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Conjectural Star Trek Tech Analysis

Posted: 2003-06-11 02:02pm
by HappyTarget
This is meant to be a critical thought analysis on potential Star Trek universe technology. While I think that many of these examples can be made with known Trek tech, I would like input on other potential ones and your thoughts on these. Feel free to shoot them down thoroughly if you feel they are pie in the sky tech for canon, near post-Nemesis Federation to develop with some R&D effort. (I came up with these for my Terran Empire fan fic, and would like an objective opinion as to how realistic they are for actual practice ‘in-universe’.)

Phaser Lance – Basically the big honkin’ phaser cannon as seen on the future Enterprise-D in TNG “All Good Things”. Hence I think that it’s quite likely to be developed in the near future for the Federation, despite the fact that it was all a delusion made up by Q and not the actual future.

Pulse Phaser Canon Ball Turrets – Similar to TMP era phaser emitters, but designed to fire PPC pulses rather than standard beam phasers.

Heavy Torpedoes – Basically up scaled torpedoes to be the size of shuttle pods.

Phalanx Torpedoes – Basically down scaled torpedoes used for PD. Quite similar to the micro torpedoes used by DS9’s weapons pod equipped Runabouts.

Psychonic Attack – Utilization of powerful telepaths for causing temporary insanity and intense paranoia in enemy crews, causing them to attack each other and their ships systems. Also quite possible given the range of telepathic aliens shown in Trek IMHO.

Electronic Warfare Drones – modified probes that compliment shipboard EW systems. Either ECM or ECCM duties. Can create virtually an indistinguishable duplicate of any ship in the mother ship’s database through use of various EW systems (warp signature, holo emitters, subspace sensor returns, ect.)

Emergency Tactical Holograms – Computer controlled internal security supplement. Much like the EMH, but in tactical, counter boarder function.

Holodisplay System – Replaces the main viewer. Provides CO with 360 degree view of surrounding space. Augmented with various ID and Target Data windows. Utilizes technology similar to holodeck image creation.

Warp Field Inhibitors – Devices that force all nearby warp field bubbles to deconstruct, resulting in no warp use in their vicinity while they are active. (possible I think because there is quite a bit of phenomena that affect warp fields in canon)

Multiple Power Cores – Instead of creating larger and larger power systems, I thought that one could use more than one core to get equal power generation and greater redundancy. While the added interconnects would put a crimp on space available for other systems, I think this is possible, especially given how small one can make a powerful warp core (Defiant class warp core). And I would also think that even with the extra linkages, two smaller cores would be more efficient space wise than a lone Galaxy class sized warp core.

Powered Combat Armor – Uses a powered exoskeleton with ablative armor plate overlays. Full NBC and Hostile Environment protection. Equipped with AG system similar to Spock’s boots in ST: TFF. Equipped with personal cloaking device similar to Jem’Hadar’s. Sensor suite can see most of the EM spectrum, and has capabilities similar to the Tricorder but with greater range. Also has HUD that provides a plethora of relevant information (most current FPS games are similar to what I am envisioning) on both the user, his squad mates and his target.

Hyper Velocity Missile – Trek version of current anti-armor missiles. Uses small impulse engine to accelerate a suitably dense projectile to near c velocities.

Pulse Phaser Heavy Carbine – Scaled down version of the shipboard PPC for infantry fire support use. Rapid fire and heavy punch would be of great assets to Trek ground forces IMHO.

Well, that’s the lot of em. Your thoughts as to their feasibility? And don’t hesitate to suggest your own if you feel like it.

Posted: 2003-06-11 03:08pm
by Kerneth
Phaser lance: We can always hope.

Pulse phaser cannon ball turrets: Possible, but unlikely, I think the Federation is too attached to the sleek-looking strip phasers to switch to turrets. Also, while the pulse phasers are demonstrably useful on smaller vessels for whatever reason, would they be similarly useful on a larger ship with more power available to weapons and shields?

Heavy torpedos: Would require starships to be designed and built with these in mind. It would be extremely difficult to refit a vessel to launch torpedos the size of a shuttlecraft when the previous torpedo tubes were, at most, a couple of meters in diameter.

Phalanx Torpedos: No clue.

Psychonic attack: I don't think the Federation would ever use such a technique, they'd probably consider it inhumane.

Electronic Warfare Drones: Have Federation ships even demonstrated electronic warfare capabilities? Anyway, it'd be nice to see these, but I'd be happy just seeing a ship using onboard electronic warfare systems first.

Emergency Tactical Hologram: Why bother? An EMH servers a purpose; it's a "person" which makes the hologram more helpful when dealing with small children and the like. An Emergency Tactical Hologram, on the other hand, would be much more energy-consuming than a simple automated defense system that didn't bother with creating a realistic hologram and using microtractors to manipulate weapons. The EMT might, at best, serve as a decoy or distraction.

