More on that, the Kelvin was caught with its pants down, but still managed to fire off a few phaser blasts at the incoming missiles before the front of the ship got shredded. The phasers it was using to cover the fleeing shuttles were on the side of the ship and back, which didn't get smashed by the Narada. I don't see why it would make a difference; after all, the ultimate destination of the projectile isn't that important if you can target and track it. You'd think targeting something moving straight at you would be easier, since in terms of movement in an arc, such a projectile really isn't moving very much. Hitting something moving laterally to you and thus sweeping out a bigger arc would be a much harder shot.
Incidentally, in defense of the ridiculous fight scene, every character from Sulu to the Scary Romulan dudes actually did go for their guns first. Its just that in the standard cliche, those guns were immediately knocked away leading to fistcuffs. However, this is a StarTrek movie with TOS characters, you EXPECT that to happen. Besides, Sulu may have had a collapsible sabre on him, but at least it wasn't a katana or some thing even more over the top. I'm still not convinced after watching the movie twice that the sabre form of fencing didn't pick up an acrobatic style in the future as a natural extension of those speed demon fucker fencers that you encounter in fencing meets.
Stark wrote:Certainly - which is reflected in his evident pleasure at killing Kirk with his own hands later - but it's poor judgement regardless. 'Overconfidence' mght have been the wrong word.
I'd call it Standard Villany 101. However, given the way that Nero was nutso, I think that destroying such a potent symbol of the Federation (well, his version of the Federation, since it hadn't yet become that symbol) would have been something he wanted to do properly, rather than pump it full of missiles straight off. Maybe not the most prudent move, but somewhat justified by his ship being seemingly invincible to anything the Federation had.