My initial ideas for Picard

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My initial ideas for Picard

Post by Tribble »

Let's just say that what I was expecting from the first season of Picard based on the initial teaser trailer... was not exactly what ended up happening on screen :P

Quick recap of the trailer:
Retired Picard in his vineyard, with a voice narrating:
15 years ago today, you led us out of the darkness. You commanded the greatest rescue armada in history. Then... the unimaginable. What did that cost you? Your faith? Your faith in us? Your faith in yourself? Tell us - why did you leave Starfleet, Admiral?
Having tried my best to avoid spoilers and leaks beforehand, based on this I was thinking they were aiming for more of a Mr. Holmes approach for the first season, which IMO would have been pretty cool. In a nutshell here is what I thought was going to happen:

Much of the season takes place on Earth with him in retirement. Part of the reason for this is so we get a good feel of what life is really like there in 24th century / early 25th century rather than bouncing around all over the place. Plus, not knowing spoilers I was hoping this would be more of a political drama series rather than typical action / sci-fi (that's what I thought Stewart meant we he said he wanted something different, clearly wrong there!)

Anyways, on the 15th anniversary of the destruction of Romulus, someone (maybe an old friend, crew member, a student, a historian, a member of Starfleet etc) comes to the vineyard and askes Picard over the course of the season about the events. Although Picard is hesitant he gradually relents and tells his story (mainly via flashback). This is what happened:

Romulus' star was going supernova, and the Romulan Empire was unable to fix everything on their own. Desperate, they asked the Federation for help. Picard and Spock are huge advocates and convince the Federation into intervening. Two plans are put into motion - red matter is developed to try and counter the supernova, while a large rescue fleet is built. Picard is put in charge of the fleet, and they set off for Romulus... only for the supernova to go off early. The supernova wipes out Romulus and a good chunk of the fleet before Spock is able to stop it (and ends up in the Kelvin timeline).

Everyone is horrified, and while there were initial suspicions of foul play the joint investigation eventually concludes that the estimates were simply off, sudden supernovas being fickle things that are hard to predict with 100% certainty. However Picard blames himself for the failure, and does his own investigation into what he could have done better... only to come to the belief that something very different happened. It looks like the supernova was in fact caused... by members of Starfleet (Or if not directly Starfleet, than by another power with Starfleet's acquiescence). And when it looked like a rescue was possible, they managed to speed things up just enough to ensure the disaster. They were even willing to wipe out a good chunk of their own fleet in the process since it would make the efforts seem all the more sincere. They hoped that by doing this they would cause the Romulan Empire to break out into chaos, which is what happens.

What's worse, Picard only has a strong suspicion, not proof. And that's just it - at best, Picard would be dismissed as having broken down due to the stress. At worst, his assertions may lead to a massive war against the Federation by other powers, not to mention a breakup of the Federation itself. Billions more lives would be lost, perhaps on a scale bigger than the Dominion War. And for what, if he doesn't even have enough evidence to hold those responsible to account? Assuming it was even an attack, as opposed to the results of the investigation being correct?

Faced with this knowledge, Picard decides to remain quiet and resigns, citing the the failure of the rescue armada as his reason. Perhaps his greatest regret and mistake - but he is human after all.

After the reveal there is heated discussion on what to do next, if anything. Picard ultimately decides that truth must now come out, no matter what that truth really is, and in spite of the potential risks and consequences. However, due to the above its not simply a matter of going to the press and spilling the beans. Instead, at the end of the season Picard and his companion(s)/friend(s) decide to go back into space and search for answers. The trail may be 15 years old, but the truth is still out there, somewhere.

Perhaps not very imaginative and it has a lot of similarities with other series (including DS9) but that was what was in my head going in. Until I saw the full trailers... and the series *sigh*.

What do you think good sirs / madams?
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Re: My initial ideas for Picard

Post by Tribble »

Would that have been better than what we saw, or least least no worse?
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Re: My initial ideas for Picard

Post by Solauren »

That would have been pretty good.
And you leave alot of room on WHO caused the explosion, if anyone. It also leaves the possibility of it just being survivors guilty for Pichard.

I'd love to read it as a fan-fiction.
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Re: My initial ideas for Picard

Post by Tribble »

Solauren wrote: 2020-06-27 09:59pm That would have been pretty good.
And you leave alot of room on WHO caused the explosion, if anyone. It also leaves the possibility of it just being survivors guilty for Pichard.

I'd love to read it as a fan-fiction.
Alas, I wish I could write on that scale, but that's beyond me. I can do an ok outline, but full story writing isnt something I'm good at lol

Incase you are interested, Now that Season 2 is out, here is how I would have approached it (following off of my idea for Season 1):

Picard and Co. head back out into space, looking for answers as to the real cause of the Romulan supernova. Along the way they visit several different systems both inside the Federation and out. This help to distinguish it from Season 1 which was mostly set on Earth, and also allows us to catch up on the state of the Alpha Quadrant:

The Romulan Empire is considerably weaker than prior to the supernova (plus Shinzon and the Dominion War), but on generally better terms with the Federation. The Federation has finally earned a degree of trust and respect, there now being a genuine attempt to at least maintain amicable relations, particularly among the younger generations. Like the actual show, I do like the idea that certain areas of the Romulan Empire destabilised enough to break off, though the core of the Empire remains intact.

The Klingon Empire is still in an alliance with the Federation, albeit with a sizeable faction (mainly the more war hungry ones) opposed. It didn't help matters that the Federation had to step in to prevent the Klingons from overwhelming the Romulans after the supernova: like with the Cardassians war hawks tried to use the destruction of Romulus as a pretext for war. Fortunately the Federation (and Martok/Worf) were able to convince the majority that doing so would be highly dishonorable (not to mention costly if the Federation got directly involved). Apart from some border skirmishes with the Romulans / breakaway factions there remains an uneasy peace.

Speaking of the Cardassians, they are no longer a major political power, with no sides wanting to see a resurgent Cardassian Nazi state. The remnants are essentially under the protection of the Federation, and like the Romulans they have a better relationship, particularly since the Federation has been helping them rebuild their civilian infrastructure. Bajor is now officially a member.

The Breen, Gorn and Tholians generally mind their own affairs, while the Ferengi continue to trade.

The Dominion mostly stick to their side of the wormhole, although from time to time they send diplomats to at least maintain contact and keep up to date on things.

During the course of their investigations, Picard and Co as usual run into some typical dangers/threats. Some are natural (dangerous weather being a TNG staple) and some from various intelligence agencies whom are trying to figure out what Picard is up to, and if necessary put a stop to it. Throughout their trials, they repeatedly must confront the knowledge that their actions and discovering what really happened may have devastating consequences. Picard has on ongoing reflection on this but remains convinced that the truth is too important and this time he is doing the right thing.

Eventually they uncover solid evidence that yes, the supernova was pre-mature and artificially caused. There was also a major coverup to prevent the general population of the AQ from finding out. However they are still unable to definitively pin down who was responsible. And the odd thing about all of this was that the coverup wasn't just on the Federation's side but everyone. Turns our no one knew who did it and/or why, thus no one wanted to risk an all out war by throwing around accusations. Better for everyone to just pass it off as a natural disaster. While Picard is somewhat relieved in that he was proven correct, it their efforts appear in vain; simply revealing that the supernova was artificial to the general public without a culprit would guarantee disaster.

And it's at that exact moment that the old, familiar voice of Q is heard...
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Re: My initial ideas for Picard

Post by Darth Yan »

In the MMO it was Colonel Hakeev, working for the Iconians (a precursor race who wanted to reclaim the Galaxy for themselves.)
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