Holodisplay System: It'd be pretty, and probably useful, definitely nice to see a ship with this sytem. But given the propensity for Star Trek ships to have their bridge mounted on the uppermost hull section, with most of the bridge crew facing straight forward at a viewscreen that would roughly correspond with the "windshield" of the starship...If Starfleet was prepared to make serious changes to bridge design, you'd think they'd start with putting the bridge somewhere a little less vulnerable to accurate weaponsfire or even plain lucky shots.

Warp Field Inhibitors: Possible, and definitely cool.

Multiple Power Cores: Already onboard the Prometheus class starships, I think, and it'd be nice to see this aboard bigger vessels (primary and backup M/AM cores, perhaps).

Powered Combat Armor: Nice to think, but has the Federation ever demonstrated a technology along these lines? They don't even equip their security troops with unpowered armor. The cloaking device is unlikely unless the Federation renegotiates their treaties with the Romulan Empire to make it "legal" for them to build cloaking devices.

HVM: Why bother? Nobody in the Trek universes uses armored units, apparently. Also, the Federation seems to have a deep-seated distrust of old-fashioned projectile weapons, otherwise they'd've started equipping Starfleet crews with replicated combat shotguns for dealing with the Borg ;)

Pulse Phaser Heavy Carbine: Would also be useful, but the Federation has only recently demonstrated any real interest in upgrading their ground combat capabilities. One nice system would be some form of powered battle armor, with an Aliens-style combination heavy phaser/belt-fed projectile weapon/grenade launcher.

Posted: 2003-06-11 03:41pm
by HappyTarget
Phaser lance: We can always hope.
:lol: (crosses fingers) :)
Pulse phaser cannon ball turrets: Possible, but unlikely, I think the Federation is too attached to the sleek-looking strip phasers to switch to turrets. Also, while the pulse phasers are demonstrably useful on smaller vessels for whatever reason, would they be similarly useful on a larger ship with more power available to weapons and shields?
I would see them as a suppliment only on larger ships. Also, the off bore firing ability would be great to have even on small ships like the Defiant class that already has the canon version.
Heavy torpedos: Would require starships to be designed and built with these in mind. It would be extremely difficult to refit a vessel to launch torpedos the size of a shuttlecraft when the previous torpedo tubes were, at most, a couple of meters in diameter.
Psychonic attack: I don't think the Federation would ever use such a technique, they'd probably consider it inhumane.
Electronic Warfare Drones: Have Federation ships even demonstrated electronic warfare capabilities? Anyway, it'd be nice to see these, but I'd be happy just seeing a ship using onboard electronic warfare systems first.
:) You and me both.
Emergency Tactical Hologram: Why bother? An EMH servers a purpose; it's a "person" which makes the hologram more helpful when dealing with small children and the like.
Doesn't have to be a "person". Hell, doesn't even have to be visible to the naked eye. Sorry for not explaining better. I picture it as more like an AI controlled holographic presence. Capable of doing all the things a holodeck can with no safeties. Like holographic/tractorbeam bullets, hitting you like a mack truck with tractor fields, ect.
An Emergency Tactical Hologram, on the other hand, would be much more energy-consuming than a simple automated defense system that didn't bother with creating a realistic hologram and using microtractors to manipulate weapons.
Agreed. Again, sorry I wasn't more clear. What I meant was that it can do things simlar to the EMH but isn't limited to them. It IS the weapon, even though it can pick up phasers and do battle that way.
Holodisplay System: It'd be pretty, and probably useful, definitely nice to see a ship with this sytem. But given the propensity for Star Trek ships to have their bridge mounted on the uppermost hull section, with most of the bridge crew facing straight forward at a viewscreen that would roughly correspond with the "windshield" of the starship...If Starfleet was prepared to make serious changes to bridge design, you'd think they'd start with putting the bridge somewhere a little less vulnerable to accurate weaponsfire or even plain lucky shots.
Gotta love suicidal traditions in space navies. :)
Powered Combat Armor: Nice to think, but has the Federation ever demonstrated a technology along these lines? They don't even equip their security troops with unpowered armor. The cloaking device is unlikely unless the Federation renegotiates their treaties with the Romulan Empire to make it "legal" for them to build cloaking devices.
Unpowered armor - not regularly from canon, although they do seem to have some bulkier clothing that might well be energy weapon resistant.

From TNG Tech Manula Pg 163:

"The current high level suit is the augmented personnel module (APM). This suit is a hybrid garment composed of both hard and flexible body segments, essentially a complete small spacecraft. The concept, still valid after four hundred years, allows the occupant to perform slightly longer duration missions than the Standard Extravehicular Work Garment, but with much greater relative comfort. A wide arrya of readily availble tools and manipulator options is coupled with reaction control system thrusters, resulting in high productivity EVA returns."

