15 02:30am
by Havok
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I'd like to see you do something looser and more relaxed in style and execution.
explain looser.

Posted: 2006-09-15 07:47am
by Chardok
havokeff wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I'd like to see you do something looser and more relaxed in style and execution.
explain looser.
I think he means that your drawings looks like photos, if you will. Like superman stopped ripping off wolverine's braincase so that he could have his picture drawn. More fluidity to denote action or more of a "Flowy" drawing, if you will. See early Todd McFarlane for a good reference, specifically, very early spawn drawings. you'll get the idea.

Personally, I'm a fan of the "snapshot" type drawing as opposed to spanky's more "loose" request. It's just a me thing, not bad, not good, just different.

Here're some storyboard ideas:

1. Optimus prime in place of JFK is mercilessly assassinated by starscream weilding a mass-reduced G1 Megatron.

2. The Justice League storms an artillery bunker at Omaha Beach. The Nazis inside are understandably upset by the fact that their bullets are dodged, absorbed, or otherwise rendered ineffective.

3. The Superhero gig does not pay well for Sidekicks, Robin decides to take a job delivering pizzas on the the batmobile. Bruce Wayne wonders why he keeps finding packets of Crushed red peppers in the center console of the famous automobile.

Posted: 2006-09-15 06:05pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Chardok wrote:I think he means that your drawings looks like photos, if you will. Like superman stopped ripping off wolverine's braincase so that he could have his picture drawn. More fluidity to denote action or more of a "Flowy" drawing, if you will. See early Todd McFarlane for a good reference, specifically, very early spawn drawings. you'll get the idea.
A bit like that, though what I meant was something a little more free-form and relaxed in precision, something more sketchy: less concentration on the end result being precise and being more freeform.

Posted: 2006-09-15 07:28pm
by Havok
well most of what I have posted have taken less than an hour or so to draw and really not much concentration... which I save for my yummy lunches. But more sketchy I can do.

Posted: 2006-09-22 12:58am
by Havok

Been real busy at work so not much effort in this one but I like it.

Posted: 2006-09-22 01:22am
by Havok
EDIT: Hulk was too big and fuckin' up the page format. Sos I smashed him.
Hulk smash! This one is pretty sketchy

Posted: 2006-09-22 01:24am
by Havok
Teddy Bear Jedi

Oh and sorry about the lightness of the drawings. I didn't photocopy them before I scanned them...

Posted: 2006-09-22 03:48pm
by Noble Ire
The first is very good. I like the perspective, and the action is quite well conveyed. :)

Posted: 2006-09-27 12:27am
by Havok

Posted: 2006-09-27 01:15am
by MKSheppard
mmmm Death.

Posted: 2006-09-28 02:02am
by Havok
From a story thats been stuck in my head for ages. Minor characters.

Posted: 2006-09-28 02:04am
by Havok
Some Semper Fi action for all you hard chargers out there.

Posted: 2006-09-28 02:41am
by Stofsk
Your artwork is very good, nicely detailed and you'd make a good penciler, but they seem 'flat'. It's hard to describe. It's like what the guys above were talking about when they said draw 'looser'. The one immediately above is good because it shows a fairly dynamic scene, the one above that is an example where things seem flat.

Posted: 2006-09-28 03:31am
by Havok
I get what you are saying Stofsk and thanks.

Most of what I can draw on my lunch hour are the "flat" or pinup type stuff. I got the two above you talked about out in one today. I'm sorta just working on my speed right now as I don't have a proper place to draw at home yet.

Also alot of what makes them "flat" I think is the lack of backrounds which in turn cuts down on perspective quite a bit... Hey neat, I am giving myself constructive critizism... The one that you described as being a "fairly dynamic scene" is more than likely due to the big boot toe in it, where if you cover it up it looses something.

I also tend not to do to much shading on the lunchtime stuff, which these all are, due to the time I get. I think that contributes to the "flat". Fat guy's gotta eat though. :D

Posted: 2006-10-04 12:30am
by Havok
I'm bored of the stuff I come up with to draw. Any requests?

Posted: 2006-10-04 06:07pm
by Noble Ire
havokeff wrote:I'm bored of the stuff I come up with to draw. Any requests?
Well, since you asked, I'm always to see other people's interpretations of concepts of my own invention (especially those who are far better at drawing than I). Here's a soldier sketch I drew a while ago:


I'd be quite pleased if you wanted to draw up a version of the design.

Posted: 2006-10-05 01:20am
by Havok
Hope you like it Noble

Posted: 2006-10-05 01:23am
by Havok
My fav hero. An alcoholic one!! :D He certainly has been getting wanked as of late though.

Posted: 2006-10-05 01:25am
by Havok
Uh... yeah. The uncircumsize penis? Hey, he is a barbarian.

Posted: 2006-10-05 02:41am
by Stofsk
There might be some NSFW issues with that last one (though it's just a dick, I don't care), Havokeff. Not saying you should pull it, but maybe link to it instead?

Posted: 2006-10-05 03:03am
by Havok
good idea

Posted: 2006-10-05 05:56pm
by Noble Ire
havokeff wrote:Hope you like it Noble
Very, very much so. Thanks a lot. :)

If you ever need any other ideas, let me know. I've got quite a backlog of them, and most aren't even realized in my rough sketches. :wink: