Stark wrote:Oh really? I thought the implication was that Nero dumped Spock there ages ago. If he only dropped him there when he arrived at Vulcan, even stupider. Plot is contrived?

I could Allllmost forgive nero for dumping him within sight (literally) of the planet he intended to destroy if it had been "decades ago" maybe BEFORE the federation installation was put in?
As it stands Spock could have gone to the isntallation and transmitted a warning/beamed to Vulcan.
Why would Spock Prime meekly allow his ship to be captured by an angry Romulan, when he's not an idiot and would surely understand the destructive potential of the red matter he's carrying onboard?
Spock might not have been able to resist if his ship or himself was F'ed up by the passage through the wormhole. on the other hand, perhaps Spock, like nimoy was just phoning it in.
"I go through all of this effort tos ave this galaxy/franchise and its just getting rebooted ANYWAY???"
I'm sorry, but given the ease with which the Enterprise shot down the Narada's torpedoes and the heavy damage inflicted by Kirk Sr's suicide run aboard the USS Kelvin, I just can't buy the Narada destroying 47 Klingon warships. That's a pretty damned big force.
Clearly the Narada had some sort of death blossom technology.
Starfleet fire control systems appear to have a very interesting design feature: they can hit torpedo-sized objects, but only when they're fired at third parties, not themselves
Thats because they miss two or three times. if its coming at them head on, it hits before they can correct. if the missiles are flying past them they get more chances. The feature is they suck.
Why would anyone in his right mind send three guys in parachutes to disable the Narada's drill, when they could have just shot it out?
I think he was acting under the assumption that if they went straight for it the narada could stop them, whereas if pike acted as a diversion the "Strike team" could get through. on the other hand, theres no explanation given for WHY cadets are trained on orbital insertion but not hand to hand combat, why he made Kirk the XO and then took him with him and why, if he HAD done his dissertation on the fate of the Kelvin, Pike didn't set his shuttle to blow up after a few minutes as he knew he'd likely be dead.
(Jeesus christ in the time it takes me to write this Stark and bounty started wrestling in jello.)