This is the base for my power armor suit, but mine is more a suit than a craft like the description. This would require the most R&D to make IMHO, but considering how close we are to similar devices now, it should be capable of doing what I describe. As to the cloaking, yes, unless there is a reworking of the treaties, it isn't going to happen anytime soon, even if they have the tech to do so.
HVM: Why bother? Nobody in the Trek universes uses armored units, apparently. Also, the Federation seems to have a deep-seated distrust of old-fashioned projectile weapons, otherwise they'd've started equipping Starfleet crews with replicated combat shotguns for dealing with the Borg
Not just for use against armored units. Target hiding behind cover? Just send a HVM at the cover. Poof, no more cover. Likely no more target either. :twisted:
Pulse Phaser Heavy Carbine: Would also be useful, but the Federation has only recently demonstrated any real interest in upgrading their ground combat capabilities. One nice system would be some form of powered battle armor, with an Aliens-style combination heavy phaser/belt-fed projectile weapon/grenade launcher.
I agree 100%. I even devloped a new primary redshirt/yellowshirt weapons system for my Terran Empire fan fic. Thing is, it's the most "out there" idea for a weapon going by canon mentality and observed tech, so I left it out.

Grav Gun – Standard weapon of Terran Empire Marine and Army Armored Infantry. Designed incorporating gravity generation tech and rail gun tech, it fires smart projectiles at Mach 15 thanks to its gravity puller rings. Ammo available is Armor Piercing, High Explosive and Flechette. AP is basically a pinky sized solid duranium penetrator with micro impulse engine boosters (terminal attack manuvers and acceleration to 99 PSL just before hit) to punch through most known armors and shields. Mostly used against tanks,APCs, assault shuttles and for 'clean kills' on power armor. HE version contains a few grains of suspended antimatter and matter. When it either contacts or is in close proximity to the target, the magnetic fields holding the two apart collapse and release the violent energies of a micro M/AM explosion. Mostly used against power armor (when one doesn't care about messing up the surroundings some) and unpowered heavy combat armor (as surrounding soft kills are more likley from the AM explosion's area of effect). Flechette rounds send out a cloud of razor sharp metal slivers at Mach 15, creating the modern equivalent of a pre WW3 shotgun. Varying choke setting can be chosen, from close to 3 meters spread at 20 feet to 3 cm spread at 20 feet. Mostly used against unarmored or lightly armored targets and for crowd control. Usually have an underslung phaser mount for extra weapons options and versitility.

Given that it's mirror universe, I can see it happening given canon tech, but not actually put into devopment. Same reason the max phaser setting is seen only rarely. :cry:

Another thing I would incorperate would be FRELLING HAND GRENADES!!!! In Nemesis especially, the Reman boarding party would have been wiped out by one current day frag grenade!! With Trek tech, a particularly nasty variety could be dreamt up I'm sure.

Re: Conjectural Star Trek Tech Analysis

Posted: 2003-06-11 06:55pm
by seanrobertson

Here's another thought. How about the fighter route? We know that Runabout-sized craft don't have the firepower to threaten Trek capships with their beam weaponry, but that lot *could* conceivably carry full-sized photon torpedoes or nuclear missiles.

I realize that's largely a variation of your shuttlecraft-sized torpedo idea, but I had to do something to get rid of that empty post! :)

Re: Conjectural Star Trek Tech Analysis

Posted: 2003-06-11 07:06pm
by seanrobertson
Hiya Happy.
HappyTarget wrote:This is meant to be a critical thought analysis on potential Star Trek universe technology. While I think that many of these examples can be made with known Trek tech, I would like input on other potential ones and your thoughts on these. Feel free to shoot them down thoroughly if you feel they are pie in the sky tech for canon, near post-Nemesis Federation to develop with some R&D effort. (I came up with these for my Terran Empire fan fic, and would like an objective opinion as to how realistic they are for actual practice ‘in-universe’.)
That's cool.
Phaser Lance – Basically the big honkin’ phaser cannon as seen on the future Enterprise-D in TNG “All Good Things”. Hence I think that it’s quite likely to be developed in the near future for the Federation, despite the fact that it was all a delusion made up by Q and not the actual future.
The large, fixed phaser cannon is a pretty good possibility for Federation starships.

It appears that the Klingon fleet's backbone will be in Negh'Var variants, judging by "AGT," "Endgame," etc. These are BIG, very slow targets.

The Romulans' more up-to-date Warbird, probably a light cruiser, is still extremely wide and rather long; from dorsal or aft, it makes a big, fat target.

The Borg always have big, easy-to-hit ships.

And so on.

You build weapons to match the threat forces you encounter (or potential threats, as with some Klingon factions). A fixed-axis gun is a good move.

Besides, it's not as if the inclusion of as much would be at the exclusion of more flexible but less powerful "strip phasers" on the rest of the ship's hull.

Pulse Phaser Canon Ball Turrets – Similar to TMP era phaser emitters, but designed to fire PPC pulses rather than standard beam phasers.

Heavy Torpedoes – Basically up scaled torpedoes to be the size of shuttle pods.
I actually doubt the latter. That's simply too big to miss, and I'm not sure that any shuttle-sized object can have shielding strong enough to protect it from capship fire.

