Darth Garden Gnome wrote:I'd show up and get in the way and make a big mess. Then I'd laugh when those loser redshirt-janitors had to clean it up. Meanwhile I'll be escaping in the Delorian so I can change the name of this thread to "Why is DGG so awesome?". Meanwhile back at the ship, the fires started by the Delorian's time travel have reaked havoc throughout the stricken vessel, causing a warp core breach and blasting the whole crew into atoms. Followed by the worshipping of yours truly back at SD.Net in this very thread.
Sound good to anyone else?
Naturally, your Grand Vizier is in the passenger seat.
Anyway, as for a command structure, we make Wong an Admiral, David a Captain, Dalton Commander (XO), and fill in the rest of the SuperMods lower down. With those of us with Custom Titles (of the good kind) the LCDRs and LTs, and everyone else Ensigns, with the Red Shirts having no rank, just, well, red shirts.
And to make things easier, we'd have only the active posting members aboard. Obviously, VIs and the like will be sent out to do the shit work.
And there will be
massive TGODing in the Holodeck!