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My land (fairly 56k-safe)

Posted: 2006-09-19 01:44pm
by Dooey Jo
Okay, so technically I don't own the land, but I do live there, so I can consider it mine anyway.

On this gloomy day I made a bike ride up the local "mountain" and took some photos to document this perilous journey. (Click on the images to view a larger version)

Omigosh it's a deadly Moose Eating Viper™. It is so venomous it can kill a full-grown moose at a distance of up to five metres. I was lucky I didn't die by just looking at it, and got away with only one leg torn off. Though it did manage to scare the batteries in the camera to death, fortunately I had a few more.

This is what the land around my home looks like from atop the mountain.

Can you spot my house? No you can't because it's hidden behind trees. Also it's way distant, in the haze. Let me show you:

Bomb here.

We also have a nearby lake. It just happens to be the largest lake in the lot of Sweden. That's just a small portion of it though, obviously. In the middle you can see a darker region, which is deeper. That is where the Water Temple is.

There's a military base around there somewhere. Way far away.

Yup, more lake.

Ah yes. The Love-tree of Broken Dreams. It is said that anyone who carves the names of himself and his lover into this tree will die alone. Or they will break up within a few months at least. Or maybe not, but the tree is dead damnit, killed by lightning many years ago, that's got to be bad luck.

Some random trees. I mean uh... evil trees of doom.

A place to sit and eat, and shit. Seems like someone forgot their stuff. That bag seems familiar though...

I journey deeper into the forest on the mountain (it's a very flat mountain).

"Death" "Despair"

"The deserted house." Oh my! That sounds interesting. They say vampires live there.

The road to the house is very dangerous. Full of trolls and goblins and trees and steep stairs. Lots of ants too, and mushrooms.

The deserted house is at hand! I can practically smell the vampires from here!

There it is! Dare I go closer?

What?! That's it? There are no vampires in there! What fucking bullshit. I'm outta here. Goddamnit... that's so disappointing I won't even go to the Lake-side Fuck-hut of Doom. I'm gonna go home and catch the end of Star Trek.

The road downhill is a bit steep. You can compare it to the horizon.

Oh my.

Phew, I didn't die. Neither did the horsies.

That's how the "mountain" looks.

No wait, I mean this is how it looks. Oooh, evil mountain. Be afraid!

Here are those wind machines again. They are the reason why it was so windy today. From here, it's only five km or so to my house.

Posted: 2006-09-19 04:11pm
by salm
Nice. Looks just like a flatter version of where i´m from. Oberschwaben that is.

Posted: 2006-09-20 12:06pm
by Shroom Man 777
Absolutely awesome! And the captions are just golden.

Posted: 2006-09-20 02:21pm
by TheMuffinKing
Can I visit? That area's beautiful!

Posted: 2006-09-21 02:21pm
by Dooey Jo
salm wrote:Nice. Looks just like a flatter version of where i´m from. Oberschwaben that is.
Yup, sure is flat. That mountain (and an identical, albeit smaller one that lies right next to it) is the only height for many tens of kilometres. Kind of funny though that those mountains are also pretty much completely flat...

Posted: 2006-09-22 03:40am
by His Divine Shadow
That looks pretty awesome indeed. Well not factoring in the snakes of doom.