OTOH, if these shuttle-sized craft launched these weapons...(see post above)...
Emergency Tactical Holograms – Computer controlled internal security supplement. Much like the EMH, but in tactical, counter boarder function.
This could have promise in a number of areas, I agree. If you could make heavily-armored mobile emitters (as in, burying them inside a large armor plate), you could potentially have a small army of very tough hologram soldiers. They could have superior reflexes, strength, firepower (by virtue of their strength, they can carry more guns), and durability.

The main trouble is that hologram projections might be somewhat easy to disrupt; e.g., how the Borg effortlessly "picked apart" the maitre'de character in the "First Contact" Dixon Hill sim. (Surely a dedicated jamming device could be more effective than some head-mounted scanner on a Borg drone.)
Holodisplay System – Replaces the main viewer. Provides CO with 360 degree view of surrounding space. Augmented with various ID and Target Data windows. Utilizes technology similar to holodeck image creation.

Warp Field Inhibitors – Devices that force all nearby warp field bubbles to deconstruct, resulting in no warp use in their vicinity while they are active. (possible I think because there is quite a bit of phenomena that affect warp fields in canon)

The Borg utilized a weapon that collapsed the E-D's warp field in "Q Who?", so this is a likely weapon.

The remainder I felt were pretty reasonable ideas :) More later, perhaps.

Re: Conjectural Star Trek Tech Analysis

Posted: 2003-06-11 09:50pm
by IronicTwist
HappyTarget wrote:Emergency Tactical Holograms – Computer controlled internal security supplement. Much like the EMH, but in tactical, counter boarder function.
There's no reason to make this either human-shaped or a hologram. Why rely on a system that consumes so much power and processor time as a hologram? If the ship is damaged, you can't be sure of having enough of either for an ETH.

It would be better if they were small, independent robots. With its own power supply and computer, they would run no matter what damage or sabotage the ship had suffered. A human shape is a good all-purpose shape for all-purpose robots, like Data. A purpose-built robot should have a shape that is optimized for the task. I picture a small, flying sphere, not unlike the SW interrogation droid.

Re: Conjectural Star Trek Tech Analysis

Posted: 2003-06-11 10:03pm
by Kitsune
IronicTwist wrote: It would be better if they were small, independent robots. With its own power supply and computer, they would run no matter what damage or sabotage the ship had suffered. A human shape is a good all-purpose shape for all-purpose robots, like Data. A purpose-built robot should have a shape that is optimized for the task. I picture a small, flying sphere, not unlike the SW interrogation droid.
How about just internal defense systems like seem to be carried on Andromeda...something like seems cheap and efficient. Could you see this in first contact:
Worf: Captain, intenal defense array detects borgs beamed onboard ship inside of EPS conduits.
Pickard: Send a security team to the conduits
Worf: Internal defense already eliminated the intruders

Posted: 2003-06-11 10:52pm
by Joe Momma
Speaking of internal defenses, how about transport inhibitors that only activate after someone's started to beam in? Instead of just stopping them from boarding, you stop them and slaughter a bunch of losers, too. Just remember to issue your crew shoes with non-slip soles.

-- Joe Momma

"Intruder Alert! Janitorial staff report to deck three!"

Posted: 2003-06-11 11:07pm
by Kerneth
Joe Momma wrote:Speaking of internal defenses, how about transport inhibitors that only activate after someone's started to beam in? Instead of just stopping them from boarding, you stop them and slaughter a bunch of losers, too. Just remember to issue your crew shoes with non-slip soles.

-- Joe Momma

"Intruder Alert! Janitorial staff report to deck three!"
That'd be just beautiful. Though, perhaps, simply turn on the transport inhibitors if the ship is at red alert, rather than risk someone being able to complete the beaming aboard process before the inhibitor kicks on. Or a combination of the two options.

Again, I do like the idea of combat droids, perhaps an upgraded version of those completely worthless ones in Insurrection, a lot more than I like the idea of another hologram.

Alternately, as has been mentioned, simple automated defenses. Enemy boarding party beams in, they're immediately surrounded by force fields--or, God forbid the Federation use a low-tech solution, simple airtight doors that lock in place at each end of the hall--then the corridor is flooded with some kind of gas. Maybe plasma coolant :twisted: from First Contact, that didn't seem to damage the engineering compartment but it sure did a number on the Borg.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:52am
by HappyTarget

Here's another thought. How about the fighter route? We know that Runabout-sized craft don't have the firepower to threaten Trek capships with their beam weaponry, but that lot *could* conceivably carry full-sized photon torpedoes or nuclear missiles.

I realize that's largely a variation of your shuttlecraft-sized torpedo idea, but I had to do something to get rid of that empty post!
Actually, they really shouldn't, but it's canon that they indeed CAN, if in a more limited way than full on capships.

