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OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-10 06:59pm
by Zor

I am going to admit that i was one of the people who did not know that Dragon's Egg existed and the idea of a world were time move faster, seeing a civilization grow from barbarism to the future was an interesting idea.

One thing that i also remember was the doctor saying something about the aliens looking like big purple blobs of proto-plasm in this episode, and i am suprised Chuck did not pounce on that.


Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-10 07:40pm
by Oskuro
Ok, I haven't watched the review yet because I needed to say:

"Groundshaker, Lightbringer" LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, the whole intro is great in using the visuals with the rythm, for those who didn't notice, go back and watch the shields fluctuate in synch with the music. Awesome.

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-11 08:50pm
by Big Orange
I actually didn't think "Blink of an Eye" was that bad a concept and a interesting enough episode, despite the shockingly flat, amateurish acting shown by most of the actors depicting the aliens (with the exception of future Lost star Daniel Dae Kim). Nothing wrong with Star Trek emulating more sophisticated sci-fi novels in of itself, but similar episodes like "Living Witness" (which also depicted Janeway's longterm effects on a civilization) and TNG's "Relics" (which featured a dyson sphere) were done better.

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-15 12:58am
by Themightytom
Dragons Egg WAS a good book. I found it in the library when I was ten and was in fact the only person who ever took it out based on the zero stamps on the back cover. Nice to know it is appreciated by others.

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-15 01:35am
by Crossroads Inc.
Its funny, when I first saw this Ep of Voyager, I remember thinking "Wow, this really is an interesting concept. And found myself enjoying the episode despite the crappy acting.

Now I found out it just ripped of a book someone else did. Thus proving the only time Voyager is any good if its ripping another good idea.

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-17 01:11am
by spaceviking
What is that Stalin and friends thing from at the end?

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-17 01:15am
by Zor
Just some random musings on the subject...

Since this planet has a Day and Night Cylce, we can assume that it orbits a star and (since it has plants) gets its energy through sunlight. However, the time bubble should really mess up with this. Basically, the people on that planet are getting the same amount of sunlight in a year (or whatever the rate was) per square meter as a peice of cheese. As such, a planet in such a scenario most likely would be frozen unless it was REALLY close to a star.
What is that Stalin and friends thing from at the end?
The Tick


Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-04-17 08:11am
by Marcus Aurelius
Crossroads Inc. wrote: Now I found out it just ripped of a book someone else did. Thus proving the only time Voyager is any good if its ripping another good idea.
While that is true, I still feel Chuck's final verdict was a bit harsh. 4/10 means that it's worse than an average Voyager episode. I would have given it 6/10 despite the ripoff and crappy acting, because the basic idea is still good enough to carry the story through. Voyager was a shitty series, so even ripping off good ideas was an improvement compared to the usual nonsensical technobabble hell.

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-06-12 01:42am
by OsirisLord
Marcus Aurelius wrote: While that is true, I still feel Chuck's final verdict was a bit harsh. 4/10 means that it's worse than an average Voyager episode. I would have given it 6/10 despite the ripoff and crappy acting, because the basic idea is still good enough to carry the story through. Voyager was a shitty series, so even ripping off good ideas was an improvement compared to the usual nonsensical technobabble hell.
I disagree. Like Chuck said, Voyager doesn't deserve any credit for the idea, since it's demonstratively lifted from a much better work of fiction. Nor should Voyager deserve any credit for the execution, because all the hard actual science from Dragon's Egg is reduced to standard TNG-era technobabble, and the utterly alien description of the Chila are replaced with boring, unimaginative, and uncreative rubber foreheads of the week. Basically the episode insults your intelligence by saying "Actual science is way beyond the comprehension of our viewers. Let's just say the planet runs of ground up fairy bones and finish this script."

I think that if Voyager is everything I hate about Star Trek made into a single series, then Blink of an Eye is everything I hate about Voyager made into one episode. Chuck was too generous with that rating.

Re: OVEG: Blink of an Eye

Posted: 2010-06-24 09:34pm
by Big Orange
Voyager had three stories that were more obviously copied by Stargate SG-1 and Enterprise ("One", "Workforce", and "Drive"). I haven't read the original Dragon's Egg (though I might get round to it) but it doesn't come across as a particularily obvious plagiarism to most viewers and fictional stories are often inspired by earlier stories. On Doctor Who the Doctor's relationships with Madame de Pompadour and River Song is somewhat inspired by the relationship featured in The Time Traveler's Wife (a novel made into a movie).