A solution to Moriarty's problem

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Re: A solution to Moriarty's problem

Post by biostem »

bilateralrope wrote:Lets assume that Moriarty's cube was moved off the Enterprise into storage somewhere. What are the chances that Section 31 would cause Moriarty to be deleted ?

Especially after they start getting reports back from Voyager about a mobile emitter being possible, holograms rebelling against their alien masters and the Federation starts expanding holo-emmiter coverage aboard ships for medical holograms.

Well, Moriarty didn't so much "rebel against his alien masters" inasmuch as he acted exactly as he was programmed to, only that Geordi gave the computer permission to override what was later revealed to be some sort of failsafe or higher-level access, which gave Moriarty sentience and knowledge beyond what he should have had.

Regardless, someone like Barclay might be the best to deal with Moriarty, at least from a technical standpoint. It would likely be a *bad* idea to reintroduce Data, as some part of Moriarty's programming may still view him as an opponent.

The best course of action may be to use something like that holcommunicator we saw in an ep, so Moriarty can only exist on the pad, instead of being able to manipulate the environment to trick the fed person...
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Re: A solution to Moriarty's problem

Post by PREDATOR490 »

Or take him to Deep Space Nine and introduce him to Vic Fontaine...
Or introduce him to the Doctor...
Or... just leave him happy in the pocket universe.
The ending of the episode makes a less than subtle jab at the concept that the Star Trek universe might just be a bunch of characters in someones pocket universe being played out. Are you going to bitch that the writers are immoral and unethical to make a show that depicts poor characters being beset by constant problems ?
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Re: A solution to Moriarty's problem

Post by bilateralrope »

biostem wrote:
bilateralrope wrote:Lets assume that Moriarty's cube was moved off the Enterprise into storage somewhere. What are the chances that Section 31 would cause Moriarty to be deleted ?

Especially after they start getting reports back from Voyager about a mobile emitter being possible, holograms rebelling against their alien masters and the Federation starts expanding holo-emmiter coverage aboard ships for medical holograms.

Well, Moriarty didn't so much "rebel against his alien masters" inasmuch as he acted exactly as he was programmed to, only that Geordi gave the computer permission to override what was later revealed to be some sort of failsafe or higher-level access, which gave Moriarty sentience and knowledge beyond what he should have had.
In both cases someone made a mistake in coding the hologram, then things went out of control.
The best course of action may be to use something like that holcommunicator we saw in an ep, so Moriarty can only exist on the pad, instead of being able to manipulate the environment to trick the fed person...
Thinking up sensible precautions to keep Moriarty contained is easy. The problem comes when someone doesn't follow them. For example if the Federation has a bit of a hologram rebellion, who then come across Moriarty's box and free him. My question was if Section 31 would delete Moriarty to prevent any possibility of him making things worse or not.

I'm not talking about what would be the ethical thing to do as Section 31 doesn't strike me as an ethical group.
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