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The Myth of Roddenberry

Posted: 2003-03-19 11:38pm
by Johonebesus
With all the flack B&B are getting lately, one theme that is being repeated over and over is how Roddenberry would be so offended with their seeming contempt for continuity. The attitude seems to be Roddenberry was very concerned with consistency and that something like Enterprise would never have happened if the old man were still around. I think that's bull.

First take TOS. The Enterprise was usually referred to as an Earth ship and the crew as Earth men. I believe there was even a reference to the Earth government. It was some time before we started to hear about the UFP. There were even implications that there was an Earth Empire (Spock's comparing Vulcan's violent interstellar expansion to Earth's history, a reference to Vulcan being conquered). Then in TMP, there is the fact that the Enterprise insignia has somehow become the emblem for the entire Starfleet, and individual command insignia disappeared. In one of the first episodes of TNG there is a reference to the Klingons joining the Federation, then very shortly later they are just allies. This was when Roddenberry was still around.

These are just a few inconsistencies I could think of off the top of my head. I am not saying that B&B have not ruined Star Trek, and of course there are much bigger problems than inconsistency, like bad writing, bad acting, bad ideas. I'm just saying that Roddenberry worship is misplaced. He was just a television writer who wanted to make money, and had no real concern for consistency. He was no George Lucas.

Now let's see if I get flamed or ignored.