And given how tough they can be from canon (refer Delta Flyer and Runabouts for smaller vessels shielding levels), fighters could well be a way to go.

Give em a quantum torpedo loadout and send em to attack downed shield sections of the enemy.
I actually doubt the latter. That's simply too big to miss, and I'm not sure that any shuttle-sized object can have shielding strong enough to protect it from capship fire.
Given that shuttle sized objects can have fairly potent shields, and if given ablative armor to boot, I think it's concievably workable. Since all they'll have is impulse, shields and sensors/datalink, it's possible. Major drawbacks are that current gen Feddie ships are to small to house adaquate numbers for extended engagements. Also, they may prove to costly for the gain in firepower, might be better just to add another couple torpedo tubes for greater salvo throw weight.
This could have promise in a number of areas, I agree. If you could make heavily-armored mobile emitters (as in, burying them inside a large armor plate), you could potentially have a small army of very tough hologram soldiers. They could have superior reflexes, strength, firepower (by virtue of their strength, they can carry more guns), and durability.
Agreed, hell, even the normal mobile emitter with only minimal armoring would still be a damn small target. And they don't even have to use weapons like normal security. See my counter posts a few above. They could pull the old FC style tractor beam bullets.
The main trouble is that hologram projections might be somewhat easy to disrupt; e.g., how the Borg effortlessly "picked apart" the maitre'de character in the "First Contact" Dixon Hill sim. (Surely a dedicated jamming device could be more effective than some head-mounted scanner on a Borg drone.)
Agreed. Hence why they'd be a suppliment only.
The Borg utilized a weapon that collapsed the E-D's warp field in "Q Who?", so this is a likely weapon.
It's my pet theory as to why so many battles are STL in TNG onward. :) Pity there's virtually no evidence to back me up.
There's no reason to make this either human-shaped or a hologram. Why rely on a system that consumes so much power and processor time as a hologram? If the ship is damaged, you can't be sure of having enough of either for an ETH.
Agreed, but considering how rare robots are in Trek, I considered that going that route, while more effective, would be less likley to happen in-universe. (shrug) They seem to like holograms, and use em for just about everything they don't want to do (mining and the like) that most other universes use robots for.
It would be better if they were small, independent robots. With its own power supply and computer, they would run no matter what damage or sabotage the ship had suffered. A human shape is a good all-purpose shape for all-purpose robots, like Data. A purpose-built robot should have a shape that is optimized for the task. I picture a small, flying sphere, not unlike the SW interrogation droid.
Agreed, it would be much better design and execution of desired function to do it as you suggest. Thing is, it would be far less in keeping with established Trek Tech.
How about just internal defense systems like seem to be carried on Andromeda...something like seems cheap and efficient.
Also fairly easy to circumvent with even non-visual only based personal ECM units unfortunately (I mean, how many times have we seen characters proceeding down the hail of automated weapons fire witout getting even a scratch)

And these emplacements would be circumvented by indirect weapons (we don't see them that often, but they are there, and would be used if such systems became prevalent, at least IMHO. Lord knows what Trek would do given it's shaky trackrecord with military systems and internal continuity.
Speaking of internal defenses, how about transport inhibitors that only activate after someone's started to beam in? Instead of just stopping them from boarding, you stop them and slaughter a bunch of losers, too. Just remember to issue your crew shoes with non-slip soles.
Nifty, but as I said in another thread earlier, it would only work once. Then your enemy would be wise to the tactic and board the old fassioned way. Better to have them on virtually all the time, just incase. Cuz with beamable weapons, the enemy only has to succeed once. :wink:
Alternately, as has been mentioned, simple automated defenses. Enemy boarding party beams in, they're immediately surrounded by force fields--or, God forbid the Federation use a low-tech solution, simple airtight doors that lock in place at each end of the hall--then the corridor is flooded with some kind of gas. Maybe plasma coolant from First Contact, that didn't seem to damage the engineering compartment but it sure did a number on the Borg.
Of course. Hell, such a simple solution that it's matter of course for the TEverse. But then we wouldn't have such wonderous eppisodes of security scurrying about the ships underbelly, scurrying after a lone ragamuffin who continues to elude them because they cannot totally seal off the section in question. Given that they CAN use forcefields to hold intruders once they detect them, why not just cause a minor inconvenience to the personnelle in that section and slap em up EVERYWHERE in the section till the boarder is neutralized.

Posted: 2003-06-12 02:24am
by Burak Gazan
If you can rip an opening in space-time, I think the Army of Light in B5's universe can get you a handy supply of all the goodies listed there :)
Especially like the armoured-troopers, some good old-fashioned marines be just the thing Starfleet need. :D

Posted: 2003-06-12 02:59am
by HappyTarget
^ :lol: Well, we likley can rip a hole in space time. Question is weather it'll get to the appropriate dimesion in the multiverse. :)

Posted: 2003-06-12 09:05pm
by Kerneth
Now, it's been mentioned on other threads that the Prometheus class was to be totally revamped, with the (imo, idiotic) Multi Vector Assault Mode removed, as well as the extra components that wouldn't be useful on a ship that doesn't separate--extra warp nacelles and impulse engines and the like, as well as hull armor between sections, docking equipment, etc. The list goes on and on.

