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As much as I love it when Siberian Huskies talk...

Posted: 2006-10-24 12:31am
by Bug-Eyed Earl
I would find this to be almost intolerable if this were my dog.:

Examples of when a "talking" husky is cute:

And the best one:

Posted: 2006-10-24 01:28am
by Shinova
Whaaat the fundoodles........

Posted: 2006-10-24 01:32am
by Stofsk
Who else tries to get their dogs to talk to them? I know I do.

Posted: 2006-10-24 02:09am
by Zed Snardbody
My golden retriever wont shut the hell up.

Posted: 2006-10-24 05:43am
by The Yosemite Bear
I used to own a couple of siamese. The only cats that not only sorta talk, but are also amoung your more trainable domestic felines (originally bred as "Guard animals" for royalty.

Posted: 2006-10-24 06:13pm
by Sriad
Aw, they're talking! :luv:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:I used to own a couple of siamese. The only cats that not only sorta talk, but are also amoung your more trainable domestic felines (originally bred as "Guard animals" for royalty.
It sounds weird, but thinking about it I'd much rather fight one 70 pound dog than seven 10 pound cats going for my eyes.

Posted: 2006-10-24 06:28pm
by The Yosemite Bear
which was really bad was that royal palacies in siam and tievet were abolutly riddled with cat sized secret passages, for them to leap from ceiling level down onto intruders....not to mention the royalty could afford to give the cat's little stee wrought paw covers, so that they mightt be better able to do their job. oh and your description was correct, they were trained to attack the face, neck, and genetials fo any intruder.

Posted: 2006-10-25 12:08am
by Havok
Sriad wrote:Aw, they're talking! :luv:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:I used to own a couple of siamese. The only cats that not only sorta talk, but are also amoung your more trainable domestic felines (originally bred as "Guard animals" for royalty.
It sounds weird, but thinking about it I'd much rather fight one 70 pound dog than seven 10 pound cats going for my eyes.
OOOO That's a tough one. I have actually fought a dog before. It was either a rottweiler or a pitt. I think it was a rott just because someone told me that pitts have lock jaw. I've also tried to break up 2 cats fighting. That was unpleasant.

Now I'm a big fucking guy, almost 6'2" and at any given time since I was 17 300+ lbs. I will tell you this, dogs are fucking strong and thier bites hurt, but cat scratches hurt like A MOTHER FUCKER. I would definetly fight the dog.

Posted: 2006-10-25 02:15pm
by Major Maxillary
My cat has converstations with himself.

Posted: 2006-10-25 02:23pm
by The Nomad
They remind me of Wookies...

I had a Siamese cat that was very talkative, and would answer only to me. Poor little animal was poisoned years ago :cry:

Posted: 2006-10-25 03:16pm
by Gil Hamilton
I love Huskie "talking".

To be fair, all dogs talk. No, it's true. They definitely communicate their intentions if you learn their body language and the sounds they make. It's simple stuff, but if you pay attention and know your dog, you can definitely tell exactly what is on their mind.

Posted: 2006-10-25 09:00pm
by Lonestar
Major Maxillary wrote:My cat has converstations with himself.
Pff...both my cats call me dirty names, although the fat(ter) one likes to camp out in my room when my alarm goes off and starts hurling demands for immediate sustenance as soon as he hears it. The other one hangs out at the food bowl, yapping at me and triping over stuff as she walks backwards but keeps an eye on the half-cup of kibble.

Posted: 2006-10-26 01:56am
by weemadando
Lonestar wrote:
Major Maxillary wrote:My cat has converstations with himself.
Pff...both my cats call me dirty names, although the fat(ter) one likes to camp out in my room when my alarm goes off and starts hurling demands for immediate sustenance as soon as he hears it. The other one hangs out at the food bowl, yapping at me and triping over stuff as she walks backwards but keeps an eye on the half-cup of kibble.
Fuck. You're lucky. Mine still hasn't come to terms with the "if I'm asleep and you meow I squirt you with water and toss your arse out the door". Its a pain in the arse, because she starts at 4am and doesn't stop meowing until about 7am.

Posted: 2006-10-27 12:57am
by wilfulton
Remember folks, dogs love you, cats own you.