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forum images (pics)

Posted: 2006-10-22 04:02am
by LordShaithis
Was going through my Photobucket account just now, and thought I would post a bunch of my forum images just for the hell of it. All were made by me.

Used when someone copy/pastes way too much text into a post:

Created specifially for a thread in which ex-SWG designer Raph Koster actually put forth the words quoted in the lower right corner:

Made for a thread discussing the Final Fantasy XI "new deal" marketing scheme:

Used in case of breathless "omg william gibson predicted this" cyberpunk wanking:

I once tried to run for a moderator position on a board I frequented. My platform consisted of openly telling everyone I planned to be a ruthless fascist.

Re: forum images (pics)

Posted: 2006-10-22 04:48am
by Major Maxillary
LordShaithis wrote:I once tried to run for a moderator position on a board I frequented. My platform consisted of openly telling everyone I planned to be a ruthless fascist.
You'd be surprised how often that works.

Posted: 2006-10-22 05:15am
by LordShaithis
Somehow telling them that under my iron fist they would all learn a new definition of suffering failed to turn the trick.