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My first .pps

Posted: 2006-10-13 10:51pm
by Chardok
This is the first time I've ever poked around in PowerPoint. I thought maybe I could....mmm....give my presentation some "oomph". It is not *quite* what I envisioned, but I think it's pretty good for having no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Anyway, if you do have Microsoft Office (Even if you don't, you can open the .pps in IE), I'd appreciate some feedback. There some Jargon-y crap in there, but the actual graphic presentation is what concerns me the most. Feel free to tinker around with it, or just offer up suggestions of how I can make it better.

Only 735Kb, too.

Rapidshare Linkage

Take care!

Posted: 2006-10-14 11:43am
by Bounty
You're overdoing it.

It's cute, it's original, but your information will get lost in the giggles of your audience. Rule of thumb: if it takes more time to describe the transition effects than it does to describe the information on the slide, you've got too much "presentation" and not enough "information". If you Powerpoint has a soundtrack, you've really overdone it.

Not to mention that the equipment you'll be using to project the slides may not have a sound system, or at least not one that's easily hooked-up.

In my limited experience, it's better to focus on how present the information itself rather than the framing. Find good-looking but clear fonts, experiment with harmonious colour schemes for text and backgrounds, sneak in a subtle joke here and there. It's a different style, so ignore all the above if it doesn't suit the way you do presentations :)