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Regrets: Wish I was into Jazz in the mid '80s.

Posted: 2006-09-21 02:09pm
by Magnetic
I came across a video of Chick Corea playing a concert in 1986 and I quickly began to regret my youth in regards to musical styles. At that time, I was into the silly "Hair Bands", 80's metal, when I COULD have been listening to something that actually took skill to write and play. Nowadays, since I'm mostly into Jazz (the fusion type), I would have seriously benefited from 20 years of listening to great Jazz. Alas, years squandered on the mediocre. :cry:

Anyone else regret an aspect of their youth?

Posted: 2006-09-21 02:11pm
by Darth Wong
I regret that I didn't invest my early earnings. I made $12000 in 4 months on a student job in 1988, which was pretty damned good money for a student back then. I blew it all on entertainment the next term at school; if I had invested a good chunk of it, and generally been more fiscally responsible from that point on, I'd have a lot more money today.

As for music, I don't see why that should be a regret. I have much more broad music tastes now than I did in my teen years, but who cares? There's no lingering loss from not listening to certain kinds of music when you're young; you can just start listening to them now.

Besides, certain kinds of music are meant for the young. Feeling regret over listening to that kind of music in your youth is like feeling regret for watching Sesame Street as a child. It was appropriate for the time, even if you don't have much respect for it now.

Posted: 2006-09-21 02:33pm
by Magnetic
I agree with what you said. I just feel that I would have a much better understanding of Jazz theory had I been listening to it for 2 decades.

And yeah, I wish I had been more financially responsible as well.

Posted: 2006-09-21 09:52pm
by Rye
I regret not learning guitar till now. I could totally own on it if I'd started 5-10 years ago.

Posted: 2006-09-21 10:06pm
by aerius
My one regret is not getting into the Blues earlier on, if I did I might've had a chance to see Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan play concerts before they passed away. Sure I can get all their albums and DVDs, but there's nothing like live.

Posted: 2006-09-21 10:44pm
by King Kong
I'm assuming this thread deals with artistic/musical related regrets. I, like everyone else, have a lot of other regrets, but this doesn't seem like the place to mention them.

Besides the typical regrets of not practicing more on my main instrument (the trumpet), I regret not learning how to play the digeridoo until many years after buying a rather expensive one while in Australia. My parents were probably furious at me spending that money and not practicing. Very stupid and immature of me. It just sat in my room through years of possible play time which could have resulted in a performance at my high school. Man, that would have been sweet. It is also a lot of fun to play now that I forced myself to learn it.

Posted: 2006-09-22 12:01am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Rye wrote:I regret not learning guitar till now. I could totally own on it if I'd started 5-10 years ago.
Ditto to this.

When I was younger, I had virtually no exposure to music at all. It wasn't until my late teens I even discovered that I liked hard rock and later, heavy metal. Accordingly, I had no idea I loved electric guitar so much until a couple years ago. Being up at school most of the year, there's not a lot of opportunity to sit down and dedicate time to learning guitar like I could have when I was younger.