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Rank images

Posted: 2006-09-17 02:06am
by Darth Wong
It is possible to associate a certain image with anyone who holds a certain title. For example, I could create an image that is associated with anyone who's been titled "Village Idiot". Does anyone have any suggestions?

Posted: 2006-09-17 02:22am
by Spanky The Dolphin
How about SA's probation kitten? Image

Posted: 2006-09-17 02:23am
by Gandalf
I recommend GWB with one of his sillier expressions.

Failing that, are there VIs anywhere in Starwarsverse?

Posted: 2006-09-17 02:30am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I recommend something that while demeaning and worth ridicule, shouldn't be potentially offensive or visually grating for the rest of us.

We have to look at it, too, after all...

Posted: 2006-09-17 02:57am
by FSTargetDrone
GWB is good, but how about Cletus?


You can cut it down (just to show his head, I suppose) or just Google for others if you don't like this one.

Posted: 2006-09-17 03:06am
by Noble Ire
Gandalf wrote:I recommend GWB with one of his sillier expressions.

Failing that, are there VIs anywhere in Starwarsverse?
Jar Jar Binks, perhaps?

Posted: 2006-09-17 03:58am
by Zed Snardbody
Noble Ire wrote:
Gandalf wrote:I recommend GWB with one of his sillier expressions.

Failing that, are there VIs anywhere in Starwarsverse?
Jar Jar Binks, perhaps?
Damn, beat me to it.

Posted: 2006-09-17 04:46am
by Adrian Laguna
FSTargetDrone wrote:GWB is good, but how about Cletus?
I'd rather not have to look at that guy every time a VI posts.

Posted: 2006-09-17 07:04am
by Lord Woodlouse
Maybe the mouth of someone pulling a "mong" face? (where one pushes their tongue into the skin below their mouth to make themselves look like a retard).

I tried googling it but mostly got pictures of Chinese people called mong. :?

Posted: 2006-09-17 07:49am
by Meest
Greedo a smoking heep portrays a VI nicely.

Posted: 2006-09-17 08:35am
by Rye
Lord Woodlouse wrote:Maybe the mouth of someone pulling a "mong" face? (where one pushes their tongue into the skin below their mouth to make themselves look like a retard).

I tried googling it but mostly got pictures of Chinese people called mong. :?
I present these:


Oh, and I really HATE Jar Jar, please, don't have him.

Posted: 2006-09-17 09:19am
by Civil War Man
Where does this picture show up? If it is where the avatar would be, it would probably have the problem that strikes a lot of people when a group of people start using the same avatar (like the Cult of Uraniun).

That being said, most pictures that could be associated with VIs will probably be really grating, since nobody in their right mind would give a cool picture to them (BTW Rye, if I didn't like my avatar so much, I'd probably grab the second one you posted).

Posted: 2006-09-17 10:32am
by Edi
If it's the avatar, how about this one?


That should convey the impression of cluelessness quite adequately.


Posted: 2006-09-17 10:35am
by Zadius
I like the idea of rubber stamping their current avatar with "VILLAGE IDIOT" in bright red ink.

Posted: 2006-09-17 11:07am
by Superman

Posted: 2006-09-17 11:16am
by The Grim Squeaker
Edi wrote:If it's the avatar, how about this one? ... _80x80.gif

That should convey the impression of cluelessness quite adequately.

That image is good, but may not be enough for truly spectacular troll/idiots. [Unlike the (Overdone in my opinion) bluntness of the south park pic).

A custom Av would be useful for marking the long standing trolls, though the question arises as if it wouldn't be likely that anyone who shows himself as not only an exemplary Idiot but is also a troll and gets worse wouldn't end up banned in the first place.

Oh, and if Edi's av is used for VI's can I at least have the benefit of doubt before having my av stripped [Due to my still having my title]?
I do try to improve (Even if it is usually unsucesfully) and I'd like to hope that I have improved slightly at the least. (Not to mention that I like my Av).

The SP pics might be nice in any case for marking/locking HoS'd threads or in retorts to idiots, without being made Av's, but thats just my taste. (Since they really are unpleasant to look at).

Posted: 2006-09-17 12:12pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Zadius wrote:I like the idea of rubber stamping their current avatar with "VILLAGE IDIOT" in bright red ink.
I like this idea.

Avatars can be locked, right?

Posted: 2006-09-17 04:04pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Mr. Wong is talking about rank images, which are separate and displayed above the user avatar, much like the custom seniority star system (though IIRC, VI status strips one's avatar anyway).

Posted: 2006-09-17 05:10pm
by FSTargetDrone
Ah, so that's what's floating over Sheppard's avatar.

Posted: 2006-09-17 09:46pm
by Vehrec
If thats the case, why not just have a dunce cap instead of a star? Each truely notable instance of stupidity earns another cap, until the VI collects all the caps he can. If the caps are suitably small, they would be unobtrusive.
Or we could just have mini Jar-Jars, Wesleys, and as many other annoying Sci-Fi characters as we can think of. That might be just as effective.

Posted: 2006-09-17 09:56pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Vehrec wrote:If thats the case, why not just have a dunce cap instead of a star? Each truely notable instance of stupidity earns another cap, until the VI collects all the caps he can. If the caps are suitably small, they would be unobtrusive.
Or we could just have mini Jar-Jars, Wesleys, and as many other annoying Sci-Fi characters as we can think of. That might be just as effective.
Better that they're large (avatar-sized, maybe) and obnoxious. :lol:

Posted: 2006-09-17 11:59pm
by Darth Servo
In Wayne Poe's assorted essays on the Rabid Stupid Asshole, he has used a pic of a cartoon asshole. There's also his Napoleon Dynamite picture as well as his bull squatting on a toilet.


Posted: 2006-09-18 01:36am
by Beowulf
Loud and obnoxious is bad, because everyone else on the board has to see it.

Posted: 2006-09-18 02:50am
by SpacedTeddyBear
Would the Black Knight be too generous to apply it to the Village Idiot?

Posted: 2006-09-18 09:18am
by Majin Gojira
The toxic kids "Yuk" face would work rather well in place of the rank stars for a VI.