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OVEG - Author Author

Posted: 2011-02-06 12:01am
by Darth Paxis

Re: OVEG - Author Author

Posted: 2011-02-06 11:42am
by Darth Lucifer
Great review! LOL Seven of Nine! :lol: :P :!:

Re: OVEG - Author Author

Posted: 2011-02-12 05:46am
by Zor
Just a comment. In regards to Doc being more sophisticated than Vic, Vic was programmed by a bunch of amatures while the Doc was programmed by one of the Federation's greatest experts in the field. This is not a slander against Vic or the Doc as characters but still i felt it was at least worth pointing out.


Re: OVEG - Author Author

Posted: 2011-02-13 01:26am
by Gandalf
Zor wrote:Just a comment. In regards to Doc being more sophisticated than Vic, Vic was programmed by a bunch of amatures while the Doc was programmed by one of the Federation's greatest experts in the field. This is not a slander against Vic or the Doc as characters but still i felt it was at least worth pointing out.
We don't really know who Felix is, whether he's an amateur or a professional.