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OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 01:49pm
by Sonnenburg
The one where Chakotay and Janeway are stuck with each other, a bathtub, and a monkey.


Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 01:54pm
by VF5SS
Great review Mr. Sonnenburg. I can't believe how well I remember this episode and how well you encapsulated all of the uncomfortable bits so nicely.

And did anyone else notice part of this episode's premise is kind of like the Omega Glory where the crew can't leave the planet for unknown reasons until they get plot deviced away later? Both episodes even have rugged men and a very weak presentation of some back lot as an alien world. I mean, was that monkey supposed to be a space monkey? They didn't even glue on any extra eyes,

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 02:21pm
by Drooling Iguana
You still have Harleys and Indians listed as the theme music despite it not being used for this episode.

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 03:31pm
by Crazedwraith
It seems strange that Tuvok is supposedly going to be permanently in command now. But he doesn't seem to wear the red or add a couple of pips to his shoulder to signify this change. The Weird thing is I'm sure I remember an episode where he does wear the Red.

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 07:34pm
by Oskuro
And that girl Chakotay hooks up with is probably the best reason to watch this series. Not sure if I want to see you critizice her though. :lol:

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 09:31pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Crazedwraith wrote:It seems strange that Tuvok is supposedly going to be permanently in command now. But he doesn't seem to wear the red or add a couple of pips to his shoulder to signify this change. The Weird thing is I'm sure I remember an episode where he does wear the Red.
The episode where he was having flashbacks to his time on the Excelsior. He was a lieutenant.

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-14 11:21pm
by tim31
Crazedwraith wrote:It seems strange that Tuvok is supposedly going to be permanently in command now. But he doesn't seem to wear the red or add a couple of pips to his shoulder to signify this change. The Weird thing is I'm sure I remember an episode where he does wear the Red.
Probably Jeri Taylor showing that deep down(and on his shoulders) Tuvok really hopes it works out and Janeway comes back.

It really was like they had the monkey for the day, wasn't it?

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-15 08:10am
by Chris OFarrell
You know, halfway through the review of this episode -that I sort of remember but think I just fast forwarded through when I saw it a long time ago- I thought 'This could ONLY be a Jerry Taylor episode, everyone moaning and beating their breasts over the horrible fate of Janeway, super Captain stranded....

Damn that woman takes Mary Sue into a whole new level...

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-15 11:18am
by Crazedwraith
CaptainChewbacca wrote: The episode where he was having flashbacks to his time on the Excelsior. He was a lieutenant.
I meant him wearing the red as in wearing a Voyager era command branch uniform. Not the movie era costume.

Could it have been the episode where the crew find out they're really the silver goo from the Hell planet and they all die uselessly?

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-15 01:21pm
by Lord MJ
It may have been Before and After where Kes was shifting backwards in time. The episode that got my anticipation level to the point that I was geeked out thinking "Season 4 of Voyager is going to be AWESOME!!!" only to have B&B mercilessly pull the rug out from under me.. :banghead:

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-17 07:40pm
by Big Orange
Actually Jeri Taylor was still a significant producer for S4 and Braga was responsible for penning "The Year of Hell", which was supposed to last most of S4, but Berman and of course the UPN/Paramount suits wanted Voyager to be more like TNG and less like DS9 or B5 (no deep story arcs) so "The Year of Hell" was reduced to a two parter.

Here's Sonnenburg's opinion on VOY's later seasons:
With the departure of Piller, Jeri Taylor's direction of Voyager led towards it developing into its final form. The Borg were starting to creep in, Neelix was shoved more into a minor ship role rather than being Janeway's advisor, the Doctor got his mobile emitter, and Torres and Paris begin moving towards each other. Also, under her would be the introduction of Seven of Nine, and between her, the effectiveness of Scorpion, and the fulfillment of the Paris-Torres relationship the show would be kept on the air for all seven seasons. She would remain on board until the end of season four, when she would hand it over to Brannon Braga (who is often credited with creating Seven) for five and six, and finally to Kenneth Biller for the last season (who is credited for producing tons and tons of bad episodes, so I've no idea what they were thinking here). Anyway, point is, Basics is the first step away from where Voyager was towards where it would manage to stay on the air.

I like your reviews of Red Dwarf, Sonnenburg, and on hindsight I felt that Season V was the apex of Red Dwarf and I'm looking forward to what you think about the last three seasons.

Re: OVEG Video: Resolutions

Posted: 2009-09-18 06:45am
by Bluewolf
You are right on that nice little clean forest Sonn. It does not look like a normal forest at all. Even ones that are kept "clean" are a total mess of plants and wildlife. A little more effort into making it..well more natural would of been more convincing of the Stormquake.