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The most musicaly influental country in the last 40 years.

Posted: 2006-10-04 01:29am
by Havok
I was going to try and make this a poll but I'm a retard and was afraid to try. :oops:

Anyway, I was making a mix CD for my new bike and I noticed that the majority of the what was going n the CD was from other countries. So the question of which country has had the most influence in the last 40 years came to mind and I wanted the valued thoughts from board members on this subject.

My choice: England. Zepplin, The Clash and The Beatles. 'Nuff said.

Posted: 2006-10-04 01:49am
by atg


My vote would be for Britain.

Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Sex Pistols, Beatles, Franz Ferdinand, The Who, Black Sabbath, Cream, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc. Is there another country that can claim to be home to so many of the all time greatest bands?

Posted: 2006-10-04 02:08am
by Havok
atg wrote:


My vote would be for Britain.

Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Sex Pistols, Beatles, Franz Ferdinand, The Who, Black Sabbath, Cream, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc. Is there another country that can claim to be home to so many of the all time greatest bands?
Oh sorry bout that. That is a good list but drop the pistols from it.

Posted: 2006-10-04 02:19am
by SeeingRed
I'd second a vote for Britain (Scotland especially)

Posted: 2006-10-04 02:24am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Depends. Where would one say the likes of Jimi Hendrix was from? He was active in both the US and Britain prior to redefining the electric guitar as an instrument. If the US, then I would say it's a bit of a toss-up, though if Britain then there's no question. The sheer amount and quality of hard rock (which paved the way for my beloved heavy metal) out of Britain stacks it pretty much one-sided.

Posted: 2006-10-04 02:35am
by atg
Jimi Hendrix was an American.

Posted: 2006-10-04 03:08am
by Havok
atg wrote:Jimi Hendrix was an American.
Yeah, but England made him.

Posted: 2006-10-04 03:18am
by Havok
I had originaly considered the USA with bands such as the Ramones and The Stooges, practically creating punk and heavily influencing modern metal, and Johnny Cash and Elvis, for their rock and roll and all things Billy influences, but England still won out.

Although, Lennon did say without Elvis there is no Beatles or something like that.

Hmm... The US did come up with hip hop and rap, but you could almost credit that to regge.

Posted: 2006-10-04 04:18am
by thejester
havokeff wrote:I had originaly considered the USA with bands such as the Ramones and The Stooges, practically creating punk and heavily influencing modern metal,
Creating punk? They were an important early influence to the actual punk groups like The Clash and The Sex Pistols, but the actual punk brand was created by the aforementioned British groups (and the minor players like The Jam, Buzzcocks and the Banshees), not The Ramones.

As to the OP: for the world as a whole you'd have to say Britain. Putting aside the sheer power of Beatlemania, the trio of Britpop, punk and the mods would have been enough IMO to cement their spot.

Posted: 2006-10-04 04:48am
by Havok
thejester wrote:
havokeff wrote:I had originaly considered the USA with bands such as the Ramones and The Stooges, practically creating punk and heavily influencing modern metal,
Creating punk? They were an important early influence to the actual punk groups like The Clash and The Sex Pistols, but the actual punk brand was created by the aforementioned British groups (and the minor players like The Jam, Buzzcocks and the Banshees), not The Ramones.
Uh, newsflash, Sid used Ramones records to help him learn guitar. The Ramones were on their third album in 77, when the Pistols released their first. Not to mention they formed in 74 a year before the Pistols and two years before The Clash.

Like I said, The Ramones and The Stooges, and probably in the other order. I give all credit to the English scene, but not for punk.

And about the Pistols. ANY of the brittish bands could have gone on TV and been crass and cuss. Mclaren just had the smarts to do it with his boys.

Posted: 2006-10-04 05:46am
by weemadando
I can't believe that people have failed to mention David Bowie.

Posted: 2006-10-04 05:57am
by Havok
Well he falls under Englands flag, which was my country of choice.

Posted: 2006-10-04 06:09am
by Havok
For a pretty good history of Punk, it's roots and where it is today as well as the influences and the infuencees check out this DVD.

I say it's pretty good because it sorta skips alot of good stuff from the 80s

Posted: 2006-10-04 06:40am
by Lord Woodlouse
The USA, Britain and Sweden are the only net music exporters on Earth, apparently.

I believe the USA has more in the top 100, but I think Britain probably has been the most influential if only because of the sheer power of Beatlemania, which effects probably the majority of musicians around today.

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:05am
by Havok
Hey AC/DC, INXS and Midnight Oil are from Australia man!
Hmm... that list got progressively crappy didn't it? :D

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:09am
by weemadando
Australia is getting better, but we are still definately a massive net importer.

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:15am
by weemadando
havokeff wrote:Hey AC/DC, INXS and Midnight Oil are from Australia man!
Hmm... that list got progressively crappy didn't it? :D
The next mention of Peter Garrett will result in being forced to watch him dance naked for 12 hours straight.

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:20am
by Stofsk
You're bluffing.

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:26am
by weemadando
Maybe. Do YOU want to risk it?

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:28am
by Stofsk
*edges towards the door, making no sudden moves*

You win this round.

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:32am
by Havok
weemadando wrote:
havokeff wrote:Hey AC/DC, INXS and Midnight Oil are from Australia man!
Hmm... that list got progressively crappy didn't it? :D
The next mention of Peter Garrett will result in being forced to watch him dance naked for 12 hours straight.
Who's Peter Garrett? Right Said Fred? :twisted:

Posted: 2006-10-04 07:39am
by weemadando
Damnit - I can't seem to find a suitable gif of a stick-insect having a seizure. DAMN YOU INTERWEBS!

Posted: 2006-10-04 10:44am
by aerius
Canada. We gave the world Celine Dion and Nickelback.

Posted: 2006-10-04 11:02am
by RedImperator
Uh, fellas, are we possibly forgetting an entire genre here? Like it or not, hip hop is the biggest thing to happen in popular music since the Beatles, who, incidentally, did much of their influential work before the time period specified in the OP. I'm going to have to go with the US here.

Posted: 2006-10-04 01:09pm
by The Yosemite Bear
havokeff wrote:Hey AC/DC, INXS and Midnight Oil are from Australia man!
Hmm... that list got progressively crappy didn't it? :D
you forgot rose tattoo

and Nick Cave amoung the more influential Aussies (ok and Nick got Kylie the sex goddess to do one of the most creepy duets ever)