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[RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-05 07:31pm
by Dalton
Scuttlebutt surrounding new Star Trek series
Apparently Michael Dorn is keen on reprising the most-featured character in Star Trek history. I find my curiosity piqued and would like to see where this goes; I have been watching DS9 lately through Netflix and I'm amazed at how well it holds up.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-05 08:16pm
by Srelex
Well, can't be more disappointing than how Enterprise was. Might just work.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-05 08:39pm
by Darth Tedious
This has potential! We can only hope for good things...
Will the whole bridge crew still never listen to him like in TNG?
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-06 12:49am
by Baffalo
I'm betting that to save money, it'll be a Starfleet vessel, though I'm sure we'll see plenty of Klingons. If they do it right, they might show what happens after the Narada and the Jellyfish go back in time, and we'll see just what happens to the Romulan Star Empire and the effect this has on the Federation as a whole. With Rick Berman out of the way, we might see some genuinely good plot ideas by writers who have seen the success of other shows like Lost and Battlestar Galactica, that you can do long story arcs with plot-driven characters without jumping the shark.
If Abrams gives the green light, we can see a world of Star Trek that's a complete reworking of what we're used to. Forget TNG, forget Voyager, forget Enterprise. The new series would need to reimagine Star Trek in a major way, and we'll finally see a possibly competent Star Trek where it's not all about the pseudo-science, but actual character development, actual plot, and a real shot at showing that Star Trek is a franchise that has real, true potential.
Or they'll fuck it up and it'll fall back on Abrams to fix all of this and keep Trek from dying.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-06 02:51am
by Crazedwraith
Fun concept. That will never be realised.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-06 03:07am
The market for new series is extremely poor and the latitude they get given to succeed very narrow. Not much interest in Sci-Fi now and Star Trek has been dead for years now. Reanimation of the franchise goes well past necromancy at this stage.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-06 04:51am
by DaveJB
That was very much the same situation that TNG found itself in when it launched. Had they tried it earlier in the decade it would probably have flopped for that reason (which was also in part why Phase II never got off the ground), but fortunately they'd just had a big hit with The Voyage Home, which made sure there was enough interest for the show to succeed. I'd imagine if Star Trek XII is a big enough hit, it'll create a favourable enough atmosphere that they might be able to pull off a new series.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-07 07:12pm
by Sea Skimmer
It could work, if they kept it dark and wrote out whole seasons ahead of time instead of farming out stories to whoever walks in the door, so of course none of that will ever happen. As for being beaten to death, realistically I doubt we could see such a show before 2015 at which point it would be ~10 years since the last travesty was terminated which is a pretty good gap. I don't think this will happen because its too much and high budget shows seem to be favoring various flavors crime dramas right now but you never know. One would have to know more about how much money Enterprise lost once DVD sales and reruns were factored in to be a good judge of the odds.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-08 01:53am
by Bob the Gunslinger
Baffalo wrote:With Rick Berman out of the way, we might see some genuinely good plot ideas by writers who have seen the success of other shows like Lost and Battlestar Galactica, that you can do long story arcs with plot-driven characters without jumping the shark.
Are you being serious? I really can't tell.
If they make a new series, I hope to hell they learn a lesson from Lost and Battlestar Galactica, but more along the lines of what to avoid.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-10 01:10pm
by Baffalo
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Baffalo wrote:With Rick Berman out of the way, we might see some genuinely good plot ideas by writers who have seen the success of other shows like Lost and Battlestar Galactica, that you can do long story arcs with plot-driven characters without jumping the shark.
Are you being serious? I really can't tell.
If they make a new series, I hope to hell they learn a lesson from Lost and Battlestar Galactica, but more along the lines of what to avoid.
I was mainly pointing to the long plots rather than aliens of the week. Voyager could've learned that as well, given that their entire premise was supposed to be built on a long, desperate struggle to get home.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-10 03:02pm
by Darth Tedious
So what you're really saying here is, in a nutshell, that they should hire JMS, yeah?

Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-10 10:59pm
by Dalton
Essentially do what they did in DS9, but without the silly Trek tropes. I've been watching the series on Netflix and it's still great to me.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-12 03:57pm
by Alferd Packer
Dalton wrote:Essentially do what they did in DS9, but without the silly Trek tropes. I've been watching the series on Netflix and it's still great to me.
I've been doing the same thing, with both TNG and DS9. The Worf episodes are consistently good, perhaps moreso than any other of the main characters.
"You have never seen death? Then look, and always remember." Fucking badass.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-09-16 04:51am
by DrMckay
Worf always felt very one-note on TNG. Then he transferred to DS9, and grew so much as a character. The episode where he Makes a decision to not meet the Cardassian defector to save Dax's life was a great moment, as was the episode where he has to reconnect with his son. I feel like a Series with Worf as a captain who has matured enough to be a true warrior (read: pragmatic when necessary) could lead Trek to make a fantastic comeback.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-10-16 08:18pm
by Just a Crazy-Man
I just found out...the question is what kinda ship will he be given?
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-11-02 04:39pm
by Korgeta
Just a Crazy-Man wrote:I just found out...the question is what kinda ship will he be given?
The Riker
Not naming it after a firend but naming it after a half crazed commander known for stating 'ramming speed' which is now captained by a Klingon who believes that EVERYDAY is a good day to die.
(On a more seious note it might be a galaxy class for nostalgia sake)
I don't mind them useing Deep Space nine formula just as long there is no 'prophet/destiny' intervention by a super diety wormhole or whatever. However Q showing up and asking if the ship can be commanded by a mircobrain. I would like the Dominion to show up.
PREDATOR490 wrote:The market for new series is extremely poor and the latitude they get given to succeed very narrow. Not much interest in Sci-Fi now and Star Trek has been dead for years now. Reanimation of the franchise goes well past necromancy at this stage.
Dr Who begs to differ on the subject that no one is interested in sci-fi.
There is large interest in seeing star trek back on TV and the succses of the star trek film a few years back has helped with fans wanting a return of the orignal 'orignal timeline'since. The market is there, so long as the advertising is effective. Anyway with star wars come 2015 what makes you think people are fed up of sci-fi? If the next star trek film is a big hit there will be a TV series.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-11-21 09:47pm
by aussiemuscle308
Korgeta wrote:Dr Who begs to differ on the subject that no one is interested in sci-fi.
except it's a british show. is WHO that popular in the states?
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-11-21 10:46pm
by The Romulan Republic
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-11-22 12:10am
by Bob the Gunslinger
It's at least as popular as My Little Pony...
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-11-22 12:16am
by Stark
There's heaps of scifi around and anyone who says there isn't is either an idiot or is using 'scifi' in a very specific way.
Probably to mean 'scifi I like'.
Maybe I need to make an educational video. SCIFI HORIZONS.
Re: [RUMOR] Star Trek: Captain Worf
Posted: 2012-11-22 10:44am
by Gaidin
Stark wrote:There's heaps of scifi around and anyone who says there isn't is either an idiot or is using 'scifi' in a very specific way.
Probably to mean 'scifi I like'.
Maybe I need to make an educational video. SCIFI HORIZONS.
I think they mean SPAAAAAAACE scifi. Or something. I don't know. There actually is very little of that, if any, right now.