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Found Season 1 TNG tapes.

Posted: 2003-06-03 02:32pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I've just found a bunch of collector VHS tapes of the first season of TNG and decided to watch through them starting with encounter at farpoint. Should be good since the only trek I've seen in three years was VOY and one episode of ENT.

Posted: 2003-06-03 02:50pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I didn't know O'Brian was in the first episode as an Ensign, and how long did it take to kill Diana's skirt as well as the skirts I saw some guys wearing?

Posted: 2003-06-03 03:57pm
by Admiral Johnason
anarchistbunny wrote:I didn't know O'Brian was in the first episode as an Ensign, and how long did it take to kill Diana's skirt as well as the skirts I saw some guys wearing?
I though they died in the first season of TNG?

Posted: 2003-06-03 04:07pm
by Patrick Ogaard
The so-called "skant" didn't make it much beyond the pilot episode. Apparently it was a combination of the fact that anyone wearing one looked like an incredible dork and that the thought of a man in a "skirt" or a kilt in the pre-Braveheart days was considered too mindblowing for the theoretical average viewer.

A decent kilt would have been a better idea in any event.

Posted: 2003-06-03 04:11pm
by Admiral Johnason
Patrick Ogaard wrote:The so-called "skant" didn't make it much beyond the pilot episode. Apparently it was a combination of the fact that anyone wearing one looked like an incredible dork and that the thought of a man in a "skirt" or a kilt in the pre-Braveheart days was considered too mindblowing for the theoretical average viewer.

A decent kilt would have been a better idea in any event.
You know, Scotty wore a kilt several times in TOS.

Posted: 2003-06-03 04:51pm
by Howedar
There were guys in skirts in TNG?

Posted: 2003-06-03 05:40pm
by Admiral Johnason
Howedar wrote:There were guys in skirts in TNG?
Makes you wonder if Starfleet is fruity, don't it?

No offence of homosexual people, but if I have offened you, I am sorry. I know how offenseive it must be to have Starfleet compared to you.

Posted: 2003-06-03 06:22pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Well right now I'm watching an episode thats problem was caused by Away Team prodical stupidity and Medical not understanding the concept of a quarentine.