Did TOS have a pro-Socialist, Anti-White Agenda?
Posted: 2013-01-27 09:35am
I ask this question not because I personally believe TOS was overtly socialist in it's leanings (certainly not when compared to later Trek), but because I am currently arguing with someone on IMDb who makes this very case. To quote:
Nope. Everything from racial egalitarianism to closet themes of nuclear armageddon were all insert-here thrust upon us but it was _just propaganda_, it didn't really discuss the issues or present a balanced opinion.
Remember Khan? Why is his vision of 'supermen' eugenics that of hulked up monsters constantly out thought by the scrappy little Captain? Why is Kodos The Executioner shown as being a tyrant when it is admitted that he didn't know about the oncoming relief ships and his actions, 'if the ships had not arrived' been seen by historians as the brave decision of a horrible necessity? Why is it that Lokai and Bele are represented so shallowly as 'skin deep' color variations when the reality of race is _very much_ more complex than that as a function of genetics of behavior and culture?
So much of ST:TOS was a social engineering 'teachable moment' of FALSE moral impetus that it doesn't deserve repetition. Yet Jar Jar Abrams chose that era to relaunch the ST universe and he did it by basically rendering every white male as a drunkard, or sex predator or gay-in-denial dupe. While all the /women/ are strong and self reliant.
i.e. The libtards have done NOTHING to fix what was wrong with the original series in their relaunch but simply polarized the story to one of 'all white males are baaaaad' equivalent, sexist, shallowness.
I think his argument is that TOS (and ST09 too) are promoting some sort of anti-white agenda, and that it's full of promotion for a commie agenda, but honestly, I don't know. I have never heard of anyone accusing TOS of such an agenda though.Virtually all (98%+) affluent Americans use the internet, according to Ipsos 2011 survey tracking, lifestyles, media habits and spending patterns of affluent Americans. The amount of time spent online rose about 20% to more than 30 hours weekly. Affluent Millenials, defined here as those aged 18 to 29, spend more than 40 hours a week online, essentially a full-time job. (Ipsos Media, October 2011)
The average time spent by US adults with all major media combined increased from about 10.6 hours in 2008 to 11 hours in 2010, according to eMarketer. TV and video (not including online video) captured the lion's share of all media time, about 40% each year. The internet's share of media time increased over the same period, from 21.5% to 23.5%, as did mobile's share, from 5% to 7.5%. The share of time spent with magazines and newspapers fluctuated between 10% and 7.5%, while radio and all other media (video games, movies in theatres and outdoor media) declined.
http://www.newmediatrendwatch.com/marke ... mographics
Hispanics, now the second-largest group in the U.S., are more likely to go to movies, the Motion Picture Association of America says. Last year, 43 million Hispanics purchased 351 million movie tickets, a MPAA report says, an uptick from the 37 million who bought 300 million tickets the previous year.
And in 2010, when Nielsen examined that coveted group of heavy moviegoers -- people who see on average 16 movies a year and contribute to 63 percent of ticket sales -- it found that Hispanics make up 26 percent of those frequenting theaters.
http://articles.cnn.com/2011-07-13/ente ... PM:SHOWBIZ
Because whites are the original tech-geek nerds and meeting our tastes as sense of 'truthiness' costs big bucks and requires competence that 90% of modern film makers cannot supply, they don't.
They make lowbrow stupid sh** for the 'mass market' and count on blind first weekend boxoffices and simulrelease around the planet to make up for the hoots and laughter at their fading quality.
And because Hispanics are less interested in the hows and whys something is portrayed as being and more interested in the knee-jerk thrill of melodrama (see their soaps) they are an easy demographic to please.