AirshipFanboy wrote:What scarce factor of production stops them from churning out more ships? Skilled labor? Industrial output? Personnel to man their ships? Expensive, hard to produce technology? Are their shipyards difficult to construct? Difficulty lifting parts into orbit? A shortage of raw materials or a difficulty in transporting said raw materials? The expense of producing antimatter? Or, simply a small military budget?
When Starfleet asks for more ships, what production bottleneck stops them? Has this ever been suggested on screen, or off-screen?
"The expense of producing antimatter" is an interesting suggestion, I think. Even if we give the Federation the most favorable assumptions about manufacturing, spacelift, and labor capacity imaginable:
-Nigh unlimited labor, because they have a large population with very little to do in a post-scarcity economy;
-Nigh-unlimited production at the shipyards, with replicators turning out large components fast enough to make assembly a modular process, like what US shipyards did with Liberty ships in the Second World War;
-And nigh-unlimited spacelift, because (hypothetically) with replicators you can get most of the tonnage of raw materials you need from space-based sources rather than tossing them up from a planet.
still need antimatter, and they're not going to be able to mine it from anywhere. Starfleet's reliance on a high energy cost manufactured fuel for its warp drives may be the bottleneck in capacity after all. Your ability to make antimatter depends almost entirely on your supply of energy, and if you can't build enough groundside fusion power plants to keep more than X ships supplied with antimatter, your fleet is limited to X ships.
I don't believe that they
have nigh-unlimited shipyard capacity, but even if they did, they'd still be in trouble unless they also had unlimited power supplies.
Batman wrote:Assuming Starfleet is usually spread more or less evenly across UFP territory, given the limits of Warp drive 40 ships is quite a lot even assuming an overall fleet strength far exceeding that depicted in DS9. They had what, 24 hours from the Swiss Army Deflector Dish failure to get those ships together? Assuming Trek ships can average 10,000c over that time anything more than 28 lightyears away was effectively out of it. And while Federation territory is comparatively tiny, it's not THAT tiny.
And since Wolf 359 is so close to Earth, it's a good bet that all those ships were among the ones closest to Earth. Posit that Starfleet keeps a lot of its "best" ships, with elite crews and all the latest equipment upgrades, in its core territory, and losing 40 of those ships becomes one hell of a loss. Even if the overall fleet has ten or twenty times that many.