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The Sketches thread [Updated 18/10]

Posted: 2006-09-24 12:22pm
by The Grim Squeaker
For all those who sketch, doodle and draw, but aren't one of those expert, fancy artists :P , here's the thread to scan/show your (Amateur) artwork.
New Edited pics [D added]
Index Added.


DEATH's/ My First Batch

Lord Woodlouse
Muffin King
Crix Dorius
Rye's Juggernaught pic
Mecha by Muffin king ... jpghavokef mech

Yes, I know my artwork sucks :P (I did it while in classes over my first 3.5 weeks at the emkina).
Some of my sketches & Doodles, made in class.

My Vision/Pre-conceived notion of the Negev (The desert which comprises 20% of Israel's space):
Some of my sketches & Doodles, made in class.

The Grimacing beast, the crown, the pyramid and the interlocking shape pyramid.
Some of my sketches & Doodles, made in class.





This one came out rather well, especially the abstract face (Even if it isn't as detailed as some of the other pics)
The return of Mr.Mind ;). [Some nice geometric detail here]
Spot the Base Delta Zero . Also how's my imitation of the Halo Script?



Witness the Space Jellyfish! In "Colourvision"!
A quickr pickr post

So, post your doodles and don't be afraid, since apart from a rare few We all suck ;).

Posted: 2006-09-24 02:19pm
by Feil
As far as I can tell, the biggest difference between those who are and aren't 'one of those artists' is that 'one of those artists' begins at the same place and doesn't stop fifteen seconds in. We might get farther in those fifteen seconds, but that's just because we've done it so many times.

Take the time to do things to the best of your ability, and you may well find that ability slowly increasing.

PS: 'Those artists' sketch and doodle too. ;)

Posted: 2006-09-24 02:26pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Feil wrote:As far as I can tell, the biggest difference between those who are and aren't 'one of those artists' is that 'one of those artists' begins at the same place and doesn't stop fifteen seconds in. We might get farther in those fifteen seconds, but that's just because we've done it so many times.

Take the time to do things to the best of your ability, and you may well find that ability slowly increasing.

PS: 'Those artists' sketch and doodle too. ;)
I do take my time with these, I sketch them over as long as each takes. (Some took a damn long time, such as those made out of interlocking and intersecting shapes, or some of the abstracts).

It's not a matter of time, just my lack of an ability to paint better due to a lack of talent. (I draw from imagination and on the spot, planning is anathema to me [That and I can't draw realistically worth crap :wink: ]).

Posted: 2006-09-24 02:35pm
by Lord Woodlouse
In my account...

I sketched a Dalek:

...and a bear with a hat:

Related to my sig I also have doodles of ham sandwiches (EU Commissioners): ... dwich.html

Posted: 2006-09-24 03:12pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Feil wrote:As far as I can tell, the biggest difference between those who are and aren't 'one of those artists' is that 'one of those artists' begins at the same place and doesn't stop fifteen seconds in. We might get farther in those fifteen seconds, but that's just because we've done it so many times.

Take the time to do things to the best of your ability, and you may well find that ability slowly increasing.

PS: 'Those artists' sketch and doodle too. ;)
I do take my time with these, I sketch them over as long as each takes. (Some took a damn long time, such as those made out of interlocking and intersecting shapes, or some of the abstracts).

It's not a matter of time, just my lack of an ability to paint better due to a lack of talent. (I draw from imagination and on the spot, planning is anathema to me [That and I can't draw realistically worth crap :wink: ]).

Posted: 2006-09-24 04:41pm
by TheMuffinKing

A random mech.

Posted: 2006-09-24 04:50pm
by Pick

Posted: 2006-09-24 08:56pm
by Feil
So I was chatting on IRC after a game of DoW...

<Feil> Even if you don't kill an Ork base, if you get the banners, he's out of the fight for the next few minutes.
<Feil> (or she)
<Lokain> yup
<Lokain> SHE!
<Lokain> your allied with a female ork!
<Lokain> ....
<Lokain> are their any female orks....
<Feil> No.

And got this funny picture in my head...


Posted: 2006-09-25 04:31pm
by Pick
Still incomplete; one class period work of work.

Posted: 2006-09-25 04:35pm
by Darth Raptor
I too find that I do my very best work when I'm not trying at all. And then, when I actually pull off something respectable, I don't want to do anything else. It's very exasperating.

Posted: 2006-09-25 05:15pm
by Rye
I just drew random shapes and then doodled them into something more understandable while listening to Nile.


Posted: 2006-09-27 01:58pm
by Crix Dorius
UPDATE !!! (23.10.)

Some stuff from my Gator`vers...







Some SW stuff...



Posted: 2006-09-27 02:30pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
The Grief looks almost exactly like a concept for the Z-95 Headhunter made by these quarrelsome folk.

