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Army Heavy Vehicles/Tank P0rn! NSF56k format breaking

Posted: 2006-10-28 03:41pm
by The Grim Squeaker
The Full Set of photos, Tanks, weapons, artillery, Firing tests, fireballs, Tank commanders, Humvees, APCs, etc' [70 pictures in the set]

Pictures of some army stuff from my day in "Warriors footsteps", don't forget to go to the full set with pictures of more tanks, weapons and a firing test :)


Behold, the Recon Hummer
Tank close-up


Dust whorl


This has a 5 kilometer range


Being loaded


"Down the barrel of a gun..."


Merkava 3 tank side view


"We'll need Guns. Lots of guns"

The tanks begin their approach to the firing test

Artillery launcher

"March" of the obsolete firing range Merkava tanks
Merkava tanks - Close up no3
"Get off my Tank!"

Posted: 2006-10-28 05:02pm
by Beowulf
*kills death for not following rules*

Posted: 2006-10-28 05:18pm
by kheegster
The first few shots are not of a tank, but a M109 self-propelled howitzer.

And is that an old busted Syrian T-62 in a couple of those pics?

Posted: 2006-10-28 05:42pm
by Master of Cards
That Art as you call it is a Mrls

Posted: 2006-10-28 05:46pm
by Ubiquitous
Nice pics, wish I had access to that gear.


Posted: 2006-10-28 06:30pm
by Uraniun235
Who's the chick in the first picture? I wouldn't mind seeing some more pictures of her.

Posted: 2006-10-28 09:38pm
by Zed Snardbody
Uraniun235 wrote:Who's the chick in the first picture? I wouldn't mind seeing some more pictures of her.

Posted: 2006-10-29 07:00am
by Ubiquitous
I'd laugh if it was his sister. :D

Posted: 2006-10-29 09:34am
by Ace Pace
Ubiquitous wrote:I'd laugh if it was his sister. :D
It's not.
But let me also jump on the bandwagon of I'd like to meet this chick.

Posted: 2006-10-29 07:04pm
by The Yosemite Bear
isn't that a GERMAN flag I see next to that Isreali flag on the self propelled artillery piece?

Posted: 2006-10-29 07:21pm
by salm
Nope. German flag has gold in it and even if the gold part was hidden in the picture it´s black, red, gold and we can see that in the picture the black part is the lowest color.

Posted: 2006-10-29 07:27pm
by The Yosemite Bear
yeah I realized it after I posted.