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Tenuous negotiations

Posted: 2006-09-26 06:17pm
by Kane Starkiller
Senator Bail Organa conducts a secret meeting aboard HMS Inoxerable, commanded by captain sympathetic to the Rebel cause, trying to convince the Federation delegation to lend it's support to the cause...

OK, OK this is my very first rendering attempt. I'm like a five year old showing his doodles to his loving parents so bear with me. :P

Star Destroyer model by Ansel Hsiao.
Nebula model by Flat Eric.

Posted: 2006-09-26 06:46pm
by salm
The setup isn´t chosen that wisely.

If you want to show the scene from the back show it from a the back but make the two ships straight. Not almost straight. (in other words - rotate the camera around it´s z-axis)

Second, the Star Trek ship nearly touches the Star Wars ship which looks weird.
They hardly overlap. Overlapping is good.

The bridge of the Stardestroyer hides its nose. If you set the camera either higher or lower we could see the nose which would be cooler. Setting the camera lower would probably be cooler since it would result in a cooler perspective.

And could you reduce the size of the image since it screws up the forum format?