Mind if I take a crack at the design, Crix?

Posted: 2006-09-27 02:48pm
by Crix Dorius
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:The Grief looks almost exactly like a concept for the Z-95 Headhunter made by these quarrelsome folk.

Mind if I take a crack at the design, Crix?


Two idiots, one thought. :lol:

Well... If you want. :wink:

P.S.: Oh... and it`s "Greif" (Gryphon) not "Grief" 8)

Posted: 2006-09-27 04:03pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Old stuff from my high-school days before I knew about SDN or much anything about the internet past the point there's nice stuff on it but it's a BITCH to dial in from a cheap ISP. As you can see, there's FAR too much Babylon 5 influence in the work for my own good!

Bluebird fighter.


Weasel fighter. Got its nickname from the side view of the nose and intakes looking like a grinning weasel.


Somewhat generic fighter with gravitic drive elements. I liked Minbari ships a lot back then.


Inspired by a player ship in the classic Shmup 'Tyrian'. I called it the Stalker.


Portrait of a Weasel flying through space. It's a different version from the other Weasel.


Stalker (again, a different model than the other Stalker) doing a vertical ascent from an urbanized planet.


Capital ship inspired by a large piece of driftwood found down by the River.


A smaller ship in the 'Driftwood' family.


A very much larger member of the 'Driftwood' Fleet.


Large gunship with gravity drives.


Enemy fighter-bomber with a (very) large thermonuclear missile.


Typical engines the fighters use.


Large automatic pistol with extensible stock, rather like a 'micro-SMG'.


Posted: 2006-09-28 06:16pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
WTF did I kill the thread!?!? :cry:

That's fucking annoying! :roll:

Posted: 2006-09-28 06:20pm
by Rye
Those're really good, Ein, I didn't know you were that good of an artist.

Edit: Though, I thought this thread was for more amateur work with little effort on making something technically achieved, inane doodles really.

Posted: 2006-09-28 06:25pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Rye wrote:Those're really good, Ein, I didn't know you were that good of an artist.
Thanks. I didn't really know either. :P

Posted: 2006-09-30 04:49pm
by Rye
I drew this in about 25 mins with a ball point pen while watching Bremner Bird and Fortune and some of ROTS just now.

I plan on writing a Mini Series for Marvel centred around the Juggernaut, so I'm attempting to think about the character some more and what adventures I could take him on.


Posted: 2006-10-04 10:13pm
by TheMuffinKing

Yep, another mech. Done in the old style.

Posted: 2006-10-05 03:20am
by Havok
My mech wants a piece of your mech!!

Posted: 2006-10-05 07:15am
by The Grim Squeaker
Rye wrote: I plan on writing a Mini Series for Marvel centred around the Juggernaut, so I'm attempting to think about the character some more and what adventures I could take him on.
Awesome sketch Rye :).

I'd suggest the current run of Hulk [Planet Hulk] for inspiration, it's excellent for showing adventures and character building/insight while retaining the character.
(Who's almost as simplistic in his base nature as Juggernaut).

Though to be Fair, Hulk has the issue of Jeckel/Hyde and man's inner beast, while J has childhood trauma (Though not as bad as Bruce's psycho Dad) and a friendship with B Tom (Who tried to eat/absorb him twice over the past 1-2 years).

Also I really should try to sketch a mech, I'm beginning to feel left out ;). (ThoughI can't draw something specific worth shit, I literally draw stick figures when I try to draw people).

Posted: 2006-10-05 07:16am
by The Grim Squeaker
Rye wrote: I plan on writing a Mini Series for Marvel centred around the Juggernaut, so I'm attempting to think about the character some more and what adventures I could take him on.
Awesome sketch Rye :).

I'd suggest the current run of Hulk [Planet Hulk] for inspiration, it's excellent for showing adventures and character building/insight while retaining the character.
(Who's almost as simplistic in his base nature as Juggernaut).

Though to be Fair, Hulk has the issue of Jeckel/Hyde and man's inner beast, while J has childhood trauma (Though not as bad as Bruce's psycho Dad) and a friendship with B Tom (Who tried to eat/absorb him twice over the past 1-2 years).

I really should try to sketch a mech, I'm beginning to feel left out ;). (Though I can't draw something specific worth shit, I literally draw stick figures when I try to draw people).

Also please note the added Index, withand re-eddited and cropped pics, now in 24 bit action! :)

Posted: 2006-10-05 09:32am
by TheMuffinKing
havokeff wrote:"snip"
My mech wants a piece of your mech!!
Dang thats cool! Reminds me of an ABC warbot from AD2000 comics.

We may have a MECH OFF! Brewing.

Posted: 2006-10-05 09:50pm
by TheMuffinKing

Quick explosions and a mech.