My point is, what you have as a result is a decent-sized cruiser--smaller than a Sovereign, larger than a Steamrunner or Intrepid (I think) that was already a powerful warship and suddenly has a LOT of room and mass to spare. It's fast, agile, and tough. This, to me, would be the perfect vessel to receive a phaser lance system if it was developed, at least one spine-mounted facing forward. Unlike a Sovereign or Galaxy, it's supposed to be highly manueverable, and it's got a lot more juice to spare (3 M/AM engines!) than most starships its size. Finally, and most importantly to Starfleet, it's already a dedicated warship so there's no silly quibbling about offending someone's delicate sensibilities by pointing a 50-meter long phaser cannon at them.

Posted: 2003-06-12 09:18pm
by IronicTwist
HappyTarget wrote:Agreed, it would be much better design and execution of desired function to do it as you suggest. Thing is, it would be far less in keeping with established Trek Tech.
I guess I wasn't really thinking of it in those terms. True, ST would use a hologram. But I still won't condone it. :wink:

Posted: 2003-06-13 01:30pm
by HappyTarget
^Me neither. Far, FAR better to use an autonomous robot of some flavour than an easily disrupted hologram system of some sort. Just that that's not the way Trek/Feddie scientists do things. (Iddiots)
Now, it's been mentioned on other threads that the Prometheus class was to be totally revamped, with the (imo, idiotic) Multi Vector Assault Mode removed, as well as the extra components that wouldn't be useful on a ship that doesn't separate--extra warp nacelles and impulse engines and the like, as well as hull armor between sections, docking equipment, etc. The list goes on and on.
I think it's dumb going by canon capablities myself. Far better to make 3 destroyer sized ships and keep them operateing in concert or make 1 heavy cruiser without the extra wasted space of interconnects, extra subsystems and wasted armor between sections.

IIRC the 4 primary warp nacelles remained for redundancy, but they were fed by the same core. They only took out the mini ones on the saucer MVAM section.
My point is, what you have as a result is a decent-sized cruiser--smaller than a Sovereign, larger than a Steamrunner or Intrepid (I think) that was already a powerful warship and suddenly has a LOT of room and mass to spare.
It's fast, agile, and tough. This, to me, would be the perfect vessel to receive a phaser lance system if it was developed, at least one spine-mounted facing forward. Unlike a Sovereign or Galaxy, it's supposed to be highly manueverable, and it's got a lot more juice to spare (3 M/AM engines!) than most starships its size. Finally, and most importantly to Starfleet, it's already a dedicated warship so there's no silly quibbling about offending someone's delicate sensibilities by pointing a 50-meter long phaser cannon at them.
Yep. I could easily see a phaser cannon o'doom being emplaced on the series production model of the Prometheus class. With some slight internal reaarangement and the added room removal of most of the redundant systems and docking mechanisims affords, there should be enough space. And given that she's quite a manuverable beastie, the phaser lance's limited arc won't be as much of a problem as it would be on the slower manuvering Galaxy and Sovie.

Posted: 2003-06-20 08:35am
by Adrian Tullberg
What about assault drones?

Several shuttle/Delta-Flyer sized ships are launched upon sighting of an enemy. Equipped with the latest AI systems (reverse engineered from examinations of Data) they would have oversized power plants, weapons and sensor systems, and attack the enemy in waves.

And when they've exhaused their weapons compliment, they activate the massive warhead in their nose, and ram the enemy ...

Posted: 2003-06-20 10:46am
by Mutant Headcrab
Adrian Tullberg wrote:What about assault drones?

Several shuttle/Delta-Flyer sized ships are launched upon sighting of an enemy. Equipped with the latest AI systems (reverse engineered from examinations of Data) they would have oversized power plants, weapons and sensor systems, and attack the enemy in waves.

And when they've exhaused their weapons compliment, they activate the massive warhead in their nose, and ram the enemy ...
I have a feeling that won't work. Starfleet has never been able to really figure out Data's system, even after examining it. This of course means no uber-smart drones shuttles.

Some thoughts:

Posted: 2003-06-20 11:42am
by BenRG
Re.: Heavy torpedoes
I've been thinking about this concept too. Basically, my thoughts focus on them being an analogue of our contemporary Tomahawk cruise missiles and ICBMs.

Basically, they would come in two varieties. One you can fire through a slightly modified torpedo tube. The other needs a specialised launch vehicle that can carry, maintain and launch what are very specialised weapons.
  1. Long-Range Tactical Torpedo (Tac-Torp) ~ This is basically an upgraded photon torpedo. It is about 50% longer to contain an active warp drive rather than the more usual subspace field sustainer, giving it much longer range. It also has the capability to select its' own target when arriving in the engagement zone and has very stealthy 'nape of the earth' low-level flying abilities for use against planet-based targets. Most Federation starships will carry a few of these weapons.

