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ST III: Woefully Underestimated?
Posted: 2003-07-13 08:59pm
by Defiant
I've always thought that, as one of the Odd Numbered Movies, ST3 always got a bad rap. As a continuation of ST2, I feel it does a good job. The point that always gets me is how much Kirk actually loses, its almost tragic. He loses:
-His careeer (though he gets it back, but he doesn't know that)
-His ship (he later will get a new one, but he doesn't know that either)
-His son (obviously, David can't be replaced)
He was perfectly willing to throw his career away to save the lives of two of his friends, and I've always thought that was cool.
Posted: 2003-07-13 09:08pm
by YT300000
My reaction to ST III was: Meh.
In retrospect, many of the other films make it look good.
Posted: 2003-07-13 10:32pm
by Kitsune
I would go fair but not outstanding
Posted: 2003-07-13 11:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
It was all right. But nothing special
Posted: 2003-07-13 11:33pm
by RedImperator
It's the best of the odd numbered movies. But that's not saying much.
Posted: 2003-07-14 12:02am
by Howedar
It bored me. It was silly.
Posted: 2003-07-14 12:13am
by HemlockGrey
Spock should've stayed dead.
Posted: 2003-07-14 02:06am
by Knife
The first half of the movie was fucking great, it just kind of nose dived from there though.
STIII introduced so many cool ST things;
1. Excelceior (probably my second fav ST ship)
2. Mushroom starbase
3. Oberth class (not the best ship, but atleast it was new)
4. Klingon BoP (weather you like or not, the thing in now integral to ST)
5. Dumb ass Merchantman ship
It also have some good insight in SF and some cherry shots of the Enterprise entering and leaving spacedock. Things only went to shit when they got to Genesis and the Klingons started hunting them. The cheesy sets where even cheesier than the original show.
Posted: 2003-07-14 02:06am
by Equinox2003
Dealing with the fallout of the events in TWOK, it was a decent movie. The ending left things somewhat the same as they were in the good ol' days of the TV series. Yes, the crew was all back in one piece, but the Enterprise was not.
And while the crew was alive, and well, they faced a huge penalty for
what they did to save Spock.
I don't think the film was fantastic, but it did well enough that I think
it was in second place of the first three Trek films. TWOK being first,
TSFS second and TMP third.
Posted: 2003-07-14 02:18am
by Howedar
HemlockGrey wrote:Spock should've stayed dead.
He shouldn't have been killed in the first place. But once you kill someone, for God's sakes keep them dead.
Posted: 2003-07-14 02:26am
by Dennis Toy
why does everyone hate ST 3.... it had to be the best st aside from 2 4 6 8
it actually had some of the best designs of ST, the best bridge design.
Posted: 2003-07-14 02:37am
by Admiral Johnason
Dennis Toy wrote:why does everyone hate ST 3.... it had to be the best st aside from 2 4 6 8
it actually had some of the best designs of ST, the best bridge design.
The best bridge was the one from ST:FC.
Posted: 2003-07-14 02:52am
by Uraniun235
The LCARS interface (and that godawful color scheme) from the TNG movies can NEVER win against the ST2 bridge.
He shouldn't have been killed in the first place.
I disagree; I think that it makes the movie better.
Posted: 2003-07-14 03:04am
by Howedar
Well, in some respects it does. However, it clearly nerfs the franchise unless TPTB are willing to pull something cheap to bring him back.
Golly, I guess thats what happened...
Posted: 2003-07-14 03:29am
by Uraniun235
Howedar wrote:Well, in some respects it does. However, it clearly nerfs the franchise unless TPTB are willing to pull something cheap to bring him back.
Golly, I guess thats what happened...
Keep in mind nobody had any idea that there'd ever be a Star Trek 3. They thought TWOK could very well be the last Star Trek.
Posted: 2003-07-14 03:34am
by Spanky The Dolphin
One issue might be that quite a few fans were fairly upset that Robin Curtis replaced Kirstie Alley in the roll of Saavik.
Personally, I rather like it (especially for the sequence when the Enterprise is destroyed), and think it's the best of the odd-numbered films (although TMP still has somewhat of a soft spot in my heart

Posted: 2003-07-15 07:21pm
by kmart
Dennis Toy wrote:why does everyone hate ST 3.... it had to be the best st aside from 2 4 6 8
it actually had some of the best designs of ST, the best bridge design.
What bridge design? It is pretty much the same as ST2, just with a lighter colored flooring. Except for wiping off battle smudges, it doesn't look appreciably different when masquerading as the GRISSOM.
If you're talking about EXCELSIOR's bridge (or the klingon bridge with its ludicrous circus umbrella ceiling), I will just assume you're being sarcastic.
I don't hold with your rankings either, as I rank ST 3 & 4 & 8 at the absolute bottom of the barrel, as the Nimoy directed films don't look much like movies to me and FC is just a schizophrenic mess once you see past the nice miniature work.
Posted: 2003-07-17 12:28am
by Vympel
Can anyone adequately explain why the shitty BoP brigde in STIII was gone by STIV?
Posted: 2003-07-17 03:47am
by Uraniun235
Presumably reworked while it was repaired at Vulcan.
Posted: 2003-07-17 11:49am
by kmart
Vympel wrote:Can anyone adequately explain why the shitty BoP brigde in STIII was gone by STIV?
I remember when we first saw pics of the BOP bridge for ST4, the joke consensus among some friends was that they rebuilt the bridge so that Shatner would not have 'the high ground' relative to the rest of the cast, which would keep him from pissing down on the minor players any more than he was already doing.
You could maybe justify the interior change by saying they needed Vulcan computers to interface with Fed comm stuff, but why the Vulcans would give them consoles that were rusty and had klingon looking controls, that's beyond me.