Star Fleet size and interesting observation

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Post by seanrobertson »

Alyeska wrote: Originally, yes. At the begining the Cardassians were portrayed as having weaker ships that are inferior to that of the other AQ/BQ races.
Definitely. A Galor is three-quarters the length of
a GCS (onscreen, which is all that counts. Compare Defiant's
size to the Cardassian cruisers in "Defiant" or "SoA"), so
it's sized comparably to an Excelsior.

Yet, as Ossus said, we saw Phoenix blow one away
with photorps. Earlier in that episode, Gul Macet's Galor
was swiftly routed by the E-D.

Even tiny Defiant could whip uprated Keldons one-on-one.
However by the time they allied with the Dominion their firepower increased dramatically. They were able to destroy BoPs in just 1 or 2 shots and they were even a direct threat to the likes of the Defiant in just 1-1 battles.
Well, we saw a Galor blow away a Bird of Prey in "Once More
Unto the Breach," but that Bird had probably taken damage
in the strafing run on that Jem'Hadar base.

As for a Cardassian ship matching Defiant, a simulated
Galor was swiftly whipped when Section 31 was grooming
Bashir (sorry, I don't remember the episode's title). We're
told that Valiant was a very close match for a "Cardassian
battlecruiser" in the episode of the same name, but IMO that
indicates a Keldon since Galors were considered "destroyers"
in "Sacrifice of Angels."

A big battlecruiser struggling with a 120m long ship, one largely
crewed by really stupid cadets no less, isn't a glowing testament to
vastly increased firepower. However, I do agree that Cardassian
ships do have credible weapons. Their hulls are quite strong,
too, as witnessed by the beating Prakesh took in "Way
of the Warrior."

But their shields really suck, and though they do have decent
weapons coverage overall, other than their fwd. weapon array
you're not looking at much power; e.g., the batteries that
fired on Federation fighters.

Where does this 3,000 ship number come from?
He was rounding up the Dominion fleet that the wormhole
people ate :)
We hear that the Klingons can retrofit 1,500 ships for the FKR alliance against the Breen. The Romulans comment that the Klingons will be outnumbered 20-1. Thats a 30,000 ship number for the Dominion Alliance.
Yes, undoubtedly. But this is much later on in the war..."SoA"
was episode six of season six; "Tacking Into the Wind" was
one of the final episodes of season seven, naturally. The
Dominion had a lot of time to build more ships; by extension,
then, so did the Federation and Klingons to build and/or
recommission old hulks.

And as to the fleet that Bashir was worried about. The Fleet took 90% losses. 100 ships is important, but the loss ratio is even more stunning. Loosing 90% of your ships in a single battle, loosing the battle itself, and still being heavily outnumbered by your enemy is not a good sign. And as to a 1500 ship fleet being sufficent. With the large border that the Dominion Alliance had against the FKR alliance, you had to spread your forces along several points to defend against it, and in depth. If one side can bring enough forces into a single concentration and pierce through the other sides defenses, that in itself is significant. That is how the Dominion was able to take Betazed, and once they took Betazed they increased their lines in order to create a defense point to the planet and choke any Federation fleet massing in return.
That's true, but it also applies to the Dominion's lines themselves.
Remember, the FKR (and Cardassian) fleets were able to reach
Cardassia because the Dominion was forced to spread its lines
very thin along the many fronts of the war.
The 12,000 number is more reasonable for a variety of reasons. One of them being the large number of Miranda's and Excelsior class ships we saw. That indicates that the Federation was brining its reserves into the battle. 2/3 of the fleet seemed to be fairly newer ships, however at least 1/3 of the fleet was damned near mothball status. Even with a 12,000 ship fleet, loosing aproximately 1% of your fleet. Imagine a couple dozen of these battles and losses in a year. Thats suddenly 24% of your fleet gone. Those seemingly "little" defeats of 100 ships compared to 12,000 are actually major losses when you look at the big picture.
That's true, too, though that particular battle was extremely brutal,
said by Ross and Sisko to be reminiscent of Wolf 359. If the
other battles weren't as costly, we could rationalize a smaller number
for that point in the war.

That's what I meant to address, anyway: the size of the fleet
in early season six. That's all that mattered when we're talking
about the threat of a 2,800 ship fleet in "SoA." How big the
Federation fleet might've been almost two years later, I dunno...
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