    The Tac-Torps were originally designed to give Starfleet the ability to take out hostile sensor or espionage platforms without violating other powers' territory with a conventional attack. They can be programed with indirect flight paths, approaching through asteroid fields or from the opposite direction to Federation space to improve their chances of reaching their target undetected.
  2. Strategic Range Photon Missile (SRPM) ~ This is about the size of two shuttlepods end-to-end. It is equipped with a cloaking device, a passive stealth hull coating, shields, light defensive weapons and has a warhead about 5 times more powerful than a standard torpedo. It also has a modified navigational deflector that is designed to generate a tachyon pulse to disable the target's shield system a few seconds before impact. It is essentially the Federation equivalent of the Cardassian Dreadnaught-class missile.

    The SRPM is designed to knock out large, high-value targets like shipyards, city-sized planetary targets and starbases. It's intended engagement pattern involves it dropping its' cloak and attacking its' target at nearly point-blank range, making it a highly effective surprise weapon. It is the closest the Federation has come to a strategic WMD specifically for use as a deterent against attack. In Star Trek technological terms, it is close to undetectable and unstoppable. It is only useful against large unmoving targets. It is completely useless in tactical ship-to-ship engagements.

Re: Conjectural Star Trek Tech Analysis

Posted: 2003-06-20 02:47pm
by CJvR
HappyTarget wrote:Phaser Lance – Basically the big honkin’ phaser cannon as seen on the future Enterprise-D in TNG “All Good Things”. Hence I think that it’s quite likely to be developed in the near future for the Federation, despite the fact that it was all a delusion made up by Q and not the actual future.
No way it looks dangerous and might frighten peaceful aliens... Besides it might be better to redesign the main deflector dish to a dual purpose system as Enterprise did in BoBW IIRC.
HappyTarget wrote:Pulse Phaser Canon Ball Turrets – Similar to TMP era phaser emitters, but designed to fire PPC pulses rather than standard beam phasers.
That would be a good idea for the larger SF ships, unfortunately SF seems to have fallen in love with their flashy phaser arrays.
HappyTarget wrote:Heavy Torpedoes – Basically up scaled torpedoes to be the size of shuttle pods.
I suspect they would be to slow to be effective, and to big target to avoid point defences.
HappyTarget wrote:Phalanx Torpedoes – Basically down scaled torpedoes used for PD. Quite similar to the micro torpedoes used by DS9’s weapons pod equipped Runabouts.
I think phasers are better suited for PD duties.
HappyTarget wrote:Psychonic Attack – Utilization of powerful telepaths for causing temporary insanity and intense paranoia in enemy crews, causing them to attack each other and their ships systems. Also quite possible given the range of telepathic aliens shown in Trek IMHO.
Why bother, if telepathy is a proven scientific fact then studdy how it works and build jammer in the gigawatt range instead of bothering with humanoid brains in the single watt range.
HappyTarget wrote:Emergency Tactical Holograms – Computer controlled internal security supplement. Much like the EMH, but in tactical, counter boarder function.
Are you completely insane? Consider the abyssmal safety record of the holodeck system and then consider turning the entire ship into a holodeck without safeties! I would desert before I boarded a ship like that!
HappyTarget wrote:Holodisplay System – Replaces the main viewer. Provides CO with 360 degree view of surrounding space. Augmented with various ID and Target Data windows. Utilizes technology similar to holodeck image creation.
SFX budget cant handle such a system, otherwise it would have been introduced a long time ago.
HappyTarget wrote:Multiple Power Cores – Instead of creating larger and larger power systems, I thought that one could use more than one core to get equal power generation and greater redundancy.
Yeah, now there will be two cores that can lose containment and blow up the ship! I think a few ships have that already, atleast the Prometheus must have it.
HappyTarget wrote:Powered Combat Armor – Uses a powered exoskeleton with ablative armor plate overlays.
Something like that existed in the Undiscovered country IIRC when the Klingon Chancelor was murdered.

Posted: 2003-06-20 07:25pm
by HappyTarget
What about assault drones?

Several shuttle/Delta-Flyer sized ships are launched upon sighting of an enemy. Equipped with the latest AI systems (reverse engineered from examinations of Data) they would have oversized power plants, weapons and sensor systems, and attack the enemy in waves.

And when they've exhaused their weapons compliment, they activate the massive warhead in their nose, and ram the enemy ...
Could work, but SFCE has had abysmal results duplicating Data's neural net. AI in general seems quite difficult for TNG+ era major powers to get right.
Long-Range Tactical Torpedo (Tac-Torp)
Strategic Range Photon Missile (SRPM)
No way it looks dangerous and might frighten peaceful aliens... Besides it might be better to redesign the main deflector dish to a dual purpose system as Enterprise did in BoBW IIRC.
:lol: :P The BoBW maind deflector mods could also have potential as a weapons system. Pity it was forgotten after the end of BoBW.
That would be a good idea for the larger SF ships, unfortunately SF seems to have fallen in love with their flashy phaser arrays.
IMHO they would be a good suppliment at the very least because they are a much smaller target than a phaser array while being of similar firepower.

This isn't a turret like a Iowa Battleship style turret, it's the 1/2 recessed ball turrets from TMP era ships. All that gets steered is the final end product of the PPC, not the entire canon.
I suspect they would be to slow to be effective, and to big target to avoid point defences.
Granted on PD, but the way I have things tweaked in the TEverse, they are invulnerable to current gen PD across their effective range. As for speed, there is no reason they would have to be slow. Shuttles can be quite fast (Delta Flyer) at impulse.
I think phasers are better suited for PD duties.
Close in yes, but in the TEverse, photons outrange energy weapons by a considerable margin, as they rightly should in canon. Hence, one needs something to take out fighters and the like at range that doesn't involve overkill with standard level torps.
Why bother, if telepathy is a proven scientific fact then studdy how it works and build jammer in the gigawatt range instead of bothering with humanoid brains in the single watt range.
Same reason similar devices are not in wide use/general use in the SW universe for anti Force ability. (act of plot) Jamming is possible but requires a similarly powerful telepath and usually only affects the jamming telepath. Jamming with mechanical tech is impossible.
Are you completely insane? Consider the abyssmal safety record of the holodeck system and then consider turning the entire ship into a holodeck without safeties! I would desert before I boarded a ship like that!
I am making big assumptions here. 1) Safeties work for allied personnelle, 2) System is only activable by 2 seinior officers (like self destruct, course given how often that works in canon, the system may only work once or twice but meh) I just want to turn a death trap for my own people on my enemies for a change.
SFX budget cant handle such a system, otherwise it would have been introduced a long time ago.
I agree.
Yeah, now there will be two cores that can lose containment and blow up the ship! I think a few ships have that already, atleast the Prometheus must have it
LOL! Well since this is post Nem era, and during the Dominion war they seemed to have solved the warp core o'doom problem, I doubt they'll have this particular problem.

Agreed the Prometheus must have at least 3. Hope they kept em in the production version even though they are really no longer 100% necessary with the removal of fanboyish MVAM.
Something like that existed in the Undiscovered country IIRC when the Klingon Chancelor was murdered.
Really? I've been through that movie at least a dozen times and never saw it. You might be thinking of the Feddie EVA suits with magnetic boots...

Posted: 2003-06-20 10:20pm
by Enola Straight
The Warp Cannon a.k.a wave motion gun, Firs employed unsuccessfully in "Best of Both Worlds"

A mass driver shooting chunks of dark matter.

Genesis Devices for Gen. Order 24/BDZ:
Instead of programming the Device's matrix for an entire biosphere full of multiple organisms' genomes, just have the surface burn and go directly to protomatter detonation.

Phaser Ram: With shields up at maximum warp you fire your phasers directly ahead. The phaser bolt passes through the shields and stops just ahead of the warp field ( phasers are going only at the speed of light, right? :? ). You keep the power on to the phasers, stokin' that ball of fire, till you're ready to release it at your target.

Posted: 2003-06-20 11:59pm
by Kerneth
Phasers have demonstrated the ability to be used effectively at warp speeds. Think of it this way: take the speed that the energy used in the phaser beam is travelling--call it lightspeed if you want, though I don't believe phasers have been shown to propogate at c--but the phaser is being fired by a ship that's going FTL. Thus, the phaser adds its own speed to the speed of the ship that fires it. It's the same way that a missile fired by a jet fighter travelling at Mach 2 is faster than the same missile fired from a stationary launcher.

Posted: 2003-06-21 03:08am
by Sea Skimmer
Kerneth wrote:Phasers have demonstrated the ability to be used effectively at warp speeds. Think of it this way: take the speed that the energy used in the phaser beam is travelling--call it lightspeed if you want, though I don't believe phasers have been shown to propogate at c--but the phaser is being fired by a ship that's going FTL. Thus, the phaser adds its own speed to the speed of the ship that fires it. It's the same way that a missile fired by a jet fighter travelling at Mach 2 is faster than the same missile fired from a stationary launcher.
That doesn’t work; the added speed effect would end once the beam was out of the ships warp bubble. Remember torpedoes need warp sustainers to work FTL

However the only usage of phaser's at warp I recall was a ship firing at another one directly behind it, so the target would have flown right into it.

Posted: 2003-06-21 03:19am
by Howedar
I think "Message in a Bottle" had ships firing foreward at warp.

Posted: 2003-06-21 03:47am
by HappyTarget
( phasers are going only at the speed of light, right? )
Depends on the epp. and on the series. Some have them on and off like a light bulb, others (the majority, especially in TNG+ eras) have them propogating much slower.